Designing a set of process-genre based writing materials for the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Flores Timur.






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Fransiskus Hermus Warman Student Number: 061214092







Dedication Page

You are my truly love In my dreams every night

You are too far no hand can touch you

and no voice can call you back and turn away at the same time

You are really near with my soul and say that I am yours

It makes me fly to get you in all my dreams.

I’ll be with you That’s my little voice say

‘n I believe it Till you’ll be of mine

If that day comes with its happiness

in its sunrays I will say to the world

and for all the people that you always fulfill

what people dream

That’s a good reason to hope and believe that you are the truly love

and will be to strengthen every people fulfill what each heart hopes

and guide every soul I will be saying what I had dreamt truly happen in my life.

This thesis is dedicated to:

My beloved family: Papa, Mama, Kak Sian, Kak Ettik, Kak Paul, Kak Emik, Kak Et, Pino dan Nini





Warman, Fransiskus Hermus, 2009. Designing a Set of Process-Genre Based Writing Materials For Students of Grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Timur Flores. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study focused on developing materials to teach writing to the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Timur Flores. In developing the materials, the writer used Kemp’s instructional design model and Research and Development Method. The study aimed to answer a research question namely, what is the ideal of instructional materials to teach writing to the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. There were five main procedures in conducting the study. The procedures were research and information collecting, planning, development preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing and main product revision.

Research and information collecting was the basis of developing the materials. In this process, a survey on students’ need analysis was conducted to the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. In the process of planning, the syllabus and the internal curriculum of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol were explored to be complementary references of School Based Curriculum (SBC). The compulsory materials of SBC were used as the main references in developing the materials. In developing the materials, competency standard, basic competencies and indicators were stated clearly. Further, the subject content, teaching and learning activities and references were also the integral parts of planning process. In preliminary field testing, the preliminary form of product was evaluated by thirty eight students of grade XI and three teachers of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol, and two English lecturers of English Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University. The result of preliminary field testing revealed that the average of students’ agreement to the proposed materials was 4.6 from 4.4 to 4.9 and the average of teachers’ and lecturers’ agreement was 4.4 from 3.8 to 5. It meant the developed materials were appropriate and acceptable to be used at SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. The main product was the product that had been revised after preliminary field testing.

The materials consisted of eight units. Each unit consisted of four parts namely 1) get started, 2) dig it out, 3) hand in hand, and 4) find the goal. The parts referred to teaching and learning cycle proposed by Feez and Joyce (2002) namely, 1) building context, 2) modeling and deconstruction of text, 3) joint and construction of text, and 4) independent construction of text. In the process of teaching and learning writing, students would build knowledge, understand the genres of writing, construct text and practice real writing based on the process-genre based approach.

Hopefully, the materials could be used in SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol to be the references of learning writing and finally could improve students mastery in writing.



Warman, Fransiskus Hermus, 2009. Designing a Set of Process-Genre Based Writing Materials For Students of Grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Timur Flores. Yogyakarta: Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta.

Penelitian ini terfokus pada pengembangan materi pengajaran menulis bagi siswa kelas XI di SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggari Timur Floses. Dalam pengembangan materi, penulis menggunakan model perancangan Kemp dan metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab satu pertanyaan penelitian yakni apakah ideal rancangan materi untuk mengajar menulis bagi siswa kelas XI Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Ada lima tahap utama dalam melaksanakan penelitian. Tahap-tahap tersebut adalah penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan, pengembangan bentuk awal produk, pengujian awal di lapangan dan perbaikan awal produk.

Penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi merupakan dasar pengembangan materi. Pada tahap ini, penelitian atas analisis kebutuhan siswa dijalankan bagi siswa Kelas XI SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Pada tahap perencanaan, silabus dan kurikulum internal seminari dibedah untuk dijadikan sebagai acuan penunjang Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Materi wajib KTSP digunakan sebagai acuan utama pengembangan materi. Dalam pengembangan materi, standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar dan indikator dinyatakan dengan jelas. Lebih jauh, isi materi dan kegiatan belajar mengajar serta sumber belajar menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari tahap perencanaan. Pada tahap pengujian awal produk, bentuk awal produk dievaluasi oleh tiga puluh delapan siswa Kelas XI, tiga guru Bahasa Inggris SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol, dan dua dosen Bahasa Inggris Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. Hasil pengujian awal menyingkapkan bahwa rata-rata persetujuan siswa atas materi yang diusulkan adalah 4.6 dari rentang nilai 4.4 sampai dengan 4.9, dan rata-rata persetujuan guru dan dosen adalah 4.4 dari rentang nilai 3.8 sampai dengan 5. Itu berarti materi yang dikembangkan cocok dan dapat diterima untuk digunakan di SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Perbaikan utama produk adalah produk yang sudah direvisi setelah pengujian awal di lapangan.

Materi tersebut terdiri dari 8 unit. Setiap unit terdiri dari empat bagian yakni 1) get started, 2) dig it out, 3) hand in hand, dan 4) find the goal. Bagian-bagian tersebut mengaju pada lingkaran pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang diajukanoleh Feez dan Joyce (2002) yakni 1) building Context, 2) modeling and deconstruction of text, 3) Joint and construction of text, and 4) independent construction of text. Dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran menulis, siswa akan membangun pengetahuan, memahami jenis karangan, menyususn teks dan mempraktekan menulis berdasarkan pendekatan process-genre based.

Materi ini diharapkan dapat digunakan di SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol untuk menjadi referensi belajar menulis dan pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kemahiran siswa dalam menulis.




The study had been finished successfully by hard work, struggle and the participation of many people. For all the support, motivation, kindness, advice and good will, I would like to dedicate my grateful thanks.

First of all, I would like to dedicate my greatest gratitude to Holy Trinity God, The Father, The Son Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, who had lead, inspired and strengthened me during the process of finishing this study. Because of His love, blessing and grace, I could finish my thesis.

I dedicate my sincere gratitude to my sponsor, F.X. Ouda Teda Ena, S.Pd., M.Pd., who had guided me during the accomplishment of this study. I thank for suggestion, correction and patience that I had in the process of finishing this thesis. I would like to give thanks to Caecilia Tutyandari, S.Pd., M.Pd., Christina Christiani, S.Pd., M.Pd., and Sr. Margaret, FCJ for helping me in correcting and evaluating the proposed materials. The same gratitude is also addressed to all lecturers in English Language Education Study Program, who had shared knowledge, skill and experiences generously. I also give thanks to EESP staffs that have facilitated and accommodated all the administrative activities during the study.

I give my special gratitude to Rm. Emilianus Sarimas, S.Fil., S.Pd., Pr., the headmaster of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol who permitted me to conduct the research in SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Timur Flores NTT. I address my special thanks to Vincentius Tala, S.Pd., Constantinus Mbete, BA, and



Rm. Stanislaus Harmansi, S.Fil., Pr, the English teachers in Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Thank you for giving me correction and advice for materials improvement.

I would like to dedicate my deepest gratitude to the late Mgr. Eduardus Sangsun, SVD who gave me the chance to learn English at Catholic University of Atma Jaya Jakarta and Sanata Dharma University Yogyakarta. I also address my thanks to Rm. Laurens Sopang, Pr who gave me recommendation to learn English. I say thanks to all the priests in Ruteng Dioceses who support me with their prayer and advice. I also address my special thanks to Romo Edy Djelahu Maigahoaku, Pr., Rm. Emilianus Jehadus, Pr., and Rm. Dionisius Labur, Pr who had create togetherness and brotherhood during my study in Yogyakarta.

