Data Analysis Research Procedure

The data shows that from forty phrasal verbs collected see Appendix 1, twenty six of them are figurative equivalent, twelve of them are non-figurative equivalent, and the other two data are not translated. This concludes that most of the phrasal verbs in the ST are non-figurative equivalent. Chart 4.1. The Equivalence Type of Phrasal Verb in Diary of a Wimpy Kid The reason is that most phrasal verbs in Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw tend to relate the phrasal verbs with its literal meaning based on the context. For example, the pharasal verb fork over in the table shows how it is translated in Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir . Code ST Code TT 9STDOK PVF35 That seemed to be enough to convince him to fork over one of his new video games and a couple of other things 9TTDBT F35 Hal itu sepertinya cukup mampu meyakinkannya untuk menyerahkan salah satu video game terbaru miliknya dan beberapa barang 5 10 15 20 25 30 Figurative Non-Figurative None Phrasal Verb Phrasal Verb Based on the table above, the phrasal verb fork over is translated into “menyerahkan”. The translator translated it figuratively because fork over and “menyerahkan” shares the same equivalent meaning with to give something to someone, especially when you do not want to do or in Indonesia it can be explained as “terpaksa”. The sentence is related to one and another and to the primary meaning by some thread of meaning. The next example is the phrasal verb snapped awake . Different from the previous table, this table shows that the phrasal verb snapped awake and curled up in a ball are translated non-figuratively. lainnya Code ST Code TT 17STDOK PVNF63 I almost fell asleep in Mr. Watson’s class in sixth period, but luckily I snapped awake when my head hit the back of my chair 17TTDBT NF63 Aku hampir tertidur selama pelajaran Mr. Watson pada jam pelajaran keenam. Untungnya aku terjaga saat kepalaku terantuk senderan punggung kursiku 25STDOK PVNF130 I just curled up in a ball and tried to conserve as much body heat as possible to make it through to the morning 25TTDBT NF130 Aku cuma meringkuk seperti bola dan berusaha menghemat panas tubuhku sebaik mungkin agar mampu bertahan hingga pagi PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI It is because the translator translated them literally. In Cambridge Dictionary, snapped awake can be understood as to quickly return to a previous place or condition and this is translated into “terjaga” or “terbangun dari tidur”. Both of them share the same equivalent meaning and use the primary sense. The last example is from the pharasal verb ends up . Based on the table, there are three data that are not translated by the translator because the data functioned as redundant words and therefore omitted. An example is the phrasal verb ends up . It is defined as “to finally be in a particular place or situation ”. In the TT, the translation becomes “Jadi pada dasarnya, - Paman Charlie memberiku tugas sebagai hadiah Natal. Both of them describes the same situation without showing the word “terpaksa” in the TT since we know that the character Rowley was not willing to give up his stuff. The translated text already explained the context clearly and therefore the phrase ends up is omitted.

2. The Equivalence Type of the Idiom in

Diary of a Wimpy Kid This section discusses the type of equivalence on idiom found in The Diary of a Wimpy Kid: The Last Straw and Diary si Bocah Tengil: Usaha Terakhir . Code ST Code TT 16STDOK PV-12 So basically, it ends up that Uncle Charlie got me a chore for Christmas 16TTDBT NA12 Jadi pada dasarnya, Paman Charlie memberiku tugas sebagai hadiah Natal PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI Chart 4.2. The Equivalence Type of Idiom in Diary of a Wimpy Kid From the data collected see Appendix 2, it can be seen that out of ten idioms, all of them are non-figurative equivalent. The idioms found both in the ST and TT are translated literally without any other reference to identify its real meaning. For example, the idiom in a nutshell is translated into “penjelasan singkatnya”. Code ST Code TT 50STDOK IDNF133 If you ever wanted to know why I don’t like team sports, there it is in a nutshell 50TTDBT NF133 Kalau kau ingin tahu mengapa aku tidak suka pada jenis olahraga yang dimainkan dalam tim, kejadian di atas merupakan penjelasan singkatnya 43STDOK IDNF124 I was kind of down in the dumps on the walk home from school today 43TTDBT NF124 Aku merasa agak tertekan waktu berjalan pulang dari sekolah hari ini 2 4 6 8 10 12 Figurative Non-Figurative None Idiom Idiom