68 provided a chance for self investment and cooperative leaning. By learning the materials the students would be creative and easy to learn writing. The materials can be used to develop and improve students’ writing skills. By learning the materials the students will be helped to understand the genres and process of writing and then practice real writing easily. The materials provide various kinds of activities in which the students can learn creatively. Beside encouraging and motivating students for self investment, the materials also give the opportunities for students to create a cooperative learning in which they can develop their social skill. In this way, the materials develop both cognitive and affective aspect of learning. By using the materials the teachers will be helped in teaching and learning activities. The materials will be the references and sources of learning. The process of learning and teaching will be attractive and interesting, because the materials provide various kinds of activities. The learning and teaching activities will enrich teacher to find new techniques in writing.

B. Suggestions

In this section, the writer recommends some suggestions for the teachers of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol and the researchers who want to develop the materials further. The suggestions are presented as follows: 1. For teacher of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol The writer proposes the following suggestions: 69 a. The materials can be used in learning and teaching activities for the students of grade XI of Seminari Pius XII Kisol. The materials can be used to help students to understand the genres and the process of writing. The materials will be used as the references of teaching and learning writing. In the process of teaching and learning, the teachers will be motivated to find new techniques in teaching writing. By implementing the four cycles of teaching and learning, the teachers can lead the students to find the social function and context of learning a text. In using the materials, firstly, the teachers give a chance for students to brainstorm their background knowledge by looking at the pictures and then share the ideas in class. Secondly, the teachers facilitate the students to investigate the model and enumerate the elements of the model. Thirdly, the teachers give chances to the students to construct text. Finally, the teachers asked students to write an essay. b. Before implementing the materials, the teacher should have a good preparation especially to understand the cycle of teaching and learning. By understanding the cycle of teaching, the teachers can create interesting and attractive learning activities. The teacher also should understand the genres of writing and the process of writing. c. Since the practice of writing is important in learning and teaching writing, the teacher should allocate sufficient time for writing. 70 2. For further research The writer did not teach the developed materials to students of grade XI of Seminari Pius XII Kisol yet. It means that the writer does not know precisely the strength and the weaknesses of the materials in real teaching and learning activities. For further research, the writer suggests applying the materials to know the strength and the weaknesses of the materials, and based on the findings, the research can improve the materials. The other researchers are suggested to design other kinds of instructional materials for the students of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol so that the material can be the references for teaching and learning. 71 BIBLIOGRAPHY Axelrod, B. R. and Cooper, R. C. 1988. Guide to Writing. New York: St. Martin’s Press. Borg, W. R. and Gall, D. M. 1983. Educational Research. New York and London: Longman. Brown, D. H. 2004. Language Assessment. San Francisco State University, New York: Longman Cohen, A. D. 1990. 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Florida: Harcourt Brace Javanovic College Publisher. 73 Appendix A Letter of Permission to the Headmaster of Seminari Pius XII Kisol Letter of Official Statement from Seminari Kisol 74 75 76 Appendix B Questionnaire for Students Need Analysis Questionnaire for Students Evaluation Questionnaire for Teachers and Lecturers Evaluation Gambaran Umum General Description 77 Questionnaire for Students Need Analysis Nama : Kelas : Usia : Hari, Tanggal : a. Pengantar 1. Angket ini diedarkan kepada anda dengan maksud untuk mendapatkan informasi sehubungan dengan penelitian dan pengembangan materi pengajaran menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris. 2. Informasi yang diperoleh dari anda sangat berguna bagi kami untuk menganalisis tentang kebutuhan akan materi pengajaran menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris. 3. Data yang kami dapatkan semata-mata hanya untuk kepentingan penelitian. Untuk itu, anda tidak perlu ragu mengisi angket ini. 4. Partisipasi anda dalam memberikan informasi sangat kami harapkan. b. Petunjuk pengisisan 1. Sebelum mengisi pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut, kami mohon kesediaan anda untuk membaca terlebih dahulu petunjuk pengisian ini. 2. Setiap pernyataan pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan keadaan anda, lalu bubuhkan tanda “Silang” X pada kotak yang tersedia. 3. Contoh pengisian No Pernyataan Jawaban 1. Menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris menjadi kegiatan yang sungguh menyenangkan Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 4. Daftar Pernyataan No Pernyataan Jawaban 1 Menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris menjadi kegiatan wajib Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 78 2 Menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris menjadi kegiatan yang menyenangkan Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 3 Menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris menjadi kegiatan rutin saya Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 4 Saya menulis karangan narasi dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 5 Saya menulis karangan deskripsi dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 6 Saya menulis karangan spoof humor dalam bahasa Inggris Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 7 Saya menulis karangan hortatory exposition persuasive dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 8 Saya menulis karangan analytical exposition argumentative dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 79 9 Waktu menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris saya pertama- tama menentukan topik. Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 10 Waktu menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris, saya menulis thesis statement Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 11 Waktu menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris, saya menulis paragraph pembuka Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 12 Waktu mengembangkan paragraph saya menuliskan topic sentence Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 13 Dalam mengembangkan paragraph saya menulis supporting details Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 14 Dengan menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris, saya dapat mengungkapkan pikiran dan perasaan saya Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 15 Saya mempelajari tekhnik menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris dari guru Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 80 16 Saya mempelajari tekhnik menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris secara mandiri Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 17 Saya mempelajari tekhnik menulis dalam bahasa Inggris dengan menanyakan teman Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 18 Saya meminta guru untuk membaca dan mengoreksi tulisan saya Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 19 Saya meminta teman untuk membaca dan mengoreksi tulisan saya Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 20 Saya menulis catatan harian dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 21 Saya menulis surat dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 22 Saya memuat tulisan Bahasa Inggris di Majalah Dinding Sekolah Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 81 23 Saya mengirimkan tulisan Bahasa Inggris ke media massa Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 24 Pelajaran menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris membantu saya untuk memahami jenis karangan Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 25 Pelajaran menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris membantu saya untuk menulis karangan narasi Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 26 Pelajaran menulis membantu saya untuk menulis karangan deskripsi Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 27 Pelajaran menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris membantu saya untuk menulis karangan eksposisi Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 28 Pelajaran menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris membantu saya untuk menulis karangan spoof berbentuk humor Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 29 Pelajaran menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris membantu saya untuk menulis karangan argumentative Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 82 30 Pada saat mempelajari menulis saya mendapatkan teori tentang menulis Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 31 Pada saat saya mempelajari menulis saya mendapat penjelasan tentang jenis-jenis karangan Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 32 Pada saat saya mempelajari menulis saya diberikan model karangan Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 33 Materi yang diberikan berasal dari buku pelajaran Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 34 Materi yang diberikan berasal dari surat kabar Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 35 Materi yang diberikan berasal dari internet Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 36 Pada saat mempelajari menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris saya berperan aktif Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 37 Guru memeriksa tulisan saya Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 83 38 Saya membuat perbaikan atas tulisan saya Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 39 Pelajaran menulis mendapat prioritas dalam pengajaran Bahasa Inggris Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah 40 Pelajaran menulis juga diberikan di luar jam pelajaran Sangat sering Sering Kadang-kadang Kurang Tidak pernah Apakah kesulitan anda ketika manulis dalam Bahasa Inggris? Jenis karangan apakah yang anda inginkan? Dari topik-topik di bawah ini berilah tanda Cek untuk topik yang anda minati anda boleh memilih lebih dari satu jawaban, tuliskan topik yang tidak tercantum pada jawaban yang tersedia Environment Global Warming Health Food Abortion Smoking Death Penalty Story Telling Pollution Celebration City life People today ............................................. ............................................. 