I give my deeply gratitude to my beloved father the late Petrus Warut, my mother Yustina Inggil and my dear brothers and sisters, Kak Sian, Kak Etik, Kak Paul, Kak Emik, Kak Et, Dik Pino and Enu Nini, who have been living in my heart and making my life beautiful.

I addressed my thanks to all my friends in Seminari Pius XII Kisol, Seminari Ritapiret and Ledalero, Atma Jaya Jakarta and Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta. They have been in my life and make all things meaningful. All the events and experiences make me aware of the beauty of togetherness and brotherhood.

Finally, for all people, lecturers, teachers, priests, family and friends, I dedicate all my thanks. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with them.





TITLE PAGE ……….……….i

APPROVAL PAGES …….……….…………ii

DEDICATION PAGE ……….……….…………..iv


ABSTRACT ………..vii

ABSTRAK ………..………...…viii



LIST OF TABLES ………..….xiv

LIST OF FIGURES ……….……..xv



A. Background of Study ……….1

B. Problem Identification ………...3

C. Problem Limitation ………...3

D. Problem Formulation ………4

E. Research Objectives ……….………….4

F. The Benefits of the Study ……….…………4




A. Theoretical Description ………...………..6

1. Instructional Material Design ………6

2. Writing ………..8

3. Competency-based Language Teaching ……….14

4. Materials ………..16

5. Syllabus ………...………18

6. School-based Curriculum ………...21

7. Cycle of Teaching and Learning ……….21

B. Theoretical Framework ………...…23


A. Research Method ……….27

B. Research Participant ………30

C. Research Instruments ………..31

D. Data Gathering Technique ………..32

E. Data Analysis ………....…..33

F. Research Procedure ……….……36


A. The Step of Designing Materials ……….……39

1. Research and Information Collecting ……….…….40

2. Planning ……….……..45

3. Development of Preliminary Form of Product ………55



5. Main Product Revision ………62

B. Presentation of Final Version of the Designed Materials …………..63


A. Conclusion ………..64

B. Suggestions ……….68





Table Page

1. Sample Degree of Agreement ……...………34

2. The Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Opinion on Designed Materials ….35 3. The Topics, Competency Standard and Basic Competencies ………...46

4. The Units, Topics and Indicators ………..48

5. The Description on Research Participants ………56

6. The Descriptive Statistics of Students’ Agreement ………..57

7. The Descriptive Statistics of Teaches’ and Lecturers’ Agreement .………….59




Figure Page

1. Kemp’s Instructional DesignModel ………7 2. The Graphic of Topics ………43




Appendix Page

Appendix A ………..…73

Letter of Permission to the Headmaster of Seminari Kisol …………...74

Letter of Official Statement from Seminari Kisol ……….…....75

Appendix B ………..….76

Questionnaire for Students’ Need Analysis ……….….……77

Questionnaire for Students’ Evaluation ………88

Questionnaire for Teachers’ and Lecturers’ Evaluation ………...91

Gambaran Umum ………..95

General Description ………..98

Appendix C ……….101

Visi dan Misi Seminari Pius XII Kisol ...102

Syllabus of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol ………104

Lesson Plan ………114





A. Background of Study

In Indonesia, English has been a second language that is officially placed in formal curriculum. It has been an official lesson that is learned in schools. Quantitatively, educated people who have graduated from high school learned English for six years. They have learned it since they were in first grade in Junior High School until they were in third grade in Senior High School. It means that studying English is very important for Indonesian students. The importance of studying English in a specific way is to prepare Indonesian students to face global challenges in upcoming years. The mastery of English helps Indonesian students to communicate to the foreigners and to read any kinds of English literature.

The typical point of English for life also becomes the concern of the teachers and students in SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. It implies in the English teaching policy. The real activities that show more attention to English are the program of English day and English competition. The more significant activity in learning English is the duty to write an English paper for the students of grade XII. The paper is one of the requirements for students. By writing the paper, students finally show their competency and ability in English, especially in the way on how to express their thought, organize the ideas and form systematic and critical thinking. The writing of English paper for the seminarian has given advantages. The advantages can be found on their competencies to implement


what they have been studying in seminary in a written form. They can write an English paper.

Nevertheless, in achieving the target to produce a good English writing, actually the students find difficulties. The content, organization, sentence structure and word choice are not appropriate with the target language situations. The problems are caused by the lack of writing materials course to support them to write an English paper. In fact they only study the grammar, but there is no special course on writing. The competence to write an English paper is only transferred from their understanding to write an Indonesian paper. It means that an English paper that they have produced is the result of translation. They translate word by word, without considering the precise diction to compose their writing.

Realizing the difficulties in producing an English paper, the students should learn how to write in English, especially to develop their writing skill. English teacher should provide a set of instructional materials to teach writing to the students. Designing a set of instructional materials to teach writing for students is appropriate with students’ need. It helps students to be competent in writing an English paper. That is why the writer choose “Designing a Set of Process-Genre Based Writing Materials for the Students of Grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Timur Flores” as the title of my thesis. To fulfill this purpose the writer use Competency-Based Language Teaching (CBLT) as an approach that helps students to be competent in writing. This approach helps the writer in designing the instructional materials to teach writing and provide the syllabus.


B. Problem Identification

The importance of writing English paper for the students of grade XI of Seminari Pius XII Kisol is based on the internal policy of Seminari Pius XII Kisol. It is stated in its vision and mission. It can be the concern of the teachers and the students to finish an English paper. But the problem is there is no specific internal curriculum of teaching writing to achieve the target. The teachers do not supply the materials to improve students writing skill. In fact the students do not have the basic theories, concepts, and practical tasks to support them in producing an English paper. They do not know the important elements to produce writing. They do not have a specific guidance to write an English paper.

Realizing the problem, the curriculum must provide the instructional material of writing course. The elements of writing that must be known by the students are the process how to create a sentence, how to create a topic, how to make a thesis statement, how to organize a topic sentence, and how to produce supporting details. Other information that they must know are the knowledge to compose a paragraph and the knowledge to determine the kinds of paragraph.

C. Problem Limitation

The instructional materials are for the students of grade XI in SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Timur Flores. The focus of the materials is on writing skill. The instructional materials that are designed can be a reference for the students to write an English paper when they are in grade XII.


D. Problem Formulation

Referring to the background above, the research problem can be formulated as follow:

What is the ideal of instructional materials to teach writing to the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol?

E. Research Objectives

1. The research aims to find out what writing tasks will be ideal for the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol.

2. The research aims at explaining how a set writing tasks to develop students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol is designed.

F. The Benefits of the Study

1. The students who are learning in seminary can use this thesis as the reference to support understanding on writing.

2. The English teachers who are teaching in Seminari Pius XII Kisol, who plan to design materials for learning and teaching in seminary. 3. Undergraduate students who want to conduct similar research on this

field of study can use this thesis as one of the references. G. Definition of Terms

1. Instructional Materials

Instructional materials are materials planned by the teacher for instruction (Dick, Walter, and Reiser A, 1989: 3). The materials planned are used by the


teachers or instructors and learners as the focus of discussion in the teaching learning process. In this study, instructional materials mean the materials planned by the designer based on the special needs of the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol and will be taught as the references to support them in producing English paper.

2. Writing

Cohen (1990: 105) defined writing as one of four macro skills that constitutes a compulsory subject which chiefly focuses on the expression of idea in grammatical correct sentences. Further, Iris McClellan Tiedt (1989: 1) formulated that writing is a method of expressing ideas about any subject contents. In this study, writing means the ability to use formal language in expressing feeling, ideas and thought in a written form.

3. Students of Grade XI

Students of grade XI are similar to the students of class two in Senior High School. The averages of students’ ages are from 16 to 18.

4. Seminari Pius XII Kisol

Seminari Pius XII Kisol refers to a formal school the same as senior and junior high school that educates priest candidates in Catholic Church. It is located in Ruteng Diocese, Manggarai Timur , Flores, NTT.

5. Competency-Based Language Teaching (CBLT)

CBLT is an application of Competency-Based Education principles to language teaching which had been widely adopted in language teaching program for adults.





In this following chapter the writer will explain the theoretical description and the theoretical framework. The theoretical description contains the theories related to the theme of this study. It involves the model of instructional design, the theories of writing and the types of writing, the materials development and syllabus, the competency based language teaching as the approach that the writer used to teach writing, the school based curriculum and the cycle of teaching and learning. The theoretical framework contains the comprehensive explanation about how the study was conducted.

A. Theoretical Description 1. Instructional Material Design

The researcher chose the model of Kemp (1977) as the basis of this instructional material design. Kemp’s instructional design model consists of eight elements. First, the designer considers the goals, lists the topics, and states general purpose for teaching each topic. Second, the designer enumerates the important characteristic of the learners for whom the instructional materials are to be designed. Third, the designer specifies the learning objectives to be achieved in terms of measuring the students’ behavioral income. Fourth, the designer lists the subject content that supports each objective. Fifth, the designer develops pre-


assessment to determine the students’ background and to present the level of their knowledge on the topic. Sixth, the designer selects teaching/learning activities and instructional resources that will be treated as subject contents so that the students will accomplish the objectives. Seventh, the designer coordinates support services as budget, personnel, facilities, equipment and schedule to carry out the instructional plan. Eighth, the designer evaluates students’ learning in terms of their accomplishment of the objective, with a view to revise and reevaluate any phases of the plan that need an improvement.

Kemp drew his model of instructional design in figure 2.1.

Figure 2.1. Kemp’s Model.


2. Writing

Donald Zimmerman and Dawn Rodrigues ( 1992: 4) define writing as a way of thinking, a way of learning, and a way of sharing ideas with others. a. The Nature of Writing

David Nunan (1995: 36) cited White (1981) statement about writing. “Writing is not a natural activity. All physically and mentally normal people learn to speak a language. Let all people have to be taught how to write. This is crucial difference between the spoken and written forms of language. There are other important differences as well. Writing, unlike speech, is displaced in time. Indeed, this must be one reason why writing originally evolved since it makes possible the transmission of message from one place to another. A written message can be received, stored and referred back to any time. It is permanent in comparison with the ephemeral ‘here one minute and gone the next’ character of spoken language-even of spoken language that is recorded on tape or disk (White 1981: 2)”

The citation above directly stated the characteristic of writing. Writing based on learning process in which people must be taught about the principle of writing. Furthermore, in achieving the competencies to be able to write, people must understand the sentence level, sentence structure, vocabulary, punctuation, spelling and letter formation, and structure and integrate the information into collusive and coherent paragraph and text (Nunan 1995: 36).

b. The Approach in Teaching Writing

Many centuries ago, writing was an exclusive domain. It was learnt in limited field among educated people. It was known in palace environment or in monastery. The activities to write were done by specialist and became prestigious achievement. In recent era, writing is popular and developed for many purposes. It


can be used by all people in many contexts. The need to write becomes a public need that is formally implemented in educational activity.

The researches on writing reveal the urgency of teaching writing for students. Many researchers have been focusing on teaching English writing in EFL/ESL. Their attention to writing researches do not only relate to the problem of teaching writing but also on the approach used in teaching writing. The researches on writing prevailed that writing is more complex than other macro skills. The researchers found many problems and recommended the appropriate approach to teaching writing.

The researchers on teaching writing prevail that there were many approaches in teaching writing. The differences on approaches are caused on the differences understanding about writing. Originally writing is different to other skills. It is learnt through learning process. Different to other skills, writing is formed through long activities. Writing is one of the four macro skills. It takes an important role in learning process because it gives a special contribution in gaining information and establishing knowledge. The process of writing in a certain way testifies, clarifies and deepens our understanding (Axelrod: 1988: 2).

Ann Ralmes (1983: 6-10) mentions six techniques in teaching writing, namely the control-to-free approach, the free-writing approach, the paragraph pattern approach, the grammar syntax organization, the communicative approach and the process approach. The control-to-free approach was developed in the 1950s and early 1960s. It is a sequential model of writing development in which the students are given sentence exercises and paragraph construction. They are


asked to change the grammar patterns. The features considered in this model are about grammar, syntax and mechanics. This model is considered easy because the focus on accuracy rather than fluency or originality. The free-writing approach has target in fluency. In this model students are asked to write freely on any topics, especially on the topic, they are interested in without worrying about form or grammar. The paragraph-pattern approach concentrates on the paragraph organization. Students are given a paragraph, analyze and imitate the model to create their own paragraph. The grammar syntax organization focuses on implementing the grammar in organizing the sentences and paragraph. It also considers the appropriate vocabularies or term and the procedures. The communicative approach focuses on the purpose of the writing and the audience for it. It is a real writing as a truly communicative act in which the students determine their readers. The students choose appropriate content, language and level of formality. The process approach refers to the process to produce the writing not only about the purpose and audience but also the steps how to produce writing.

Essentially there are two different views of writing approach, namely the product approach to writing and a process approach to writing (Nunan 1991: 85-86). The product approach to writing focuses on the end result of the act of composition, i.e. the letter, essay, story and so on. The writing teacher who subscribes to the product approach will be concerned to see that the end product is readable, grammatically correct and obeys discourse convention relating to main points, supporting details and so on. The focus on class will be on copying and


imitation, carrying out sentences expansions from words and developing sentences and paragraphs from models of various sorts. Conversely, a process approach to writing sees the act of composition from a very different perspective, focusing as much on the means where by the completed text was created as on the end product itself. The act of composing evolves through several stages as writers discover, through the process, what they are trying to say. The ideas are then refined, developed and transformed as the writer writes and rewrites.

McCrimmon (1983: 10) explained the intrinsic aspect of writing as a process such as planning, drafting and revising. As a process writing is not only a physical activity but also a mental or physiological activity. Writing is a long way process. In creating a text, a writer did not only focus on the way to produce a text, but also consider the subject and the reader. Thus, a good writer also regards the needs and the feelings of the readers.

Murray (1972) cited in Montaque (1995: 2) stated that in general the process approach to writing considered three main stages in composing the writing such as pre-writing, writing and re-writing. The specification of process approach on teaching writing was characterized as the use of stages of writing. Editing is an important thing in text creation. It did not stress on product but on the process how to create a text. In producing the text, students took some activities, such as to invent, to react, and to extend. They needed experimentation and exploration. However, the process approach had limitation in determining the social and cultural context. In writing a text, learners did not pay attention to the readers need. Actually, writing is a process of sending information to the readers.


Without considering the readers’ social and cultural context, the writer did not create a communication with the reader. The writer just expressed his or her thought.

