The Equivalence Type of the Slang in

Based on table, the phrasal verb ship me out verb + sb + particle can be understood as to move somebody or someone away from a place , while ship out verb + particle is to leave . The translated words in the TT are “mengirimku pergi ” and “dikirim pergi” which are to make somebody leave from a place . The words share similarity in meaning and form. The only difference is that ship me out uses present tense with subject placed in the middle while shipped out uses past tense and no subject placement between the words. No. Data ST No. Data TT 7STDOKP V16 But the minute I do, I guarantee you Dad will be looking for the first chance to ship me out 7TTDBT 16 Namun, begitu aku sudah menginjak usia itu, dijamin Dad pasti akan langsung mencari cara untuk mengirimku pergi 8STDOKP V185 I realized there are only about three more weeks before I got shipped out 8TTDBT 185 Aku sadar cuma tinggal tiga minggu lagi sebelum aku dikirim pergi No.Data ST No. Data TT 9STDOK PV35 That seemed to be enough to convince him to fork over one of his new video games and a couple of other things 9TTDBT 35 Hal itu sepertinya cukup mampu meyakinkannya untuk menyerahkan salah satu video game terbaru miliknya dan beberapa barang lainnya PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI The table shows that fork over or to hand over shares the same meaning and form with its translated counterpart “menyerahkan” that has the equivalent meaning of to give something, especially when you do not want to. No. Data ST No. Data TT 15STDOKP V55 Today Patty Farrell was sick, so Mrs. Craig put Alex Aruda in charge of the room while she was gone 15TTDBT 55 Hari ini, Patty Farrell sakit sehingga Mrs. Craig menugaskan Alex Aruda untuk mengawaasi kelas di saat dia sedang tidak ada The phrasal verb in charge of in the table means responsible for something . In this analysis, the translator translates it into “menugaskan” verb or in KBBI as “menyerahkan tugas tanggung jawab kepada anda”. This states that the phrasal verb of in charge of and the translation “menugaskan” share the equivalent meaning and formas an act to give someone a responsibility to do something. No. Data ST No. Data TT 17STDOKP V63 I almost fell asleep in Mr. Watson’s class in sixth period, but luckily I snapped awake when my head hit the back of my chair 17TTDB T63 Aku hampir tertidur selama pelajaran Mr. Watson pada jam pelajaran keenam. Untungnya aku terjaga saat kepalaku terantuk senderan punggung kursiku Snapped awake , in definition, is to make a quick movement because they felt surprised . Based on the table, the application of the phrase snapped awake is to show an activity which causes someone to immidiately wake up after a brief slumber. The TT “terjaga” shares the context of the ST snapped awake because PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI “terjaga” means “terbangun dari tidur”. This shows that the translator uses similar meaning and form. No. Data ST No. Data TT 18STDOKP V39 Well, Manny totally freaked out 18TTDBT 39 Manny benar-benar panik 35STDOKP V18 Dad must have known that picture freaked me out 35TTDBT 18 Dad sepertinya tahu kalua gambar itu membuatku takut In the table, it can be seen that the ST freaked out and freaked me out are both placed in the last in a sentence. The words share the same phrase but with different meaning.The firstis translated into “panik” while the second is translated into “takut” thus making both of them have the same meaning. The meaning of freak out itself is can be scared and surprised . No. Data ST No. Data TT 20STDOKP V3 I put in a lot of effort buttering people up for the past few months, and I thought it would pay off on Christmas 20TTDBT 3 Padahal aku sudah susah payah bersikap manis pada orang-orang selama beberapa bulan sebelumnya, dan kukira semua usahaku akan mendapatkan upah di hari Natal The ST buttering people up is translated into the TT “bersikap manis”. The phrasal verb is figurative since its literal meaning cannot be bluntly translated into “mengoleskan mentega ke muka orang”. By looking through its context in the ST and the TT, it is clear that the word buttering people up refers to the action of being nice to others. In the English dictionary, buttering people up can be defined as to act nice to other people . In its translated context, the TT “bersikap