Idiomatic Expression Translated The Translation Strategy in Idiomatic Expressions Based on Baker’s

“terjaga” means “terbangun dari tidur”. This shows that the translator uses similar meaning and form. No. Data ST No. Data TT 18STDOKP V39 Well, Manny totally freaked out 18TTDBT 39 Manny benar-benar panik 35STDOKP V18 Dad must have known that picture freaked me out 35TTDBT 18 Dad sepertinya tahu kalua gambar itu membuatku takut In the table, it can be seen that the ST freaked out and freaked me out are both placed in the last in a sentence. The words share the same phrase but with different meaning.The firstis translated into “panik” while the second is translated into “takut” thus making both of them have the same meaning. The meaning of freak out itself is can be scared and surprised . No. Data ST No. Data TT 20STDOKP V3 I put in a lot of effort buttering people up for the past few months, and I thought it would pay off on Christmas 20TTDBT 3 Padahal aku sudah susah payah bersikap manis pada orang-orang selama beberapa bulan sebelumnya, dan kukira semua usahaku akan mendapatkan upah di hari Natal The ST buttering people up is translated into the TT “bersikap manis”. The phrasal verb is figurative since its literal meaning cannot be bluntly translated into “mengoleskan mentega ke muka orang”. By looking through its context in the ST and the TT, it is clear that the word buttering people up refers to the action of being nice to others. In the English dictionary, buttering people up can be defined as to act nice to other people . In its translated context, the TT “bersikap manis ” already shares the same meaning with its original word in the ST. Hence, the strategy between the ST buttering people up and the TT “bersikap manis” is using similar meaning and form. No. Data ST No. Data TT 25STDOKP V130 I just curled up in a ball and tried to conserve as much body heat as possible to make it through to the morning 25TTDBT 130 Aku cuma meringkuk seperti bola dan berusaha menghemat panas tubuhku sebaik mungkin agar mampu bertahan hingga pagi Based on the table, the phrasal verb of curled up has the meaning to sit or lie in a position with the arms and legs are close to your body . In the TT, curled up is translated into “meringkuk” or “duduk membungkuk”. Both the ST and TT share the same meaning and form; they explain the kind of activity the main character is underwent. No. Data ST No. Data TT 26STDOKP V42 I figure this incident probably set me back about three weeks 26TTDBT 42 Kurasa kejadian pagi ini telah membuat usahaku mundur selama tiga minggu The phrasal phrase set me back verb + sb + adverbial is to delay a process . It is translated into “mundur”, or in definition is “berjalan ke belakang, berkurang ” or “menjadi buruk”. This shows that the progress is momentarily puts on a delay. The relation between the ST and the TT is using same meaning and form because the translation itself is literal in meaning and context. No. Data ST No. Data TT 27STDOKP V46 Rowley was 27TTDBT 46 Rowley hampir pingsan completely wiped out by the time he dropped me off at my house saat dia menurunkan aku di depan rumahku The phrasal verb dropped me off is the same as drop or to drop someone . The translator translated it into “menurunkan” or “membawa turun”. Based on the table, Rowley was giving a piggyback ride to Greg then he felt so exhausted and dropped Greg at his house. So, dropped me off and “menurunkan” have similar meaning and form. No. Data ST No. Data TT 29STDOKP V82 I started to give Dad a piece of my mind, but he cut me off 29TTDBT 82 Aku mulai mengomelinya, tapi Dad menyelaku Cut me off has several meanings depending on the text. However, the pharasal verb here is defined as to prevent someone from continuing what they are saying . It is then translated into “menyelaku”, where in bahasa Indonesia, the root of the word “menyelaku” is “sela” and it is added a prefix me- and an abbreviation from “aku” which becomes a suffix -ku . “Menyelaku” means “menyisip dalam pembicaraan ”. It has the same equivalent with the ST cut me off in terms of meaning and form. No. Data ST No. Data TT 31STDOKP V92 A few of the kids complained about the cards to our teacher, Mrs. Riser, and then she went around the room trying to figure out who sent them 31TTDBT 92 Beberapa anak menyampaikan keluhan tentang kartu buatanku pada guru kami, Mrs. Riser, dan kemudian dia berjalan berkeliling kelas sambal mencari tahu siapa PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI yang telah mengirimnya The phrasal verb of went around or go around is translated in bahasa Indonesia into “berjalan berkeliling” or “bergerak mengitari”. The meaning and form of the ST and the TT is same. No. Data ST No. Data TT 32STDOKP V106 Then Rodrick chimed in with his solution 32TTDBT 106 Kemudian, Rodrick mengusulkan sebuah jalan keluar Chimed in is defined as to interrupt or speak in a conversation, usually to agree with what has been said . The TT “mengusulkan” is “memberi pendapat” and it has similar meaning and form with chimed in . No. Data ST No. Data TT 33STDOKP V108 As soon as the music started up, Uncle Joe reached out to hold hands with me and his wife, and he started singing 33TTDBT 108 Begitu music mulai dimainkan, Uncle Joe menjulurkan kedua belah tangannya untuk menggandengku paraserta istrinya, dan dia pun mulai bernyanyi Based on the text, reached has a definition of try to hold someone or something . It is translated into “menjulurkan”. According to KBBI, “menjulurkan” means “keluar memanjang”. The definition explains that Uncle Joe’s hand tries to reach for Greg’s hand. Thus, the words have same meaning and form. No. Data ST No. Data TT 36STDOKP Dad didn’t feel like getting in the middle 36TTDBT 137 Dad tidak ingin masuk ke dalam kancah pertempuran V137 of a fight, so he just told Rodrick to pay me fifty cents for winning the bet kami, jadi dia menyuruh Rodrick membayar lima puluh sen karena aku yang menang taruhan Getting in is defined as to arrive at a place and for the translation text it is “masuk” which is “datang pergi ke dalam ruangan, kamar, lingkungan, dan sebagainya ”. Both of them have similar meaning and form; entering a situation or a condition. No. Data ST No. Data TT 37STDOKP V147 Mr. Litch pulled the three of us out of the game the second he got the chance 37TTDBT 147 Mr. Litch mengeluarkan kami bertigadari pertandingan begitu dia mendapat kesempatan untuk melakukannya 39STDOKP V132 I spent the whole game pulling the balls out of the brambles, and let me tell you, it wasn’t a whole lot of fun 39TTDBT 132 Selama pertandingan, aku cuma bertugas mengambil bola-bola yang tersangkut dalam semak-semak berduri, da nasal kalian tahu saja, itu sama sekali bukan hal yang menyenangkan The phrasal verb of pull out is to stop being involved in an activity, event, or situation . So, the translator used “mengeluarkan” for the first analysis. Based on the text, “mengeluarkan” is “memberhentikan seeorang dari suatu kegiatan”. However, pull out has other meaning which is to start to make more effort to get something and so, the second analysis the translator used “mengambil” for the second TT. According to KBBI, “mengambil” means “memungut”. No. Data ST No. Data TT 38STDOKP V2 But after dinner I caught him out in the garage, stuffing his face with brownies 38TTDBT 2 Tapi setelah makan malam, aku memergokinya sedang menjelali mulutnya dengan kue brownies di luar garasi The table shows the similarity between stuffing his face and “menjejali mulutnya ” in terms of meaning and form. In English, the word stuffing his face is to eat excessively or to eat a lot quickly . The resemblance goes for its bahasa Indonesia counterpart “menjejali mulutnya” or “mengisi mulut dengan makanan secepatnya dan sebanyaknya ”. The form of stuffing is a verb and the word “menjejali” is also a verb. Therefore, the ST stuffing his face and “menjejali mulutnya ” have the same meaning and form strategy. No. Data ST No. Data TT 41STDOK ID87 So that pretty much blew any chance he had of getting my business. 