The other approach on teaching writing is the genre approach. In this approach, writing relates to social and cultural practice. The writing learning and teaching must be rooted in social and cultural context. Basically, people write in a certain social and cultural context. The communication practice in this way serve the practical needs in a certain context. On writing teaching, teachers also taught relevant genre knowledge dealing with social and cultural context. The orientation of this approach is to help learners to achieve social communicative competences (Jiajing Gao, 2008: 3-4). The genre approach had a limitation especially in determining relevant genre knowledge. The demand to have genre knowledge to serve society needs actually creates a burden for teachers and learners. It is a difficult task. The approach is reader oriented and neglects the writer’s expression.

Considering the limitation of process and genre approach, Jiajing Gao (2008: 4) recommend the process-genre approach. This approach accommodates the process and genre approach. In this approach, the teachers did not only pay attention on the process of writing but also considers the social and cultural context of the reader. The fundamental thing to do before writing a text is to determine the readers. Who will read the text is the important question. The other thing is about the purpose of the writing. The writers did not only express his or her idea but also wanted to get an impression that his or her writing is useful to read. By determining the readers, the writer can communicate to the readers and


fulfill their needs. In creating the text, the writer also focuses on process of writing such as planning, drafting and revising. Besides focusing on the process of writing, the writer also focuses on the genre of writing in which the writer can determine the model of text that will be written and the social function and cultural context of the text.

c. Kinds of Writing

H. Douglas Brown (2004:219) classifies the genres of writing into three main genres, namely academic writing, job-related writing and personal writing. The academic writing consists of papers and general subject reports, essays, compositions, academically focused journals, short-answer test responses technical reports such as lab reports, theses and dissertation. Job-related writing consists of messages, letters/emails, memos, reports, schedule, advertisement and announcements. Personal writing consists of letters, email, greeting cards, invitations, diaries, personal journals, and fiction such as short stories and poetry.

The Oxford Essential Guide to Writing mentions five kinds of writing (2003: 6-7). They are exposition, description, narration, persuasion and entertaining.

1) Exposition

Exposition refers to the way how something works in daily life. It can be the facts, theories, ideas, or feelings. It is organized logically around the forms of cause/effect, true/false, less/more, positive/negative, general/particular, and assertion/denial. The connectives that are used in exposition writing are therefore, however, and so, besides, but, not only, more important, in fact, and for example.


2) Description

Description deals with perception about something that must be arranged in a significant pattern. The pattern is organized spatially in the term of: above/below, before/behind, right/left, and so on.

3) Narration

Narration refers to a series of events that must be organized in sequence of time and to reveal their significance. Narration is a basic writing strategy for presenting action. The important thing in narration is sequencing. The using of temporal transition such as then, when, at that time, before after, while is urgent in developing a narration.

4) Persuasion

Persuasion refers to one’s conviction about something. The way how the writer writes must show his/her conviction to persuade other people or the reader. It can be an argumentative writing, satire or eloquence.

5) Entertaining

Entertaining includes fiction, personal essays and sketches. Entertaining is categorized as personal writing. The characteristics of entertaining text are short and informal.

3. Competency-based Language Teaching

Competency-Based Language Teaching (CBLT) historically based on Competency-Based Education (CBE) developed in the United States in 1970s. Competency Based Education is outcome based instruction and is adaptive to the changing needs of students, teachers, and the community. Competencies describe


the student’s ability to apply basic and other skills in situations that are commonly encountered in everyday life. Thus CBE is based on a set of outcomes that are derived from an analysis of tasks typically required of students in life role situations.

The characteristics of CBE are described by Schenk (1978) as follows:

“Competency-based education has much in common with such approaches to learning as performances-based instruction, mastery learning and individualized instruction. It is outcome-based and is adaptive to the changing needs of students, teachers and the community. … Competencies differ from other student goals and objectives in that they describe the students’ ability to apply basic and other skills in situations that are commonly encountered in everyday life. Thus CBE is based on a set of outcomes that are derived from an analysis of task typically required of students in life role situations.” (Schenk, 1978: vi)

Typically the characteristic of CBE is on its outcomes. The application of CBE in language teaching and learning aims to achieve the competencies such as the students, teachers and society hope. These also give the basic for CBLT. CBLT is based on a functional and interactive perspective on the nature of language. Language is used for interaction in certain social context. The results that are achieved from the application of CBLT are that the competencies are specific and practical, the learners can judge whether the competencies seem relevant and useful, the competencies that will be taught and tested are specific and public-hence the learner understands precisely their needs, and competencies can be mastered one at a time so the learner can see what has been learned.


4. Materials

a. The Principle in Material Writing

Hutchinson and Waters (1991: 108-109) stated five principles of material writing. The material should provide the stimulus to learning and acquisition. The material should guide the teacher and the learners through various activities to maximize the changes of learning and acquisition. Material should reflect what the designer thinks and feels about the learning of acquisition. Material can introduce the teacher to new technique. Material should provide model of correct and appropriate language use.

Further, Brian Tomlinson (2005: 7-21) mentioned sixteen basic principles in developing material for teaching. Materials should achieve impact. Materials should help learners to feel at ease. Materials should help learners to develop confidence. What is being taught should be perceived by learners as relevant and useful. Materials should require and facilitate learner self-investment. Learners must be ready to acquire the points being taught. Materials should expose the learners to language in authentic use. The learners’ attention should be drawn to linguistic features of the input. Material should provide the learners with opportunities to use the target language to achieve communicative purposes. Materials should take into account that the positive effects of instruction are usually delayed. Materials should take into account that the learners differ in learning styles. Materials should take into account that learners differ in affective attitudes. Materials should permit a silent period at the beginning of instruction. Materials should maximize learning potential by encouraging intellectual,


aesthetic and emotional involvement which stimulates both right and left brain activities. Materials should not rely too much on controlled practice. Materials should provide opportunities for outcome feedback.

b. Material Design

Hutchinson and Waters (1991: 108-109) state that there are four elements that should be considered in the material design, namely input, content focus, language focus and task.

1) Input

The input can be a text, dialogue, video recording, diagram or any piece of communication data. The source of input should provide a number of things, namely stimulus material for activities, new language items, correct models of language use, a topic for communication, opportunities for learners to use their information processing skill, and opportunities for learners to use their existing knowledge both of the language and the subject matter.

2) Content Focus

The element concerns with the meaningfulness of communication in the classroom. In Stevicks account (1976: 33) when the communication is not meaningful, it will be just a noise. Thus the material should be designed in a structured text.

3) Language Focus

The course aims at enabling learners to use the language. The students should have enough of the necessary language knowledge. Hutchinson and Waters


(1991: 109) explain that the language focus concerns with opportunities to analyze and synthesize the language.

4) Task

The final purpose of the language learning is language use (Hutchinson and Waters, 1991: 109). Thus, the material should be designed to lead forward a communicative task in which learners use the content and language knowledge they have previously learnt.

5. Syllabus

Longman Dictionary of Applied Linguistic (1985: 283) defined syllabus as a description of instruction and the other in which they are to be taught. It is based on grammatical items and vocabulary, the language needed for different types of situations, and the meanings of communicative functions which the learner needs to express in the target language. Pauline C. Robinson (1991: 34) defined syllabus as a plan of work used by the teacher as a guide line and context for class content. Further Susan Feez and Helen Joyce (2002: 2) give a complete definition about syllabus. The definition is presented below:

“A syllabus is an explicit and coherent plan for a course of study. The syllabus is a guide or map for the teacher and the learners which may need to be altered once the course commences. A syllabus is constructed by selecting and sequencing content, based on explicit objectives. It is a public document, usually prepared by teachers and negotiated with learners. It specified what is to be taught in any particular course of study.”

