37 Here is an example of counterfactual presupposition: If you were my brother, you would have told me. This sentence presupposes that the reader or the listener is not my the speaker’s brother. The sentence “If you were my brother, you would have told me” indicates that the speaker wants you the person mentioned by the speaker to tell something to the speaker. In this study, the researcher’s focal point is to find out what types of presupposition where countries’ and states’ slogans belong to. There are six types of presuppositions mentioned previously and the researcher would like to analyze the presupposition by firstly analyze the presupposition triggers and then the researcher would like to categorize the presupposition according to its type. The researcher would like to discuss the presupposition discovered in some countries and states slogans in this world because the researcher finds it interesting to categorize the presupposition according to its type.

B. Theoretical Framework

Pragmatics presuppositions are not an essential condition to the truth of the falsehood of an utterance, moreover they are necessary to guarantee the felicity of an act Allan, 2009 p. 724. Not all the presuppositions applied to test whether a sentence is true or false, but merely to show that something does exist. Most of the time, when two or more people engage in the same conversation, they share all kinds of background knowledge that they have: not just knowledge which is specific to the situation in which they find themselves, but general knowledge 38 about the world Leech, 1974 p. 288. Most of the time, people enjoy talking about something although they do not know the real situation about something itself, but in any case they have same background about what is being talked. Baurle and Zimmermann 2010 say that people have to know what the speaker is presupposing in order to explain his behavior when he is engaged in a conversation. Therefore, even though people do not know the real situation, they should know what matter is being talked. In this theoretical framework the researcher is going to present the theories used by the researcher to answer two research questions presented in this study. As stated in the previous chapter, the researcher has two research questions. First, how presuppositional triggers hold to support the categorization of presupposition into its type. Second, what types of presupposition that occur in countries’ and states’ slogans. In attempt to answer the first research questions, about how do presuppositional triggers hold to categorize the presupposition into its type, the researcher tried to search for the data of some countries’ and states’ slogans from magazines and mostly from the internet. Then, the researcher would like to list them alphabetically and categorize them into five continents where they belong to before analyzing the presuppositional triggers. In analyzing the presupposition triggers, the researcher would like to apply the theory from Karttunen 1973 about the kinds of presuppositional triggers. There are 13 kinds of presuppositional triggers proposed by Karttunen 1973, namely definite descriptions, factive verbs, implicative verbs, change of state verbs, iteratives, 39 verbs of judging, temporal clauses, cleft sentences, implicit clefts with stressed constituents, comparisons and contrasts, non-restrictive relative clauses, counterfactual conditionals, and questions. Those kinds of presuppositional triggers help to encourage the categorization of presupposition into its type. In order to answer the second research question in this study, the researcher tried to discover the presuppositional triggers of each country and state slogan in order to clarify what it presupposes and after that the researcher categorized the presupposition into its type. There are six types of presupposition proposed by Yule 1996, namely existential presupposition, factive presupposition, lexical presupposition, structural presupposition, non-factive presupposition, and counterfactual presupposition. Those types of presupposition are triggered by 13 kinds of presuppositional triggers proposed by Karttunen 1973. 40


In this chapter, the researcher presents the methodology that is used by the researcher to conduct this research. This methodology is aimed to answer two research questions that had been formulated by the researcher. As stated in the previous chapter, there are two major research questions which are going to be discussed by the researcher. 1. How do presuppositional triggers hold to support the categorization of presupposition into its type? 2. What are the types of presupposition that occur in countries’ and states’ slogans? The researcher formulated those two research questions because the researcher would like to analyze deeper about the types of presupposition in countries’ and states’ slogans. The reason why the researcher asked the first question about how presuppositional triggers hold to categorize the presupposition into its type because the researcher would like to investigate how the presuppositional triggers help and ease the researcher to categorize into what types those presuppositions belong to. The reason why the researcher asked the second question about what are the types of presupposition that occur in countries’ and states’ slogans or taglines is that the researcher would like to classify what types of presupposition where the countries’ and states’ slogans belong to.