41TTDBT 87 Hal seperti itu tentu saja menghancurkan kesempatan baginya untuk bisa mendapatkan rezeki dariku Blew any chance can be defined as to fail to take advantage of an opportunity by doing or saying something wrong . The translator tried to create its equivalent by using “menghancurkan”, or in KBBI is “menjadikan kacau”. No. Data ST No. Data TT 46STDOKI D127 Rodrick is always pulling my leg, so I guess I’ll just have to wait until this weekend to see if 46TTDBT 127 Tapi, Rodrick selalu mempermainkan aku. Jadi, aku rasa aku tunggu saja sampai akhir minggu ini untuk melihat apakah he’s telling the truth this time kali ini dia mengatakan hal yang sebenarnya atau tidak 47STDOKI D73 I thought Gramma was pulling my leg, but sure enough, the regulars sent one of their ladies over to intimidate me 47TTDBT 73 Aku kira Gramma cuma mengolok-olokku, tapi ternyata dia benar. Para pemain lama mengutus salah seorang wanita untuk mengintimidasi aku Pulling my leg can be defined as to tell someone something that is not true as a way of joking with the person. In the TT, the translator used “mempermainkan” and “mengolok-olok”. Based on KBBI, “mempermainkan” and “mengolok-olok” have the same meaning, “mempermainkanku” means “memperlakukanku sebagai permainan atau untuk menyenangkan hati” and “mengolok-olok” is “mempermainkan dengan perkataan seperti mengejek”. Though the translator uses two different words to interpret a phrase in the ST, the translator does not lose the main point of the phrase. The idiom piece of mind has a meaning of to speak angrily to someone about something they have done wrong . In bahasa Indonesia , “mengomelinya” is used to explain a certain situation where someone speaks in an angry tone to someone else. In KBBI, the meaning of “mengomelinya” is “marah dengan mengeluarkan banyak kata-kata ”. No. Data ST No. Data TT 49STDOKI D82 I started to give Dad a piece of my mind, but he cut me off 49TTDBT 82 Aku mulai mengomelinya, tapi Dad menyelaku No. Data ST No. Data TT 48STDOKI D65 When Rodrick went upstairs to get the spare phone, I made a run for it 48TTDBT 65 Waktu Rodrick naik ke atas untuk mengambil telepon cadangan, aku cepat-cepat kabur dari kamarnya Made a run for it means suddenly start running in order to escape from somewhere . The translation “cepat-cepat kabur” has the same equivalent meaning towards the ST made a run for it . Therefore, the translation strategy used in this part is using similar meaning and form. No. Data ST No. Data TT 56STDOKS L74 I fell asleep in sixth period today, and this time I was out cold 56TTDBT 74 Aku tertidur pada jam pelajaran keenam hari ini, dan kali ini aku benar- benar pulas The slang word out cold can be interpreted as completely unconscious. The translator translated it into “pulas”. According to KBBI, “pulas” means “nyenyak”. The translator uses the word “pulas” because in bahasa Indonesia the meaning and form is the same with out cold . It shares the equivalent conditions of someone in a deep sleep. No. Data ST No. Data TT 51STDOKS L161 The only other option is to use the cafeteria bathroom, and that place is a complete madhouse 51TTDBT 161 Satu-satunya pilihan adalah kamar mandi cafeteria, dan tempat itu benar-benar kacau-balau The meaning of madhouse is a place where there is no order and control . According to KBBI, “kacau-balau” shares a similar meaning with madhouse and that is “rusuh”. No. Data ST No. Data TT 53STDOKS L217 And I know it’s really corny to finish with a happy ending 53TTDBT 217 Dan aku tahu norak rasanya untuk menutup sebuah cerita dengan akhir yang penuh bahagia Based on the table, corny is defined as having been used too often and it has similar meaning with “norak” or “sudah sering digunakan”. No. Data ST No. Data TT 55STDOKS L43 I’ve been trying to come up with an angle to separate myself from the rest