From the above definition, it can be concluded that syllabus is a structured written document that is prepared by teacher that bridges student’s need, the


context of learning, and the whole component of learning activities in which students can achieve the objective of learning.

Richards and Rodgers (1986: 21) specified the differences between the two polar types of syllabus, “a priory syllabus” and “a posteriori syllabus”. “A priory syllabus” or linguistic matter syllabus refers to the materials in course given, in which the linguistics content is specified. In the “a posteriori syllabus” or process-based syllabus, however the language content is secondary, and no longer becomes the target of teaching. The material is prepared after a course is taught.

Pauline C. Robinson (1991: 34-45) classified three types of syllabus, namely content-based or product syllabus, method based or process syllabus, and skill-based syllabus. The explanation of each syllabus can be presented as follows: a. Content-based or Product Syllabus

Content-based or Product Syllabus consists of structural syllabus, notional/functional syllabus, situational/contextual focus syllabus, and topic/informational focus syllabus. Structural Syllabus consists of an ordered set of language items, typically graded by supposed difficulty of learning. Meanwhile, in notional/functional syllabus the notion or function becomes the basic unit of learning. Situational/contextual focus syllabus the situation (e.g. registering for a course, visiting a doctor, at the bank, etc) becomes the basis of activities. Topic/informational focus syllabus consists topics relevant to the students or to the content of the students’ word or specialist study.


b. Skilled-based syllabus

There are two kinds of skill-based syllabus, namely based on language skills and based on learning skills. Skilled based syllabus that is based on language skills divided into four skills, namely productive speaking and writing, and receptive reading and listening. Skilled-based syllabus that is based on learning skills focused on the constituents of the language skills namely sub-skills and micro-skills.

c. Method based or process syllabus

Method based or process syllabus consists of method process or learning process syllabus and task or procedural syllabus. The key future of this kind of method process or learning process syllabus is that what happens in the classroom is a matter for negotiation between the students and the teacher to determine the content and process of learning. Both of the students and the teacher negotiate to use any syllabus (or a mixture or different type of syllabus). The reason is to create condition that the students feel they would learn best. Meanwhile task or procedural syllabus consists of a set of tasks or activities ordered according to cognitive difficulty. Class activities are devoted to performance of the tasks, and the conscious attention to or discussion on language is needed if it is necessary for completion of the task.

The model of syllabus that is used in SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol is adopted from the model of syllabus of School Based Curriculum. The syllabus consists of the identity of lesson, competency standard, basic competencies,


indicators, materials, teaching learning activities, evaluation, time allocation, and sources or references.

6. School-based Curriculum

School-Based Curriculum (SBC) is a general curriculum arranged by Indonesia government to handle educational program. It has been used since 2006. SBC is designed to increase teachers’ role in applying the curriculum. The characteristics of SBC are to apply flexibility principle for weekly contact hours, to increase school independency, to make teacher and students creative, to apply diversification principle, to increase the collaboration among school and society in creating the curriculum, to increase the model of knowledge and technology development based on environment needs (John Herf: 2007)

The contents of writing materials for students of grade XI based on the SBC are to understand the narrative, descriptive, and expository writings. The materials given deal with the students based competence to express meaning by developing correct rhetoric in the kinds of written text in the form of narrative, descriptive, news item, reports, spoof, discussion, hortatory exposition, and analytical exposition texts (Depdiknas, KTSP: 2006; 37).

7. Cycle of Teaching and Learning

Teaching and learning is a process in which teachers and learners interact to share and acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes. Vygotsky as quoted by Susan Feez and Helen Joyce ( 2002: 26-27) considered two important levels of


development in learning and teaching. The first level is a level of independent performance. The second level is a level of potential performance. The process of learning and teaching can gain its goal by focusing on the two levels in which teachers and students are in collaborative learning process. Brunner used the term of Scaffolding to describe collaborative learning process. In scaffolding process, teacher supports students by providing explicit knowledge and practice so that the students can achieve their potential level of independent performance.

The process of scaffolding in the cycle of teaching and learning consists of five stages (Susan Fees, 2002: 27-32). The stages are building the context, modeling and deconstructing the text, joint construction of the text, independent constructing of the text and linking related text. The explanation of each stage can be presented as follows:

a. Building the Context

In this stage, students are introduced to the social and cultural context of the text. The students will gain and build knowledge related to the context. The contexts are presented through pictures, audio-visual material, realia, excursions, field trips etc. The authentic materials are provided to help students to be close to the topics and further to achieve the objectives of the learning. This is the way of acquiring knowledge.

b. Modeling and Deconstructing the Text

In this stage, the model of the text is given to the students. The students explore the text to investigate the structural pattern and the language feature of the text and to compare the text with other examples or types. In this stage, the


students analyze the text model, identify its parts and determine the generic structure.

c. Joint Construction of the Text

In this stage, students participate in constructing text. The process of constructing text can be done by providing jumble sentences to the students and the students construct the sentences into good order. The model of exercises can be also in the form of outlining text, paragraph arrangement, determining topics and thesis sentences, developing paragraph, and providing support details for topic sentences. The activities help students to understand text construction and to enter in the process of creating text.

d. Independent Construction of the Text

In this stage, students are asked to create a kind of text in which the students can implement their knowledge and understanding about the model. The model of text is constructed in the process of creating a text, in which the students determine the topics, brainstorming the ideas, searching information, drafting the ideas, writing a rough text, revising and writing a neat one.

e. Linking to Related Text

In this step, the students compare their result with other text in the same or similar context.

B. Theoretical Framework

The theories above give the basis in developing this study. In this study, the writer refers to Kemp’s model because it is a flexible process. In designing an


instructional program, we can start with whichever element we are ready to start and to move back and forth to the other steps.

Based on Kemp’s model as the reference of the study, in designing the material, the writer considers the goals of the writing course given, lists topic and states general purpose. In determining the goals and general purposes, the writer uses the terms of competency standards and basic competencies, the term from School Based Curriculum. The topics of the materials are taken from students need analysis. To follow Kemp’s model, the writer then enumerates the important characteristic of the learners and specify the learning objectives. The learners characteristics will be determined by survey in need analysis process. The objectives of learning are adapted from the indicators in School Based Curriculum. In developing the designed materials, the subject content will be adapted from the cycle of learning and teaching in which the students will build the context, model and deconstruct the text, joint construction of the text, and work independently for constructing the text. In selecting teaching/learning activities, the writer used competency based language teaching.

The focus of this research is writing skill. The theories of writing, techniques of writing teaching, kind of writing give the basis for the materials given in this course. The basis can give a comprehensive understanding for researcher to provide appropriate materials and the way how to teach the material to the students. The materials given also refer to the theories especially about the kind of writing. The focus of writing materials given is the material for academic writing without neglecting the process of creating writing in general such as how


to create sentences and paragraph. In developing the writing materials, the writer focuses on the process and genre approach. The processes of writing that are used in this study are planning, drafting and revising. The genres of writing that will be included in these designed materials are the materials of narrative, descriptive, news item, reports, spoof, discussion, hortatory exposition, and analytical exposition texts.

The approach that the research used to teaching writing is CBLT. CBLT focuses on the output or result. Based on this approach, the aim of this course is to make the students of grade XI in SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol mastery in writing skill and at the end of the course they can produce a scientific paper.

The materials in this course are the materials of teaching writing. In choosing the materials the researcher considered the principle in writing materials and the elements provided in material design as stated by Hutchinson and Waters and Brian Tomlinson (2005: 7-21). The materials provided should be the stimulus to learning and acquisition, maximize the changes of learning and acquisition, and create new technique of teaching. The materials consist of input, contents focus, language focus and task.

The syllabus model of this course is the syllabus of School based Curriculum. In general the syllabus is the combination of functional and structural syllabus. It also refers to skilled-based syllabus which also considers the features of communicative syllabus. The syllabus given focuses on writing skill. The syllabus also considers the procedural syllabus. The syllabus provided the terms


of lesson identity, competency standard, basic competencies, indicators, materials, teaching learning activities, evaluation, time allocation and sources or references.

In designing the writing materials, the writer also considers the content of current curriculum. In this way, the writer uses School Based Curriculum. The material of writing provided in SBC are the narrative, descriptive, news item, reports, spoof, discussion, hortatory exposition, and analytical exposition. The materials provided would be used in designing the material for the students of grade XI of Seminari Pius XII Kisol.

In developing the materials, the writer also uses the cycle of teaching and learning proposed by Feez and Joyce. The cycle of teaching and learning includes the processes of building the context, modeling and deconstructing text, joint construction text and independent constructing text. The processes are used to deepen students understanding on the process and genres of writing. In implementing the process, the writer uses the term of get started, dig it out, hand in hand and find the goal.





This chapter contains a detailed description about methodology that is used in this study. It presents the explanation about research method, research participants, research instrument, data gathering technique, data analysis, and research procedure.

A. Research Method

This research aimed to obtain the answer to a research question as stated in problem formulation in chapter one. The research question restated as follows: what is the ideal of instructional materials to teach writing to the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol? It means that this research aimed to explore the process of designing the materials of writing and to perform the model of the instructional materials. To answer this research question, the writer used Educational Research and Development.

Educational Research and Development (R & D) means a research to develop and validate educational products (Walter R. Borg and Meredith Damien Gall 1991: 772). R & D is the development of educational research. It does not only concern on finding of new knowledge as the educational research takes, but also focus on developing educational products. The area of R & D is broader than educational research. The aim of R & D is not only to discover new knowledge on basic research or to answer the practical problem questioned in applied research,


but also to develop the product on education. The research is done to develop materials, methods and technique for learning and teaching. The area of research actually is used in school.

In this case, the R & D is conducted in SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol, Manggarai Timur, Flores, especially for the students of grade XI. Through this research the writer searched the materials that were used in Seminari Pius XII Kisol. The writer spread the questionnaire to the students to know their needs and their background knowledge. Based on the students need analysis, the writer would develop proposed materials for learning. The proposed materials would be evaluated by students, teachers and lecturers. The purpose of research was to gain information and data related to writing materials given to the students of grade XI in Seminari Pius XII Kisol and to develop the materials for the students.

The process of educational research and development had ten steps, namely research and information collecting, planning, develop preliminary form of the product, preliminary field testing, main product revision, main field testing, operational product revision, operational field testing, final product revision, and dissemination and implementation of the product as a final design. In developing the research, the writer just used the first five steps as mentioned above. The five processes can be explained as follows:

1. Research and Information Collecting

Research and information collecting includes review of literature and classroom observations. This step consists of three main parts, namely 1) an


overall narrative description about the proposed product, 2) a tentative outline of the part of the product and how it will be used and 3) a specific statement about the objectives of the product. This process would be done to gather research findings and other information related to the planned product. In implementing the process, the data would be gathered by collecting literature related to the proposed product and conducting the students’ need analysis. The data would be used to know students’ characteristics, their background knowledge, the source of the materials and the ways of teaching the materials, and their needs.

2. Planning

Planning step includes defining skills, stating objectives and determining course sequence. The aspects that are integrated in planning basically based on the result of the research and information collecting. The research and information collecting would be the basis in determining the objectives and subject content. The data were also used to develop the material and to identify the process of learning.

3. Develop Preliminary Form of Product

The process consists of preparation of instructional materials, handbooks and evaluation devices that can be tested in preliminary field testing stage. The educational product should be structured and provide more procedures that obtain feedbacks for evaluation.


4. Preliminary Field Testing

It is the step of evaluating the designed materials. It can be done by distributing interview checklist, questionnaire and observation. The data would be collected and analyzed. The result of evaluation can be useful for revising and improving the designed materials.

5. Main Product Revision

The results of preliminary field testing are used to revise and improve the materials. The revision of the product should be based on the evaluation and analysis.

B. Research Participant

The respondents of the research are thirty eight students of grade XI in Seminari Pius XII Kisol, Manggarai Timur, Flores, NTT. Besides the students, the participants of the study are also three English teachers in Seminari Pius XII Kisol and two English lecturers in English Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University.

The thirty eight students participated in need analysis and evaluation. They were asked to fulfill the questionnaire related to students’ need analysis in research and information collection step and in material evaluation in preliminary field testing step.

The three English teachers and two lecturers were asked to evaluate the designed materials. They participated in preliminary field testing. The teachers


were asked because they had experiences in teaching English in Seminari Pius XII Kisol. The two English lecturers were asked as competent and qualified evaluator. They were asked to evaluate and give comment about the materials.

C. Research Instruments

The instruments that were used in the research were questionnaire and interview checklist. The questionnaire and interview checklist were given to the students in phase of research and information collecting. They just got the questionnaire in phase of preliminary field testing. The teachers and the lecturers just got questionnaire for evaluation in the phase of preliminary field testing.

The questionnaire and interview check list were given to the students to gain the data about students’ need analysis. The questions for students’ need analysis related to the process of learning and teaching writing in seminary, the source of materials, and students background knowledge about the genre of writing. The questions for interview related to the genre and topics. The students also got the questionnaire for evaluation in preliminary field testing. The questions for students’ evaluation related to their opinion about the proposed materials. The questionnaire and interview checklist were distributed to the students in order to know their needs and to know their comment and evaluation about the materials.

The questionnaires were given to the teachers and lecturers in preliminary field testing. The questions related to their evaluation about the designed


materials. The questions were given to find their opinion on the designed materials. It also aimed to get their suggestion or recommendation for the improvement of the materials.

All the questions for questionnaire were formulated in the form of Likert Scale (close-ended question). The respondents were asked to register on a 5 4 3 2 1 scale to respond to the questionnaires given. The respondent’s answers indicated their attitudes to a certain case (the stage of agreement and disagreement) or their frequency of doing things (the stage of frequency). For students’ need analysis, the answers to questions related to the stage of frequency. For evaluations, the answer related to the stage of agreement and disagreement (strongly agree = 5; agree = 4; doubt = 3; disagree = 2; strongly disagree = 1).

D. Data Gathering Technique

In this study, there were three main processes in collecting data. The first process related to the process of collecting information. The second process related to the data of observation on students’ need analysis. The third data dealt with students’, teachers’ and lecturers’ evaluation on preliminary field testing.

The first process of gathering data related to the literature review. The literature dealt with the theories, concepts and approaches about writing, instructional design, material development, syllabus, teaching and learning material and school based curriculum (KTSP) and the cycle of learning and teaching. The data were gathered from books, journal, magazines and website.


The data would be the theoretical basis to develop and design the materials. The data related to review literature had been collected since July 2008.

The second process was to gather data related to the research. The data was gathered from students’ need analysis. The data connected with students’ opinion about writing, the process of learning and teaching writing, their background knowledge about genres of writing and the topics for writing. The data was gathered on March 28th 2009. The data were used to develop and to design instructional materials for students of grade XII of Seminari Pius XII Kisol.

The third process was to gather data related to students’ feedback, teachers’ and lecturers’ evaluation about the proposed materials. The data contained students’ opinion about the proposed materials. The data from the students were gathered on May 9th 2009. The data from teachers and lecturers contained their opinion, comments and suggestions about the proposed materials. The data from the teachers were gathered on May 12th, 13th and 14th 2009. The data from lecturers were gathered on 20th and 22nd 2009.

E. Data Analysis

There were three kinds of data that are used in this study namely students’ need analysis data, students’ evaluation data, and teachers’ and lecturers’ evaluation data. Sorts of data that were taken from the questionnaire and interview checklist were used to design and evaluate the materials. The data from students’


need analysis that were taken in the stage of research and information collection were used to develop materials. The data from students’, teachers’ and lecturers’ evaluations were used to revise and improve the material.

In distributing the questionnaires, the questions were in the form of close-ended and open close-ended questions. The participants of the research used five degrees statements. The answer to the questionnaires for students’ need analysis used the degree of frequency form. The answer to the questionnaires for students’, teachers’ and lecturers evaluations used the degree of agreement.

Table 3.1 Sample Degree of Agreement Degree of Agreement Meaning

1 Strongly disagree

2 Disagree

3 Doubt

4 Agree

5 Strongly agree

The research used qualitative data analysis from questionnaire and interview results. In the data presentation, the central tendency showed mode, median and mean of the data. Mode (Md) was the most frequent obtained score in the data. Median (Mdn) was the score, which was at the centre of the distribution after the data was arranged in rank order. The mean (Mn) was obtained by counting the total number of the score ( X) divided by the number of sample (N). The formula of mean as follow:

Mn = X N


= sum of (or add up) X = scores

N = number of participants

The presentation of the data could be shown as follows:

Table 3.2 The Sample of Descriptive Statistics of Participants’ Opinions on Designed Materials

Participants opinion on ….

Frequency of the

Degree of


Central Tendency No.

1 2 3 4 5 N Mn Mdn Md


N : Number of participant Mn : Mean

Mdn : Median Md : Mode

The formula of mean as follow: Mn = X


Where: Mn = mean

= sum of (or add up) X = scores


F. Research Procedure

In conducting the research the writer combined the theoretical framework in chapter two and the Educational Research and Development Procedure. Kemps’ model, the school-based curriculum and the five main steps of Educational Research and Development were considered as the process of research procedure. The procedure consisted of five main steps. The steps could be explained as follows:

1. Research and Information Collecting

In this step the writer collected information from library and conducted a research. The writer read literature; books, article and theses; that support the study. The literature gave the writer a theoretical perspective to understand the topic. The contents of the literature dealt with the theoretical explanation about writing, designing instructional materials, syllabus, learning and teaching approach, methodology, and school based curriculum. The materials were the instructional sources that promoted the writer to understand the topic and to design the materials on writing. In conducting a research, the writer distributed questionnaires to the students of grade XI in Seminari Pius XII Kisol. The aims of the research were to obtain the data on students’ need. The data would be analyzed to develop proposed materials.

2. Planning

In this step the writer determined the skill, goals, topics and general purposes and objectives of the study. The skill that was developed in this study was writing skill. In determining, the goals, general purposes and the objectives of


the study, the technical terms of competency standards, basic competencies and indicators were used as the formal terms in school based curriculum. In this stage, the subject contents of the material, the learning teaching process and the sources were also classified.

3. Development Preliminary Form of the Product

In development preliminary form of the product, the materials suggested by school based curriculum could be used as the references to develop the materials for teaching and learning. In developing the materials, the materials from many books, magazines and websites were also used to enrich and enlarge students understanding about the genres of writing and the process of learning writing. In this step, the writer developed a pre-design model of writing course that was offered to the students to be used and evaluated.

4. Preliminary Field Testing

In this step the writer gave questionnaires to the students and English teachers and lectures to test and validate the tentative material given. The data collection would be gathered and analyzed to revise and improve the proposed materials.

5. Main Product Revision

In this step the writer revised the product basically considering the result of preliminary field testing that had been given to the teacher and the students. The result of questionnaires and interview were analyzed to support the


instructional materials design. The result of the analysis would be used for improving the materials, so that it could be used in learning and teaching process.





This chapter presents the result and discussion on the step of designing a set of process-genre based writing materials for the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Timur Flores. This chapter intends to answer the research question in problem formulation in chapter one. This chapter consists of two main parts. The first part elaborates the process or procedure of designing the materials. The second part performs the model of material design.

A. The Step of Designing Materials

The step of designing materials aims to answer the research question as formulated in problem formulation. The formulation of research questions restates as follow: what is the ideal of instructional materials to teach writing to the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol? To answer the question, the five main steps of R and D are used in designing the materials. The five main steps involve research and information collecting, planning, development preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing and main product revision. In implementing the steps, the process of instructional design suggested by Kemp is also used to design the materials. The school-based curriculum and the internal curriculum of Seminari Pius XII Kisol and the syllabus are used as the references of developing the materials. The whole processes of designing the materials are presented as follows:


1. Research and Information Collecting

Research was the first step in gathering the data for developing the instructional materials for writing for the students of grade XI of Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Timur, Flores. The kind of research conducted for gathering the data was to conduct a students’ need analysis. The aims of conducting students’ need analysis was to gain information about students’ necessities, lacks and wants. In order to get comprehensive and adequate data about students’ need analysis, the questionnaire list was designed for the students. The questionnaire for the students was in two forms, namely close-ended questions and short interview questions. The totals of close-ended questions were 40 questions. The short interview questions were three questions. The questions of the questionnaire related to students identity, their opinion about writing, their background knowledge about genres of writing, the process of teaching writing, the references of learning and teaching, and topics for learning.

The number of students that participated in the research were 38 students. They were 16 to 18 years old. They were the students of grade XI of Seminari Pius XII Kisol. They were from social and science program. They had different opinion about writing.

The data revealed five facts about the students of grade XI of Seminari Pius XII Kisol. The first finding related to the urgency of learning and teaching writing in seminary. The data revealed that 59 % students stated that writing in English is an obligation, 66 % students were interested in writing in English, 45 % students wrote in English routinely, 59 % students realized the urgent need of



Find the goals

Develop an essay using the following information

The future will be better than


The future will be worse than today

Population The rate of population increase is falling. Food supplies are increasing because of new varieties and fertilizers.

World population will reach 8000 million by the end of the century. The amount of cultivable land is steadily being reduced. Food supplies will not keep up with rising population.

Peace International co-operation through the UN is improving. New communication links are drawing countries close together.

Rivalry between big powers is getting stronger. Both sides have enough nuclear weapons to destroy the world. Six nations have nuclear bombs and at least three others are trying to make them.

Impact of technology

Machines will do the dirty, unpleasant or monotonous work. Everyone will have more time to enjoy life.

Unemployment will increase because machines can replace machine operators, clerks, librarians, shop assistants and many others. Personal privacy will disappear as computers now store many personal details about us.

Health Life expectancy is increasing. Cures are being found for some of major killer diseases. Smallpox has already been eradicated.

New illness caused by the strains of modern living will appear. Mental illnesses are increasing in the west. Diseases caused by alcohol and smoking are on the increase in the developing countries. Pollution Air and water pollution is

decreasing in the west. New laws help limit noise pollution.