84 The Result of Students Need Analysis Participants opinion on …. Frequency of the Degree Central Tendency Perce ntage No. 1 2 3 4 5 N Mn Mdn Md 1 Writing in English is an obligation 3 8 18 6 3 38 2.9 3 3 59 2 Writing in English is an enjoyable activity 1 3 20 12 2 38 3.3 3 3 66 3 Writing in English is my routine activity 7 16 13 2 38 2.3 2 2 45 4 I write narrative text 10 15 8 5 38 2.2 2 2 44 5 I write descriptive text 14 7 13 4 38 2.2 2 1 44 6 I write spoof text 27 8 2 1 38 1.4 1 1 28 7 I write hortatory exposition text persuasive 18 14 5 1 38 1.7 2 1 34 8 I write analytical exposition text argumentative 7 6 15 8 2 38 2.8 3 3 56 9 I determine the topic first 1 3 6 13 15 38 4 4 5 78 10 I write thesis statement 12 9 9 7 1 38 2.4 2 1 47 11 I write introductory paragraph 6 4 6 12 10 38 3.4 4 5 68 12 I write topic sentence 5 6 9 10 8 38 3.3 3 4 65 13 I write supporting details 6 12 6 8 6 38 2.9 3 2 58 85 14 I can express my idea and feeling in writing 4 6 15 9 4 38 3.4 3 3 62 15 I learn writing technique from teacher 3 10 4 11 10 38 3.4 4 4 68 16 I learn writing technique by self study 4 10 7 15 2 38 3 3 4 61 17 I learn writing technique by asking friends 4 6 17 9 2 38 3 3 3 59 18 I ask my teacher to read and correct my writing 16 13 7 1 1 38 2 3 1 38 19 I ask my friends read and revise my writing 9 14 11 4 38 2.3 2 2 45 20 I write my diary in English 24 8 5 1 38 1.6 1 1 31 21 I write my letter in English 18 9 11 38 1.8 2 1 36 22 I publish my writing in School Wall Magazine 28 6 4 38 1.7 1 1 27 23 I publish my writing to news paper 37 1 1 1 1 21 24 Writing lesson helps me to understand genres of writing 9 10 14 4 1 38 2.4 2.5 3 48 25 Writing lesson helps me to write narrative text 6 15 7 9 1 38 2.6 2 2 52 86 26 Writing lesson helps me to write descriptive text 8 8 11 10 1 38 2.7 3 3 54 27 Writing lesson helps me to write exposition text 8 17 8 4 1 38 2.3 2 2 46 28 Writing lesson helps me to write spoof text 23 10 4 1 38 1.6 1 1 32 29 Writing lesson helps me to write argumentative text 5 9 14 7 3 38 2.8 3 3 57 30 When I am learning writing I gain theories of writing 6 6 7 14 5 38 3.1 3 4 63 31 When I am learning writing I gain the explanation of writing genres 9 4 11 7 7 38 3 3 3 59 32 When I am learning writing I get writing text model 9 9 11 5 4 38 2.6 3 3 53 33 The materials of writing are from lesson book 1 1 7 29 38 4.6 5 5 93 34 The materials of writing are from Newspaper 18 12 8 38 1.7 2 1 35 35 The materials of writing are from website 30 6 2 38 1.3 1 1 25 36 I am active in learning writing 2 8 18 9 1 38 3 3 3 59 37 Teacher revise my writing 3 10 11 10 4 38 3.1 3 3 61 38 I revise my writing 1 6 10 16 5 38 3.5 4 4 69 87 39 Writing is urgently need in learning and teaching activities 1 14 12 7 4 38 3 3 2 59 40 There is extra time for learning and teaching writing. 20 8 8 2 38 1.9 1 1 37 The Result of interview Kesulitan Dalam Menulis: - Kurang penguasaan kata-kata - Kurang menguasai tenses - Kurang menguasai grammar - Kurang memahami topik - Tidak dapat mengembangkan topik - Tidak dapat mengembangkan paragraf - Materi kurang diminati - Belum mengetahui cara menulis yang baik - Metode pengajaran membosankan - Tidak dilatih untuk menulis - Sulit membuat karangan dengan susunan yang terpadu - Kurang memiliki banyak ide untuk menulis karangan - Sulit membuat paragraf pembuka - Kurang mendapat pengetahuan mengenai contoh dan teknik menulis Jenis karangan yang diinginkan: Argumentatif Exposisi Narasi Deskriptif 88 Questionnaire for Students’ Evaluation Nama : Kelas : Usia : Tanggal dan waktu : a. Pengantar : 1. Angket ini diberikan kepada anda untuk menilai materi pengajaran writing kepada siswa kelas XI di SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. 2. Materi disusun berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan siswa dan penelaahan KTSP 3. Informasi yang diperoleh dari anda sangat berguna bagi kami untuk pengembangan dan penyempurnaan materi yang sudah dibuat. 4. Partisipasi anda dalam memberikan penilaian sangat kami harapkan b. Petunjuk pengisian 1. Sebelum mengisi pernyataanpertanyaan berikut, kami mohon kesediaan anda untuk membaca terlebih dahulu petunjuk pengisian ini. 2. Dari setiap pernyataanpertanyaan pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan keadaan anda, lalu bubuhkan tanda “Silang” X pada kotak yang tesedia 3. Contoh pengisian No Pernyataan Jawaban 1. Mempelajari menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah penting untuk siswa kelas XI Seminari Pius XII Kisol Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju No Pernyataan Jawaban 1. Mempelajari menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah penting bagi siswa kelas XI Seminari Pius XII Kisol Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 2. Materi yang disusun sesuai dengan kompetensi siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 89 3. Materi yang disusun sesuai dengan minat siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 4. Materi yang disusun dapat mengembangkan kemampuan siswa untuk menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 5. Materi yang disusun meningkatkan kreativitas siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 6. Siswa mengalami kemudahan dalam mempelajari menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 7. Materi yang disusun sangat berguna dan relevan Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 8. Materi yang disusun mengakomodasi proses penulisan dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 9. Dengan mempelajari materi siswa dapat memahami proses penulisan dalam Bahasa Inggris Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 10. Materi yang disusun memfasilitasi siswa untuk melakukan studi mandiri Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 90 11. Materi yang disusun mengakomodasi perbedaan minat siswa akan topik karangan Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 12. Materi yang disusun memungkinkan siswa untuk berkomunikasi dan berdiskusi Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 13. Materi yang disusun mengembangkan kemampuan kognitif pengetahuan dan affektif siswa emosiperasaan Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 14. Materi disusun berdasarkan pola yang terstruktur Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 15. Petunjuk yang diberikan dalam setiap kegiatan dapat dipahami Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 16. Materi yang disusun memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk melakukan analisa dan sintesa dalam penggunaan bahasa Inggris Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 17. Materi yang diberikan bervariasi dan berasal dari berbagai sumber Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 18. Materi yang disusun memperhatikan fungsi bahasa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 91 19. Materi yang disusun memperkaya pengetahuan siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 20. Materi yang disusun disajikan dalam penampilan yang menarik Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 92 Questionnaire for Teachers’ and Lecturers’ Evaluation Nama : Usia : Lama Mengajar : Tanggal dan waktu : a. Pengantar : 1. Angket ini diberikan kepada anda untuk menilai materi pengajaran writing kepada siswa kelas XI di SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. 2. Materi disusun berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan siswa dan penelaahan KTSP 3. Informasi yang diperoleh dari anda sangat berguna bagi kami untuk pengembangan dan penyempurnaan materi yang sudah dibuat. 4. Partisipasi anda dalam memberikan penilaian sangat kami harapkan b. Petunjuk pengisian 1. Sebelum mengisi pernyataanpertanyaan berikut, kami mohon kesediaan anda untuk membaca terlebih dahulu petunjuk pengisian ini. 2. Dari setiap pernyataanpertanyaan pilihlah salah satu jawaban yang paling sesuai dengan keadaan anda, lalu bubuhkan tanda “Silang” X pada kotak yang tesedia 3. Contoh pengisian No Pernyataan Jawaban 1. Mempelajari menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah penting untuk siswa kelas XI Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju No Pernyataan Tanggapan 1. Mempelajari menulis dalam Bahasa Inggris adalah penting untuk siswa kelas XI Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 93 2. Materi yang disusun sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 3. Materi yang disusun sesuai dengan minat siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 4. Kompetensi dasar dirumuskan dengan formulasi yang jelas Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 5. Indikator dirumuskan dengan jelas Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 6. Materi yang disusun sesuai dengan standar kompetensi dan kompetensi dasar Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 7. Materi yang disusun dapat mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam mempelajari Bahasa Inggris Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 8. Materi yang dibuat meningkatkan kreativitas siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 9. Materi yang disusun meningkatkan pemahaman siswa akan jenis-jenis karangan Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 94 10. Materi yang disusun dapat mengembangkan kemampuan komunikasi siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 11. Siswa dapat berinteraksi dalam diskusi dan mengembangkan diri Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 12. Materi yang disusun memfasilitasi siswa untuk studi mandiri Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 13. Materi yang disusun mengakomodasi perbedaan di antara para siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 14. Materi yang disusun mengakomodasi aspek kognisi dan afeksi dalam pembelajaran Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 15. Materi yang disusun dapat memperkaya pengetahuan siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 16. Materi yang disusun mengebangkan kemampuan sosial siswa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 17. Materi disusun dalam teks yang terstruktur Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 95 18. Materi yang disusun relevan dan berguna Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 19. Materi yang disusun mengakomodasi proses penulisan dalam pelajaran menulis Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 20. Instruksi yang diberikan dalam setiap latihan diformulasikan dengan baik Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 21. Materi yang disusun bervariasi Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 22. Fungsi bahasa sangat ditekankan dalam penyajian materi Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 23. Latihan yang diberikan memfasilitasi siswa untuk memahami topik Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 24. Materi yang diberikan dapat mengembangkan kemampuan siswa dalam menulis Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 25. Materi yang disusun mengembangkan kemapuan analisa siswa dalam mensintesa pemakaian bahasa Sangat Setuju Setuju Ragu-ragu Tidak Setuju Sangat Tidak Setuju 96 Gambaran Umum

I. Tujuan Pengajaran

Materi ini dirancang bukan hanya untuk memenuhi tuntutan kurikulum nasional seperti dinyatakan dalam Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan KTSP, materi ini juga disusun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa akan materi penulisan dalam bahasa Inggris. Tujuan pengajaran materi ini adalah agar para siswa dapat memahami jenis-jenis karangan dalam Bahasa Inggris dan dapat membuat sebuah tulisan berbahasa Inggris dengan memperhatikan proses pembuatan tulisan.

II. Materi dan penyusunannya

Ada delapan unit materi yang dikembangkan dalam produk ini . Setiap unit memuat satu topic yang berkaitan dengan jenis karangan.Topik tersebut dipilih berdasarkan analisis kebutuhan siswa. Jenis atau model karangan yang dikembangkan dalam tiap unit mengacu pada jenis karangan yang terdapat dalam KTSP dan kurikulum internal Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Unit Topik Model Text 1 Pollution Report 2 Funny Story Spoof 3 Environment Descriptive 4 City Life News Item 5 Story Telling Narrative 6 Global Warming Analytical Exposition 7 Smoking Hortatory Exposition 8 People Today Discussion Argumentative 97

III. Penjabaran Materi a. Get started Building Context

Pada bagian ini kegiatan yang dijalankan adalah brainstorming menggali ide. Melalui kegiatan ini siswa menggali informasi, ide dan pengetahuan yang berkaitan dengan topik. Beberapa gambar akan ditunjukkan kepada siswa. Para siswa mendiskusikan gambar tersebut dalam kelompok dan membagikan kesan dan pemahamannya tentang isi gambar.

b. Dig it out Modelling and deconstruction of text

Pada bagian ini, para siswa akan membaca teks and melakukan penelsuran terhadap teks. Maksud dari kegiatan ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis teks, ciri khas dan bagian-bagiannya. Sebuah teks dibaca siswa bukan saja untuk dipahami isinya tetapi juga jenisnya dan bagian-bagiannya. Untuk pemahaman bacaan para siswa diminta untuk menjawabi pertanyaan-pertanyan yang berkaitan dengan bacaan. Untuk membedah bagian-bagian teks para siswa diminta untuk membuat kerangka dari teks bersangkutan dan menentukan ciri khas dari teks tersebut.

c. Hand in hand Joint construction of text

Bagian ini berisi tugas dan latihan. Pada bagian ini, para siswa diminta untuk mengerjakan tugas dan latihan. Tugas dan latihan tersebut berkaitan dengan kegiatan untuk menyusun kalimat menjadi paragraf, membuat paragraf, menjodohkan kalimat, menentukan topik, dan mengembangan topik.

d. Find the goal Independent construction of text

98 Setelah melakukan pengumpulan ide, memahami jenis teks dan memahamin cara mengembangkan topik dan paragraf, pada bagian ini para siswa diminta untuk membuat sebuah teks. Adapun langkah-langkah yang akan diikuti siswa adalah langkah proses penulisan yang meliputi planning, drafting, dan revision. Pada bagian planning, para siswa diminta untuk menentukan topik dan mencari ide. Pada bagian drafting, para siswa diminta untuk membuat kerangka tulisan dan mengembangkan kerangka menjadi tulisan sementara. Pada bagian revision, para siswa diminta untuk mengkonsultasikan tulisan dengan teman atau guru untuk mendapat koreksi dan pada akhirnya membuat sebuah tulisan yang rapi. 99 General Description

I. Objectives of the Study

The materials are designed not only to fulfill the demand of national curriculum as stated in School Based Curriculum SBC, but also to fulfill students’ need on the English writing materials. The aims of teaching the materials are to make the students understand the genres of writing in English language and to help them in producing writing by implementing the process of writing