of the goobers who like Holly 55TTDBT 43 Aku sedang berusaha memisahkan diri agar terlihat menonjol dibandingkan dengan anak-anak tolol lainnya yang juga menyukai Holly Based on Oxford dictionary, goobers is a foolish person. The translator translated it into “tolol” or “bodoh”. Both of them used the word that describes a foolish thing or people. No. Data ST No. Data TT 59STDOKS L12 It really stinks that I got such crummy gifts this year 59TTDBT 12 Menyebalkan sekali aku mendapatkan hadiah- hadiah tidak bermutu tahun lalu The crummy word in this context refers to a very bad quality. However, the translator did not translate it literally into “kualitas yang buruk” but into “tidak bermutu ” which in KBBI “mutu” is “mempunyai kualitas yang baik”. By adding PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI the word “tidak” before the word “bermutu”, it can be seen that through context, “tidak bermutu” means something useless in some sort of way. No. Data ST No. Data TT 57STDOKS L58 Unfortunately, Alex has read his share of Sherlock Sammy books, too, so he said he would help us if we paid him five bucks 57TTDBT 58 Sayangnya. Alex juga banyak membaca buku- buku Sherlock Sammy. Jadi, dia bilang dia bersedia membantu kami kalau kami membayarnya lima dolar The slang bucks is a word commonly referred to American Dollar. In Indonesia, it is translated as “dolar” and it is already a part of cultural borrowing in Indonesia to identify The United States’s dollar as “dolar”. No. Data ST No. Data TT 58STDOKS L71 I also went because I needed a surefire way to make some money 58TTDBT 71 Aku pergi karena aku memerlukan cara ampuh untuk mendapatkan uang The slang surefire means certain to success . It states the best success way to do something . The translator interpreted it into “ampuh” where in KBBI it has the meaning of “manjur atau benar-benar sangat mujarab”. Both of them have similar meaning. It is used to express a certain way to success.

2. The Idiomatic Expressions Translated

Using Similar Meaning but Dissimilar F orm No. Data ST No. Data TT 10STDOKP V58 But me and the other guys agreed it was worth it, and we pooled our money, 10TTDBT 58 Tapi, aku dan anak-anak yang lain setuju bahwa kami pantas mengeluarkan uang sebanyak itu. Kami then forked over the five dollars pun mengumpulkan uang sejumlah lima dolar Based on the context, the phrasal verb fork over is to pay an amount of money while in Indonesia the translator tried to make it equivalent by using “mengumpulkan” or in definition “membawa sesuatu dan menjadikan satu”. It can be seen that after the word “mengumpulkan” is “uang” money and so, it has similar meaning with fork over that proposing to pay an amount of money. The difference is that in this context, “mengumpulkan” is done voluntarily while the original meaning of fork over is to give something using force . No. Data ST No. Data TT 11STDOKP V44 So I don’t know if this partnership is gonna work out long-term 11TTDBT 44 Jadi, aku ragu apakah kerja sama kami akan bertahan lama 13STDOKP V199 On my way across the snack bar, I tried to work out what I was going to say to Holly 13TTDBT 199 Waktu mendekati tempat makanan ringan, aku berusaha memikirkan apa yang hendak kukatakan pada Holly 14STDOKP V216 So that could actually work out real nice 14TTDBT 216 Jadi, rencanaku bisa berjalan dengan baik The phrasal verb work out contained several meanings, but on the current context, this phrasal verb is defined as to be successful or deal with a problem and it has similar meaning with the TT which are “bertahan”, “berusaha”, and “berjalan”. According to KBBI, “bertahan” is “tidak mau menyerah”, “berusaha” is “mengerahkan segala tenaga”, and “berjalan” is “berlangsung”. Though the words have different meanings in its translation, they actually have similar meaning with the phrasal verb work out . No. Data ST No. Data TT 12STDOKP V49 Lately I’ve been trying to do my homework while I watch TV, and sometimes that