Industrial pollution is becoming serious in the developing countries. Oil pollution in the sea is getting worse. The Mediterranean is becoming a dead sea


To argue something

To persuade the readers to do or not to do something.


Introduce the issue/problem and your thesis.

Background information; for some topics give some additional information, and define terms and explain to the reader to understand the issue. Body: arguments and refutation

Argument for Argument against

Conclusion: solution, prediction, recommendation

Thesis (general statement) Arguments


The use of transition word The use of declarative sentences The use of words that link arguments The use of present tense or past tense The use of compound and complex sentences



Text Organization




Glendinning, E. and Matell, H. 1990. Write Ideas. Singapore: Longman. Singapore Publisher.

Loughlin, B. Global Warming. index.php Lukman, E. I. 2006. Headlight 2. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Pardiyono, M.Pd., 2007. Pasti Bisa! Teaching Genre-Based Writing. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi.

Pardiyono, M.Pd., 12 Writing Clues for Better Writing Competence. 2006. Yogyakarta: Penerbit Andi.

Regina, L. S., Ruetten, K., Marry, K., Joan, R. 2001. Refining Composition Skill. Boston: Heinle & Heinle Publisher.

Rooks, G. M. 1999. Paragraph Power. New York: Pearson Education.

Sudarwati, M. T. and Grace, E. 2007. Look Ahead , An English Course For Senior High School Students Year X. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Sudarwati, M. T. and Grace, E. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course For Senior High School Students Year XI. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Sudarwati, M. T. and Grace, E. 2007. Look Ahead An English Course For Senior High School Students Year XII . Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Tim Instruktur Bahasa Inggris. Window on The World 1. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.

Wishon, G. E. and Burks, J. M. 1990. Let’s Write English. New York: Litton Educational Publishing International.

What are the consequences of pollution? How we control it? www. 10594.html

The Zoo Job Story. www.

Would you prefer to live in a small town or a big city?

Malaysian Women Suggested To Carry Condoms.The Jakarta Post, June 01, 2008.


References of photos Unit 1 Pollution ...pollution

Unit 2 Funny Story

Unit 3 Environment www.

Rm. Edy MaigahoakuPrivate collection

Unit 4 City Life

Unit 5 Story Telling

The cover of Indonesian Folk Tales The cover of Great Work of Oscar Wilde

Unit 6 Global Warming www.

Unit 7 Smoking


Unit 8 People Today www.



Warman, Fransiskus Hermus, 2009. Designing a Set of Process-Genre Based Writing Materials For Students of Grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol

Manggarai Timur Flores. Yogyakarta: English Language Education Study

Program, Sanata Dharma University.

This study focused on developing materials to teach writing to the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggarai Timur Flores. In developing the materials, the writer used Kemp’s instructional design model and Research and Development Method. The study aimed to answer a research question namely, what is the ideal of instructional materials to teach writing to the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. There were five main procedures in conducting the study. The procedures were research and information collecting, planning, development preliminary form of product, preliminary field testing and main product revision.

Research and information collecting was the basis of developing the materials. In this process, a survey on students’ need analysis was conducted to the students of grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. In the process of planning, the syllabus and the internal curriculum of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol were explored to be complementary references of School Based Curriculum (SBC). The compulsory materials of SBC were used as the main references in developing the materials. In developing the materials, competency standard, basic competencies and indicators were stated clearly. Further, the subject content, teaching and learning activities and references were also the integral parts of planning process. In preliminary field testing, the preliminary form of product was evaluated by thirty eight students of grade XI and three teachers of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol, and two English lecturers of English Education Study Program in Sanata Dharma University. The result of preliminary field testing revealed that the average of students’ agreement to the proposed materials was 4.6 from 4.4 to 4.9 and the average of teachers’ and lecturers’ agreement was 4.4 from 3.8 to 5. It meant the developed materials were appropriate and acceptable to be used at SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. The main product was the product that had been revised after preliminary field testing.

The materials consisted of eight units. Each unit consisted of four parts namely 1) get started, 2) dig it out, 3) hand in hand, and 4) find the goal. The parts referred to teaching and learning cycle proposed by Feez and Joyce (2002) namely, 1) building context, 2) modeling and deconstruction of text, 3) joint and construction of text, and 4) independent construction of text. In the process of teaching and learning writing, students would build knowledge, understand the genres of writing, construct text and practice real writing based on the process-genre based approach.

Hopefully, the materials could be used in SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol to be the references of learning writing and finally could improve students mastery in writing.



Warman, Fransiskus Hermus, 2009. Designing a Set of Process-Genre Based Writing Materials For Students of Grade XI of SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol

Manggarai Timur Flores. Yogyakarta: Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Universitas Sanata Dharma Yogyakarta.

Penelitian ini terfokus pada pengembangan materi pengajaran menulis bagi siswa kelas XI di SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol Manggari Timur Floses. Dalam pengembangan materi, penulis menggunakan model perancangan Kemp dan metode penelitian dan pengembangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjawab satu pertanyaan penelitian yakni apakah ideal rancangan materi untuk mengajar menulis bagi siswa kelas XI Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Ada lima tahap utama dalam melaksanakan penelitian. Tahap-tahap tersebut adalah penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan, pengembangan bentuk awal produk, pengujian awal di lapangan dan perbaikan awal produk.

Penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi merupakan dasar pengembangan materi. Pada tahap ini, penelitian atas analisis kebutuhan siswa dijalankan bagi siswa Kelas XI SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Pada tahap perencanaan, silabus dan kurikulum internal seminari dibedah untuk dijadikan sebagai acuan penunjang Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). Materi wajib KTSP digunakan sebagai acuan utama pengembangan materi. Dalam pengembangan materi, standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar dan indikator dinyatakan dengan jelas. Lebih jauh, isi materi dan kegiatan belajar mengajar serta sumber belajar menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari tahap perencanaan. Pada tahap pengujian awal produk, bentuk awal produk dievaluasi oleh tiga puluh delapan siswa Kelas XI, tiga guru Bahasa Inggris SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol, dan dua dosen Bahasa Inggris Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Sanata Dharma. Hasil pengujian awal menyingkapkan bahwa rata-rata persetujuan siswa atas materi yang diusulkan adalah 4.6 dari rentang nilai 4.4 sampai dengan 4.9, dan rata-rata persetujuan guru dan dosen adalah 4.4 dari rentang nilai 3.8 sampai dengan 5. Itu berarti materi yang dikembangkan cocok dan dapat diterima untuk digunakan di SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol. Perbaikan utama produk adalah produk yang sudah direvisi setelah pengujian awal di lapangan.

Materi tersebut terdiri dari 8 unit. Setiap unit terdiri dari empat bagian yakni 1) get started, 2) dig it out, 3) hand in hand, dan 4) find the goal. Bagian-bagian tersebut mengaju pada lingkaran pengajaran dan pembelajaran yang diajukanoleh Feez dan Joyce (2002) yakni 1) building Context, 2) modeling and

deconstruction of text, 3) Joint and construction of text, and 4) independent

construction of text. Dalam proses pengajaran dan pembelajaran menulis, siswa

akan membangun pengetahuan, memahami jenis karangan, menyususn teks dan mempraktekan menulis berdasarkan pendekatan process-genre based.

Materi ini diharapkan dapat digunakan di SMA Seminari Pius XII Kisol untuk menjadi referensi belajar menulis dan pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan kemahiran siswa dalam menulis.

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