II. Subject Content

There are eights units of designed materials in this product. Each unit contains one topic related to genres of writing. The topics are chosen based on the students need analysis. The model or the genres of writing that are designed in each unit based on the genres of writing in SBC and internal curriculum in Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Units Topics Text Model 1 Pollution Report 2 Funny Story Spoof 3 Environment Descriptive 4 City Life News Item 5 Story Telling Narrative 6 Global Warming Analytical Exposition 7 Smoking Hortatory Exposition 8 People Today Discussion Argumentative

III. Materials Description a. Get started Building Context

The activity that is made in this part is brainstorming. In this activity, the students will dig information, idea and knowledge related to the topic. Some pictures will 100 be shown to the students. The students hold discussion about the pictures and share their impression and understanding about the pictures.

b. Dig it out Modeling and deconstruction of text

In this part, the students will read texts and explore the texts. The purpose of this activity is to know the genre, characteristics and the elements of the texts. To understand the reading, the students are asked to answer the questions related to the reading passages. To explore the element of the text, the students are asked to make the outline of the text and determine the characteristics of the texts.

c. Hand in hand Joint construction of text

This part contains tasks and exercises. In this part, the students are asked to do the tasks and exercises. The tasks and exercises related to the activities to construct sentences into paragraph, to write paragraph, to match sentences, to determine the topic and to develop topic,

d.Find the goal Independent construction of text

After collecting ideas, understanding the genres of texts and understand the way of developing topic and paragraph, in this part, the students are asked to produce a text. In producing the text, the students follow the process of writing a text. The processes of writing a text include planning, drafting and revision. In the planning stage, the students are asked to determine topic and find the ideas. In the drafting stage, students are asked to make an outline and develop the outline to be a rough writing. In the revision stage, students are asked to consult their writing with friends and teacher to have correction and finally make a neat writing. 101 Appendix C Visi dan Misi Seminari Pius XII Kisol Syllabus of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Lesson Plan The Designed Set of Materials 102 103 104 SYLLABUS DESIGNING A SET OF PROCESS-GENRE BASED WRITING MATERIALS FOR THE STUDENTS OF GRADE XI OF SMA SEMINARI PIUS XII KISOL MANGGARAI FLORES School : SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Course : Writing Grade : XI Competency Standard Basic Competencies Learning Materials Learning Activities Indicators Evaluation Time Allocati on Source 1. To express meaning of essay text in the form of report in daily life context 1. To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of report text. Unit 1 Pollution Report Text - Pictures related to pollution - Reading passage of report text – the elements of reports text general classification and - Get Started Building Knowledge Warming up: looking at the pictures, brainstorming ideas related to topics, find the message and discuss the findings. - Dig it out modeling and - Students are able to arrange sentences into a paragraph in a report text - Students are able to identify the parts of report text - Students are able to determine the topic sentences and supporting details in a report text - Students’ discussion. - written test in developing supporting details - the result of writing 4 x 45 minutes http: www. English- test. Netforum ftopicts105 94.html Sudarwati, Look Ahead 2, Erlangga: 2007 105 description -Simple present tense. - Task related Sentences Arrangement, - Task related to topics, and supporting details development deconstructing of text Exploring text, outlining the model, determining the element of the text - Hand in hand Joint construct the text: Ordering text, arranging paragraph, developing supporting details. Find the goals independent construction of the text Write a report text by following the process of writing: planning, drafting and revising - Students are able to describe things in a report text - Students are able to apply the elements of report text in creating a text - Students are able to construct a report text 106 2.To express meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of spoof in daily life context 2.To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of spoof text. Unit 2 Funny Story Spoof text - Simple past tense -Adverbial phrases of time - The use of action words - Pictures related to funny story - spoof text the element of spoof text: orientation, events and twist - task related to paragraph arrangement - Get started Building knowledge: brainstorming ideas and discussion - Dig it out Modelling and Deconstructing text: Outlining the model - Hand in hand Joint and constructing text Ordering: arranging paragraph Analyzing the model Developing paragraph Writing a twist - Find the goals independent - Students are able to mention the element of spoof text - Students are able to identify the parts of spoof text - Students are able to apply the elements of spoof text in creating a text - Students are able to construct a spoof text - written test in developing supporting details - the result of writing 4 x 45 minutes www. Onlyfunnyst English New Concept 107 construction Write a spoof text by following the process of writing: planning, drafting and revising 3. To express meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of descriptive in daily life context 3. To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of descriptive text. Unit 3. Environment Descriptive text - Pictures related to environment - Reading passage descriptive text - tasks related to thesis statement - adjectives and compound adjectives - degree of comparison - Get started Building knowledge Brainstorming and discussing ideas - Dig it out Modelling and Deconstructing text: outlining the model, analyzing the element - Hand in hand Joint and constructing text: underlining thesis sentences. - Find the goals independent construction: Write a descriptive text by - Students are able to explain the elements of descriptive text. - Students are able to identify the thesis statement in a descriptive text - Students are able to sketch a descriptive text - Students are able to compose a descriptive text. - the result of writing 4 x 45 minutes Regina L. Smalley, Refining Compositi on. Georg M. Rooks, Paragraph Power Sudarwati, Look Ahead 1, Erlangga: 2007 108 following the process of writing: planning, drafting and revising 4. To express meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of news items in daily life context 4. To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of news item text. Unit 4 City Life News Item - pictures related to city life - reading passages related to city life - the element of news item - Task related to topic sentences and supporting details - Get started Building knowledge: Brainstorming and discussing - Dig it out Modelling and Deconstructing text: exploring text model, analyzing the model - Hand in hand Joint and constructing text:Ordering paragraph Completing statements - Find the goals independent construction: - Students are able to recognize the parts of News Item text. - Students are able to identify the elements of News Item text - Students are able to determine the topic sentences and supporting details in News Item text. - Students are able to arrange paragraph. - Students are able to formulate the supporting details. - Students are able to compose a News Item text - written test in completing statements - the result of writing 4 x 45 minutes www.engl ish – The Jakarta Post June 01 2008 Lukman, Headlight 2 109 Write a news item text by following the process of writing: planning, drafting and revising 5. To express meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of narrative in daily life context 5. To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of narrative text. Unit 5 Story Telling narrative text - pictures related to story - Reading passages related to narrative text the element of narrative text: orientation, complication and resolution - Nouns, pronouns, noun phrases - Get started Building knowledge: Brainstorming and discussing the pictures - Dig it out Modelling and Deconstructing text: exploring text elements - Hand in hand Joint and constructing text: Rearranging paragraph, identifying topic senteces - Find the goals independent - Students are able to label the elements of narrative text. - Students are able to determine the topic sentence in a narrative text. - Students are able to restate the transition used in narrative text. - Students are able to rearrange a jumble paragraph. - Students are able to compose a narrative text. 4 x 45 minutes George E. Wilson, Let’s Write English, 1980. Pardiyono, 12 Writing Clues 110 and conjunction - The task related to topic sentences and paragraph arrangement construction: Write a narrative text by following the process of writing: planning, drafting and revising 6. To express meaning of essay text in the form of analytical exposition in daily life context 6.To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of analytical exposition text. Unit 6 Global Warming analytical exposition text - pictures related to global warming - reading passage analytical exposition text - compound and complex sentences - Task related to sentences arrangement - Get started Building knowledge: brainstorming and discussing the findings - Dig it out Modelling and Deconstructing text: exploring text elements - Hand in hand Joint and constructing text:writing topic sentences and supporting details, and completing text. developing - Students are able to recognize the elements of analytical exposition essay. - Students are able to arrange jumble sentences into a good paragraph. - Students are able to determine the topic sentences and supporting details from the paragraphs. - Students are able to create supporting details from topic sentences. - Students’ discussion. - written test in developing supporting details - the result of writing 4 x 45 minutes www.essa m Erric Glendenin g, Write Ideas, 1990 George Rook, Paragraph Power, 1999 111 - Task elated to topic sentences and supporting details topic sentences, ordering - Find the goals independent construction: Write a analytical exposition text by following the process of writing: planning, drafting and revising - Students are able to collect information to create an analytical exposition essay. - Students can create an argument for analytical exposition essay. - Students can construct analytical exposition essay. 7. To express meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of and hortatory exposition in daily life context 7. To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life Unit 7 Smoking hortatory exposition text - Pictures related to smoking - reading passages hortatory - Get started Building knowledge: brainstorming and discussing - Dig it out Modelling and Deconstructing text: exploring text elements. - Students are able to recognize the elements of hortatory exposition essay - Students are able to identify the elements of hortatory exposition essay - Students are - written test in developing supporting details - the result of writing 4 x 45 minutes www.dis.f Sudarwati, Look Ahead 2, Erlangga: 2007 112 context in the form of hortatory exposition text. exposition text - compound and complex sentences -modals and adverb -Task related to paragraph construction - Hand in hand Joint and constructing text: constructing and developing paragraph - Find the goals independent construction: Write a hortatory exposition text by following the process of writing: planning, drafting and revising able to order the outline of hortatory exposition essay. - Students are able to employ the elements in analyzing a hortatory exposition essay. - Students are able to arrange a paragraph. - Students are able to compose a hortatory exposition essay. 8. To express meaning of monolog written text in the form of discussionargum entative in daily life context. 8. To express meaning and rhetorical steps in monolog text by using written language manner accurately, Unit 8 People Today Discussion Argumentativ e text - pictures related to peoples life in recent - Get started Building knowledge: brainstorming ideas and discussion - Dig it out Modelling and - Students are able to recognize the elements of argumentative discussion essay. - Students are able to report the elements of argumentative - Students’ discussion. - written test in developing supporting details - the result of writing 4 x 45 minutes Pardiyono, Teaching Genre- Based Wrting 2007. Erric Glendenin g, Write Ideas, 113 fluently and acceptably in daily context in the form of discussion argumentative text. years - reading passages discussion or argumentativ e text - transition words - word related to link arguments - present tense and past tense - Deconstructing text: exploring text element, outlining text - Hand in hand Joint and constructing text: completing the sentences, ordering paragraph, matching sentences. - Find the goals independent construction: Write a discussionargume ntative text by following the process of writing: planning, drafting and revising essay. - Students are able to determine arguments for argumentative essay - Students are able to match the paragraph - Students are able to write down the topic - Students are able to construct an argumentative essay. 1990 Sudarwati, Look Ahead 2, Erlangga: 2007 114 LESSON PLAN Unit 1 : Pollution Competency Standard : To express meaning of essay text in the form of report in daily life context Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of report text. Time Allocation : 4 x 45 Minutes Indicators: At the end of the lesson, students are able to: 1. arrange sentences into a paragraph in a report text 2. identify the parts of report text 3. determine the topic sentences and supporting details in a report text 4. describe things in a report text 5. apply the elements of report text in creating a text 6. construct a report text 115 Meeting 1 Time Allocation: 2 x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3.Introducing new topics by giving warming up 4.Asking students to look at the pictures: Task A Look at the pictures 5. Asking students about their findings and comment about pictures Task B Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Asking the students to read the text Text A 7. Facilitating the students to answer the questions Question B 8. Facilitating the students to explore the element text 9. Giving explanation about the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 10. Monitoring the students in arranging sentences and Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3. Listen to the teacher 4. Looking at the pictures, brainstorming the ideas. Work in group of three 5. sharing ideas and discussing the findings Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Reading the text 7. Answer the questions 8. Exploring the element text 9. Investigating the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 10. Arranging the sentences into good paragraph and 3 8 8 7 8 10 10 12 116 determine the topic sentences Project 1 11. Facilitating the students in developing topic sentences into paragraph Project 2 determining the topic sentences Finishing Project 1 11.Developing topic sentences into paragraph Finishing Project 2 12 Post Activities 12. Conclude today’s activities 13. Homework brainstorming idea about pollution 14. Previewing the next meeting 15. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 13. Listen to the teacher and do home work. 14. Listen to the teacher 15. Closing 3 3 1 1 117 Meeting 2 Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Giving explanation about the process of writing Planning writing 4. Asking Students to find out the topic 5. Facilitate the students to determine topic 6. Facilitating students in brainstorming ideas 7. Facilitating students in exploring references Drafting Writing 8. Facilitating students in outliningdrafting 9. Facilitating students in writing introductory paragraph 10. Facilitating students in developing topics and supporting details 11. Monitoring students in writing conclusion 12. Facilitating students in writing first draft Revising Writing 13.Facilitating students in revising draft 14. Asking students to write a neat writing Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Listening to teacher explanation Planning writing 4. Finding out the topic for writing 5. determining the topic 6. Brainstorming ideas 7. Exploring references Drafting 8. Making an outline 9. Writing introductory paragraph 10. Developing topic and supporting details 11. Writing conclusion 12. Writing first draft Revising writing Consulting with teacher for revising Writing a neat essay 3 3 3 5 7 8 8 7 5 7 8 10 118 15. Asking students to submit the essay Submit the essay 3 Post Activities 12. Conclude today’s activities 13.Homework 14. Previewing the next meeting 15. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 13. Listen to the teacher about the instruction of homework 14. Listen to the teacher 15. Closing 3 3 1 1 119 Unit 2 : Funny Story Competency Standard : To express meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of spoof in daily life context Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of spoof text. Time Allocations : 4 x 45 minutes Indicators : At the end of the lesson, students are able to - mention the element of spoof text - identify the parts of spoof text - apply the elements of spoof text in creating a text - construct a spoof text 120 Meeting 1 Time Allocation 2 x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3.Introducing new topics by giving explanation about spoof text 4.Asking students to look at the pictures: Task A Look at the pictures 5. Asking students about their findings and comment about pictures Task B Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Asking the students to read the text Text A 7. Facilitating the students to answer the questions Question B 8. Facilitating the students to explore the element text 9. Monitoring students to outline the text Task C 10. Giving explanation about the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3. Listen to the teacher 4. Looking at the pictures, brainstorming the ideas. Work in group of three 5. sharing ideas and discussing the findings Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Reading the text 7. Answer the questions 8. Exploring the element text 9. Outline the text 10. Investigating the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 3 7 8 7 8 10 8 8 121 11. Monitoring the students in arranging paragraph Project 1 12. Facilitating the students in outlining paragraph Project 2 13. Monitoring students in writing twist for spoof text Project 3 11. Arranging paragraphFinishing Project 1 12.Outlining paragraph into spoof element Finishing Project 2 13. Writing twist for spoof text Finishing Project 3 7 7 5 Post Activities 14. Conclude today’s activities 15. Homework Find a model of spoof text 16. Previewing the next meeting 17. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 15. Listen to the teacher and do home work. 16. Listen to the teacher 17. Closing 3 3 1 1 122 Meeting 2 Time Allocation 2 x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Giving explanation about the process of writing Planning writing 4. Asking Students to find out the topic 5. Facilitate the students to determine topic 6. Facilitating students in brainstorming ideas 7. Facilitating students in exploring references Drafting Writing 8. Facilitating students in outliningdrafting 9. Facilitating students in writing orientation of spoof text 10. Facilitating students in developing events 11. Monitoring students in writing twist 12. Facilitating students in writing first draft Revising Writing 13.Facilitating students in revising draft Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Listening to teacher explanation Planning writing 4. Finding out the topic for writing 5. determining the topic 6. Brainstorming ideas 7. Exploring references Drafting 8. Making an outline 9. Writing orientation in spoof text 10. Developing events in spoof text 11. Writing twist 12. Writing first draft Revising writing 13. Consulting with teacher for revising 3 3 3 5 7 8 8 7 5 7 8 123 14. Asking students to write a neat writing 15. Asking students to submit the essay 14. Writing a neat essay 15. Submit the essay 10 3 Post Activities 16. Conclude today’s activities 17.Homework 14. Previewing the next meeting 15. Closing Post Activities 16. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 17. Listen to the teacher about the instruction of homework 14. Listen to the teacher 15. Closing 3 3 1 1 124 Unit 3 : Environment Competency Standard : To express meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of descriptive in daily life context Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of descriptive text. Time Allocations : 4 x 45 minutes Indicators : At the end of the lesson, students are able to: - explain the elements of descriptive text. - identify the thesis statement in a descriptive text - sketch a descriptive text - compose a descriptive text. 125 Meeting 1 Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3.Introducing new topics by giving explanation about descriptive text 4.Asking students to look at the pictures: Task A Look at the pictures 5. Asking students about their findings and comment about pictures Task B Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Asking the students to read the text Text A 7. Facilitating the students to answer the questions Question B 8. Facilitating the students to explore the element text 9. Giving explanation about the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 10. Giving explanation about thesis statement 11. Monitoring the students in choosing the thesis statement Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3. Listen to the teacher 4. Looking at the pictures, brainstorming the ideas. Work in group of three 5. sharing ideas and discussing the findings Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Reading the text 7. Answer the questions 8. Exploring the element text 9. Listening to teacher’s explanation Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 10. Listening to teacher explanation 11. Choosing thesis statement Project 1 3 10 10 3 8 10 3 5 10 126 Project 1 12. Facilitating students in writing thesis statement 13. Facilitating students in brainstorming information about interesting places 12. Write a thesis statement 13. Brainstorming information about interesting places 10 10 Post Activities 13. Conclude today’s activities 14. Asking students to do homework 15. Previewing the next meeting 16. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 15. Listen to the teacher and do homework. 15. Listen to the teacher 16. Closing 3 2 1 1 127 Meeting 2 Time Allocation : 2x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Giving explanation about the process of writing Planning writing 4. Asking Students to find out the topic 5. Facilitate the students to determine topic 6. Facilitating students in brainstorming ideas 7. Facilitating students in exploring references Drafting Writing 8. Facilitating students in outliningdrafting 9. Facilitating students in writing introductory paragraph 10. Facilitating students in developing topics and supporting details 11. Monitoring students in writing conclusion 12. Facilitating students in writing first draft Revising Writing Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Listening to teacher explanation Planning writing 4. Finding out the topic for writing 5. determining the topic 6. Brainstorming ideas 7. Exploring references Drafting 8. Making an outline 9. Writing introductory paragraph 10. Developing topic and supporting details 11. Writing conclusion 12. Writing first draft Revising writing 3 3 3 5 7 8 8 7 5 7 128 13.Facilitating students in revising draft 14. Asking students to write a neat writing 15. Asking students to submit the essay Consulting with teacher for revising Writing a neat essay Submit the essay 8 10 3 Post Activities 12. Conclude today’s activities 13.Homework 14. Previewing the next meeting 15. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 13. Listen to the teacher about the instruction of homework 14. Listen to the teacher 15. Closing 3 3 1 1 129 Unit 4 : City Life Competency Standard : To express meaning of short functional text and simple essay in the form of news items in daily life context Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of news item text. Time Allocations : 4 x 45 minutes Indicators : At the end of the lesson, students are able to: - recognize the parts of News Item text. - identify the elements of News Item text - determine the topic sentences and supporting details in News Item text. - arrange paragraph. - formulate the supporting details. - compose a News Item text 130 Meeting 1 Time Allocation: 2x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3.Introducing new topics by giving explanation about news item text 4.Asking students to look at the pictures: Task A Look at the pictures 5. Asking students about their findings and comment about pictures Task B Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Asking the students to read the text Text A 7. Facilitating the students to answer the questions Question B 8. Asking students to read text Text C 9. Facilitating the students to explore the element text 10. Monitoring students to outline the text Task C 11. Giving explanation about the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 12. Monitoring the students in arranging paragraph Project Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3. Listen to the teacher 4. Looking at the pictures, brainstorming the ideas. Work in group of three 5. sharing ideas and discussing the findings Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Reading the text 7. Answer the questions 8. Read text C 9. Exploring the element text 10. Outline the text 11. Investigating the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 12. Arranging paragraphFinishing Project 1 3 7 8 5 5 4 10 8 8 8 131 1 13. Facilitating the students in finding topic sentences and supporting details 14. Monitoring students in completing statements Project 2 13.Finding topic sentences and supporting details 14. Writing twist for spoof text Finishing Project 3 8 8 Post Activities 15. Conclude today’s activities 16. Giving Homework 17. Previewing the next meeting 18. Closing Post Activities 15. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 16. Listen to the teacher and do home work. 17. Listen to the teacher 18. Closing 3 3 1 1 132 Meeting 2 Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Giving explanation about the process of writing Planning writing 4. Asking Students to find out the topic 5. Facilitate the students to determine topic 6. Facilitating students in brainstorming ideas 7. Facilitating students in exploring references Drafting Writing 8. Facilitating students in outliningdrafting 9. Facilitating students in writing introductory paragraph 10. Facilitating students in developing topics and supporting details 11. Monitoring students in writing conclusion 12. Facilitating students in writing first draft Revising Writing 13.Facilitating students in revising draft 14. Asking students to write a neat writing Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Listening to teacher explanation Planning writing 4. Finding out the topic for writing 5. determining the topic 6. Brainstorming ideas 7. Exploring references Drafting 8. Making an outline 9. Writing introductory paragraph 10. Developing topic and supporting details 11. Writing conclusion 12. Writing first draft Revising writing Consulting with teacher for revising Writing a neat essay 3 3 3 5 7 8 8 7 5 7 8 10 133 15. Asking students to submit the essay Submit the essay 3 Post Activities 12. Conclude today’s activities 13.Homework 14. Previewing the next meeting 15. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 13. Listen to the teacher about the instruction of homework 14. Listen to the teacher 15. Closing 3 3 1 1 134 Unit 5 : Story Telling Competency Standard : To express meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of narrative in daily life context Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of narrative text. Time Allocations : 4 x 45 minutes Indicators : At the end of the lesson, students are able to - label the elements of narrative text. - determine the topic sentence in a narrative text. - restate the transition used in narrative text. - rearrange a jumble paragraph. - compose a narrative text. 135 Meeting 1 Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3.Introducing new topics by giving explanation about narrative text 4.Asking students to look at the pictures: Task A Look at the pictures 5. Asking students about their findings and comment about pictures Task B Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Asking the students to read the text Text A 7. Facilitating the students to answer the questions Question B 8. Asking students to read text Text C 9. Facilitating the students to explore the element text 10. Monitoring students to outline the text Task C 11. Giving explanation about the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3. Listen to the teacher 4. Looking at the pictures, brainstorming the ideas. Work in group of three 5. sharing ideas and discussing the findings Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Reading the text 7. Answer the questions 8. Read text C 9. Exploring the element text 10. Outline the text 11. Investigating the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 3 7 8 5 5 4 10 8 8 136 12. Monitoring the students in determining topic sentences in paragraph Project 1 13. Facilitating the students in finding transition 14. Monitoring students in arranging paragraph Project 2 12. Determining topic sentences Finishing Project 1 13.Finding transition 14. Arranging paragraph 8 8 8 Post Activities 15. Conclude today’s activities 16. Homework 17. Previewing the next meeting 18. Closing Post Activities 15. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 16. Listen to the teacher and do home work. 17. Listen to the teacher 18. Closing 3 3 1 1 137 Meeting 2 Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Giving explanation about the process of writing Planning writing 4. Asking Students to find out the topic 5. Facilitate the students to determine topic 6. Facilitating students in brainstorming ideas 7. Facilitating students in exploring references Drafting Writing 8. Facilitating students in outliningdrafting 9. Facilitating students in writing introductory paragraph 10. Facilitating students in developing topics and supporting details 11. Monitoring students in writing conclusion 12. Facilitating students in writing first draft Revising Writing 13.Facilitating students in revising draft Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Listening to teacher explanation Planning writing 4. Finding out the topic for writing 5. determining the topic 6. Brainstorming ideas 7. Exploring references Drafting 8. Making an outline 9. Writing introductory paragraph 10. Developing topic and supporting details 11. Writing conclusion 12. Writing first draft Revising writing Consulting with teacher for revising 3 3 3 5 7 8 8 7 5 7 8 138 14. Asking students to write a neat writing 15. Asking students to submit the essay Writing a neat essay Submit the essay 10 3 Post Activities 12. Conclude today’s activities 13.Homework 14. Previewing the next meeting 15. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 13. Listen to the teacher about the instruction of homework 14. Listen to the teacher 15. Closing 3 3 1 1 139 Unit 6 : Global Warming Competency Standard : To express meaning of essay text in the form of analytical exposition in daily life context Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of analytical exposition text. Time Allocations : 2 x 45 minutes Indicators : At the end of the lesson students are able to: - recognize the elements of analytical exposition essay. - arrange jumble sentences into a good paragraph. - determine the topic sentences and supporting details from the paragraphs. - create supporting details from topic sentences. - collect information to create an analytical exposition essay. - create an argument for analytical exposition essay. - construct analytical exposition essay. 140 Meeting 1 Time Allocation: 2 x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3.Introducing new topics by giving explanation about analytical exposition text 4.Asking students to look at the pictures: Task A Look at the pictures 5. Asking students about their findings and comment about pictures Task B Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Asking the students to read the text Text A 7. Facilitating the students to answer the questions Question B 8. Asking students to fill the table Text C 9. Facilitating the students to explore the element text 10. Monitoring students to outline the text Task C 11. Giving explanation about the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3. Listen to the teacher 4. Looking at the pictures, brainstorming the ideas. Work in group of three 5. sharing ideas and discussing the findings Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Reading the text 7. Answer the questions 8. Fill the table table C 9. Exploring the element text 10. Outline the text 11. Investigating the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 3 7 8 5 5 4 10 8 8 141 12. Monitoring the students in arranging paragraph Project 1 13. Facilitating the students in finding topic sentences and supporting details Project 2 14. Monitoring students in developing topic sentences into supporting details Project 3 12. Arranging paragraphFinishing Project 1 13.Finding topic sentences and supporting details Project 2 14. Developing topic sentences into supporting details Project 3 8 8 10 Post Activities 15. Conclude today’s activities 16. Homework exploring information about global warming 17. Previewing the next meeting 18. Closing Post Activities 15. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 16. Listen to the teacher and do home work. 17. Listen to the teacher 18. Closing 3 3 1 1 142 Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Giving explanation about the process of writing Planning writing 4. Asking Students to find out the topic 5. Facilitate the students to determine topic 6. Facilitating students in brainstorming ideas 7. Facilitating students in exploring references Drafting Writing 8. Facilitating students in outliningdrafting 9. Facilitating students in writing introductory paragraph 10. Facilitating students in developing topics and supporting details 11. Monitoring students in writing conclusion 12. Facilitating students in writing first draft Revising Writing 13.Facilitating students in revising draft 14. Asking students to write a neat writing 15. Asking students to submit the essay Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Listening to teacher explanation Planning writing 4. Finding out the topic for writing 5. determining the topic 6. Brainstorming ideas 7. Exploring references Drafting 8. Making an outline 9. Writing introductory paragraph 10. Developing topic and supporting details 11. Writing conclusion 12. Writing first draft Revising writing Consulting with teacher for revising Writing a neat essay Submit the essay 3 3 3 5 7 8 8 7 5 7 8 10 3 143 Post Activities 12. Conclude today’s activities 13.Homework 14. Previewing the next meeting 15. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 13. Listen to the teacher about the instruction of homework 14. Listen to the teacher 15. Closing 3 3 1 1 144 Unit 7 : Smoking Competency Standard : To express meaning of short functional text and essay in the form of and hortatory exposition in daily life context Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical steps in essay by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily life context in the form of hortatory exposition text. Time Allocations : 4 x 45 minutes Indicators : At the end of the lesson, students are able to - recognize the elements of hortatory exposition essay - identify the elements of hortatory exposition essay - order the outline of hortatory exposition essay. - employ the elements in analyzing a hortatory exposition essay. - arrange a paragraph. - compose a hortatory exposition essay. 145 Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3.Introducing new topics by giving explanation about hortatory exposition text 4.Asking students to look at the pictures: Task A Look at the pictures 5. Asking students about their findings and comment about pictures Task B Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Asking the students to read the text Text A 7. Facilitating the students to explore the element of text 8. Facilitating the students to outline reading passage Question B 9. Giving explanation about the element of the text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 10. Monitoring the students in arranging paragraph Project 1 11. Facilitating the students in write down topic sentences Project 2 Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3. Listen to the teacher 4. Looking at the pictures, brainstorming the ideas. Work in group of three 5. sharing ideas and discussing the findings Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Reading the text 7. Explore the element of text 8. Outlining the text 9. Listening to the teacher Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 10. Arranging paragraphFinishing Project 1 11. Writing down the topic sentences Project 2 3 7 8 5 15 15 3 15 10 146 Post Activities 15. Conclude today’s activities 16.Homework exploring information about social issues 17. Previewing the next meeting 18. Closing Post Activities 15. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 16. Listen to the teacher and do home work. 17. Listen to the teacher 18. Closing 3 3 1 1 147 Meeting 2 Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Giving explanation about the process of writing Planning writing 4. Asking Students to find out the topic 5. Facilitate the students to determine topic 6. Facilitating students in brainstorming ideas 7. Facilitating students in exploring references Drafting Writing 8. Facilitating students in outliningdrafting 9. Facilitating students in writing introductory paragraph 10. Facilitating students in developing topics and supporting details 11. Monitoring students in writing conclusion 12. Facilitating students in writing first draft Revising Writing 13.Facilitating students in revising draft 14. Asking students to write a neat writing Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Listening to teacher explanation Planning writing 4. Finding out the topic for writing 5. determining the topic 6. Brainstorming ideas 7. Exploring references Drafting 8. Making an outline 9. Writing introductory paragraph 10. Developing topic and supporting details 11. Writing conclusion 12. Writing first draft Revising writing Consulting with teacher for revising Writing a neat essay 3 3 3 5 7 8 8 7 5 7 8 10 148 15. Asking students to submit the essay Submit the essay 3 Post Activities 12. Conclude today’s activities 13.Homework 14. Previewing the next meeting 15. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 13. Listen to the teacher about the instruction of homework 14. Listen to the teacher 15. Closing 3 3 1 1 149 Unit 8 : People Today Competency Standard : To express meaning of monolog written text in the form of discussionargumentative in daily life context. Basic Competency : To express meaning and rhetorical steps in monolog text by using written language manner accurately, fluently and acceptably in daily context in the form of discussion argumentative text. Time Allocation : 2 x 45 minutes Indicators: At the end of the lesson, students are able to - recognize the elements of argumentative discussion essay. - report the elements of argumentative essay. - determine arguments for argumentative essay - match the paragraph - write down the topic - construct an argumentative essay. 150 Meeting 1 Time Allocation: 2 x 45 minutes Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3.Introducing new topics by giving explanation about argumentativediscussion text 4.Asking students to look at the pictures: Task A Look at the pictures 5. Asking students about their findings and comment about pictures Task B Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Asking the students to read the text Text A 7. Giving questions Task B 8. Facilitating the students to point out the column Task C Whilst-Activities Get Started Building Context 3. Listen to the teacher 4. Looking at the pictures, brainstorming the ideas. Work in group of three 5. sharing ideas and discussing the findings Dig it out Modelling and deconstructing the text 6. Reading the text 7. Answering questions 8. Point out the column Task C 3 7 8 5 15 15 151 9. Facilitating the students to explore the element of text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 10. Facilitating the students to outline reading passage Question B 11. Giving explanation about the element of the text 12. Monitoring the students in completing statement Task B 13. Facilitating the students in matching paragraph Task C 9. Explore the element of text Hand in hand Joint Construction of the text 10. Outlining the text 11. Listening to the teacher 12. Completing statement Task B 13. Matching Paragraph Task C 3 15 10 Post Activities 14. Conclude today’s activities 15. Homework exploring information for argumentative essay 16. Previewing the next meeting 17. Closing Post Activities 14. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 15. Listen to the teacher and do home work. 16. Listen to the teacher 17. Closing 3 3 1 1 152 Learning Strategies Time Allocations Teachers’ Activities Students Activities Pre-Activities 1. Greeting students 2. Reviewing previous materials Pre-Activities 1. Greeting teacher 2. Answering teacher’s question 1’ 3’ Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Giving explanation about the process of writing Planning writing 4. Asking Students to find out the topic 5. Facilitate the students to determine topic 6. Facilitating students in brainstorming ideas 7. Facilitating students in exploring references Drafting Writing 8. Facilitating students in outliningdrafting 9. Facilitating students in writing introductory paragraph 10. Facilitating students in developing topics and supporting details for argumentative 11. Monitoring students in writing conclusion and recommendation 12. Facilitating students in writing first draft Revising Writing 13.Facilitating students in revising draft 14. Asking students to write a neat writing Whilst-Activities Independent Construction of the text 3. Listening to teacher explanation Planning writing 4. Finding out the topic for writing 5. determining the topic 6. Brainstorming ideas 7. Exploring references Drafting 8. Making an outline 9. Writing introductory paragraph 10. Developing topic and supporting details 11. Writing conclusion 12. Writing first draft Revising writing Consulting with teacher for revising Writing a neat essay 3 3 3 5 7 8 8 7 5 7 8 10 153 15. Asking students to submit the essay Submit the essay 3 Post Activities 12. Conclude today’s activities 13.Homework 14. Previewing the next meeting 15. Closing Post Activities 12. Listen to the teacher and answer the questions. 13. Listen to the teacher about the instruction of homework 14. Listen to the teacher 15. Closing 3 3 1 1 154 2 An English Writing Course for Senior High School Students Year XI Seminari Pius XII Kisol Science and Social Study Program Fransiskus Hermus Warman PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI i Preface The writing materials are designed for the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. In designing the materials, basically I consider the learners’ need analysis and the internal curriculum of Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Considering the need analysis and curriculum, I develop the materials. Besides the specific needs and demands, I also refer to School Based Curriculum, the national curriculum. In designing the writing materials, I use Process-Genre Based Writing Approach. It reflects the process of writing in which the learners follow the steps of writing. The learners will concern on the process of writing. Through this approach the teachers do not focus on the end result of composition but on the process of writing in which they will practice the activities of planning, drafting and revising the writing. In developing the materials, I accommodate the process of writing in four main activities that are explicitly expressed in the terms of “get started, dig it out, hand in hand, and find the goals”. The processes will be performed in the model of the materials. The activities encourage the learners to practice the new approach of writing. It helps learners to decrease the monoton of learning writing. It helps the learners to be creative and easy to write. ii Main Activities Get started Look at the picture Discuss in group Find the message and meaning Brainstorm the ideas Share the ideas with friends Dig it out Read a text Explore the model Understand the text Outline the text Hand in hand Find out the topic, topic sentences and supporting details Rearrange paragraph Create topic sentences Create supporting details Construct a paragraph Match sentences Find the goals Brainstorm the idea Find the idea Write a rough draft Share the idea with friends Consult with teacher Revise Write a neat essay iii Table of Contents Preface Main Activities Unit 1 Pollution 1 Unit 2 Funny Story 5 Unit 3 Environment 10 Unit 4 City Life 15 Unit 5 Story Telling 21 Unit 6 Global Warming 28 Unit 7 Smoking 37 Unit 8 People Today 43 References 49 1 Get started

A. Look at the pictures.

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