doesn’t work out too good 12TTDBT 49 Akhir-akhir ini, aku berusaha mengerjakan PR sambal menonton televisi, dan kadang-kadang hasilnya tidak terlalu bagus Different from the previous table, the phrasal verb of work out here is used for saying an aftermath of a situation. Thus, the translation becomes “hasilnya”, which in KBBI is “sesuatu yang diadakan oleh usaha”. No. Data ST No. Data TT 21STDOK PV45 Rowley didn’t exactly jump at the idea 21TTDBT 45 Dia sama sekali tidak terlihat senang saat mendengarnya Jump at in the ST means to take an opportunity that is offered in a very enthusiastic way and so, it is translated into “senang” which is feeling happy. Enthusiastic and happy have similar relation in meaning. No. Data ST No. Data TT 28STDOKP V64 But while I was poking around in Rodrick’s room, I heard him coming downstairs 28TTDBT 64 Namun, waktu aku sedang melongok-longok di dalam kamar Rodrick, aku mendengar dia turun tangga dan mendekat Poking around in Cambridge Dictionary is to search for something and “melongok-longok” in KBBI is “mengeluarkan kepala melalui jendela dan sebagainya ”. In this translation, they actually have the same meaning but poking around is to search and “melongok” is just for checking something in other places. No. Data ST No. Data TT 34STDOKP V137 But obviously I didn’t learn my lesson, because I bent over to pick them up 34TTDBT 137 Tapi aku benar-benar tidak belajar dari pengalaman. Aku membungkuk untuk memungutnya Pick them up is translated into “memungutnya”. In KBBI, “memungut” means “mengambil yang ada ditanah”. What makes them different is the specification of “where” it is picked up. As pick them up refers to any kind of activity that requires hands to lift something or somebody up, “memungutnya” refers itself to a more specific activity; picking something that is on the ground. Therefore, the translation strategy used in this word is same meaning but different form. No. Data ST No. Data TT 30STDOKP V90 At school everyone went around the room and put their Valentine’s cards in one another’s boxes 30TTDBT 90 Di sekolah, setiap orang hilir-mudik di dalam kelas dan menaruh kartu-kartu Valentine di kotak satu sama lain Based on the data, went around is defined as to move in a circle or twists in a place . The translator interprets it into “hilir-mudik” which means “kesana kemari ”, “bolak balik”, and “mondar-mandir”. These meanings share the same equivalent with the ST went around . “Hilir-mudik” is a cultural word used in only in Indonesia to explain a movement of group of people or person in a round motion. No. Data ST No. Data TT 42STDOK ID34 I asked Rowley to donate some items to put in the time capsule, and that’s when he got cold feet 42TTDBT 34 Aku meminta Rowley menyumbangkan beberapa benda untuk dimasukkan ke dalam kapsul waktu, dan saat itu dia langsung ketar-ketir Based on the dictionary, cold feet can be interpreted as suddenly become too frightened to do something . It is translated into “ketar-ketir” which is “perasaan cemas dan takut”. The translator made it equivalent though the form is different the equivalent shares the same meaning. No. Data ST No. Data TT 45STDOK ID106 Mom said skipping church on Easter wasn’t an option, and we argued back and forth 45TTDBT 106 Mom bilang aku tidak bisa mangkir dari gereja pada hari Paskah, dan kami pun beradu mulut The idiom back and forth means moving first in one direction and then in the opposite one in the ST. In translating it, it is out of context if the translation is “mondar-mandir”. By looking at the table, the word back and forth is an action of replying a talk within a conversation and thus, the translator used “beradu mulut” to make it easier for TT reader to understand it. No. Data ST No. Data TT 62STDOK SL27 Some of the guys at my table told Albert he was full of baloney 62TTDBT 27 Beberapa anak yang duduk semeja denganku bilang pada Albert bahwa dia itu PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI