Research Problems Problem Limitation Research Objective Research Benefits

5 presupposition discovered in those slogans. People or the government of the countries creates slogans to tell the readers what the readers can find in the countries. Moreover, it is a compulsory to know the slogans of countries and states because the countries and states slogans presuppose something exists in the countries which can persuade the readers or tourists to visit the countries. Since there are many types of presuppositions, the researcher would like to investigate in which type the presupposition that occurs in countries’ and states’ slogans belong to. Many people read advertisements or magazines which contain countries and states slogans or taglines, but they may not know what type of presupposition is. To be able to know the types of presupposition of a sentence and what it presupposes, they can construct a list of known presupposition triggers Levinson, 1983, p. 181. This pragmatics study on presuppositions has a certain purpose for the English Language Education Study Program ELESP students since they also get linguistic courses, specifically semantics and pragmatics courses as one of the branches of linguistics course. This study will help them to comprehend more about presuppositions, especially pragmatics presuppositions, types of pragmatics presuppositions and also kinds of presuppositional triggers. By examining this study on pragmatics presuppositions, the ELESP students will have more sense about pragmatics awareness Rose Kasper, 2001.

B. Research Problems

In conducting this research, the researcher formulates two research problems in this study. 6 1. How do presuppositional triggers hold to support the categorization of presupposition into its type? 2. What are the types of presupposition that occur in countries’ and states’ slogans?

C. Problem Limitation

This study is limited to the presuppositions concept. The researcher limits the study on how presuppositional triggers hold to categorize the presuppositions into its type and what types the presuppositions occurs in countries’ and states’ slogans belong to. In this study, the researcher applied descriptive research method which the final result of this research is in a form of a rich description. The researcher applied descriptive research method because the researcher would like to analyze the pragmatics presuppositions occurs in countries’ and states’ slogans. In this study, the researcher would like to analyze the presupposition occurs in countries’ and states’ slogan and categorize them according to their types.

D. Research Objective

This research is conducted in order to, first, discover how presuppositional triggers hold to support the categorization of the presupposition occurs in countries’ and states’ slogans into their types. Second, this study aims to find out what types of presuppositions where the presupposition occurs in countries’ and states’ slogans belong to. 7

E. Research Benefits

The benefits of this research on the analysis of pragmatics presupposition of countries’ and states’ slogans can be stated as follows: 1. For the English Language Education Study Program Students ELESP Students This research will provide advantageous information about presuppositions, especially pragmatics presuppositions for ELESP students. By reading this research, ELESP students can enhance their knowledge about presuppositions and also comprehend the types of presuppositions especially types of presuppositions where the countries’ and states’ slogans belong to. Besides, the ELESP students can gain more information on what strategy which can help them to discover presuppositional triggers in such presuppositions since this research also discuss the kinds of presupposition triggers. 2. For future researchers For the future researchers who are going to conduct research in the same field, in this case is presupposition, this research would be beneficial and will provide more information about presupposition, especially pragmatics presuppositions. Besides, the future researchers can refer to this study as their references if they want to conduct research on linguistics field and they want to go deeper. 8 3. For readers This research will give insights to the readers when they happen to find sentences containing presupposition. By reading this research, the readers will be able to identify what types of presuppositions and what kinds of presuppositional triggers of a presupposition they found. Besides, this research can be useful for the readers if they would like to study presupposition as well.

F. Definition of Terms