Background of the Study

factor which could be the way of delivering topic by the teacher Richards, 1979: 190. Moreover, this research will focus on the students’ internal factors.

D. Definition of Terms

There are three terms that will be defined in this part. First, the word ‘mastery’ means as an acquisition that requires deep understanding or comprehending certain knowledge. Furthermore, ‘mastery’ requires personal features such as maturity, tact, sensitivity, and adaptability which enable the individual to observe and imitate what others do, and to search the language’s resources to find expression to suit his attitude Quirk, R., Greenbaum, S., Leech, G., Startvik, J., 1972 :24. In the process of learning seco nd language, the term ‘mastery’ is often used to estimate how well a person learns the second language. Second, the term ‘errors’ means flawed side of learner’s speech or writing. In this research, the ‘errors’ are those parts of composition or writing that deviate from selected norm of mature language performance Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, 1982 : 38. In short, the ‘errors’ are the mistakes done by the learners who are not following the language rules. Third, the term ‘causative’ refers to the causal relationship between alternative versions of a sentence Crystal, 2008: 70. Crystal examines that the example can be seen from the pair of sentences of The cat killed the mouse and the mouse died. The word kill is defined as a ‘causative’ version of the intransitive die which can be paraphrased as “The cat caused the mouse to die”. 6


A. Review of Related Studies

Kristi 2003 conducted a research of the mastery of causative, specifically get and have causatives, towards the high school students in Yogyakarta. At the beginning, Kristi introduced causative verbs in Old English and Modern English. Later, she explained have and get causatives followed by their meanings, functions, and tenses. There were three objectives of the study. First, the study aimed to find out how many students of SMK Dharma Paramitha Yogyakarta have mastered get and have causatives. Second was to find out the difficulties that the students had in the process of understanding causatives. Third, the research was done to investigate the reason behind the difficulties in mastering get and have causatives. To answer the problems, Kristi used a test and questionnaire as the instrument in this study. There were 20 people of third grade students at SMK Dharma Paramitha who participated in the test and questionnaire. The computation showed that two students got an A, three students got B, ten students got C, and five students got D. The result of the research were the object of errors that the students did. It was proven that they have difficulties on the structure, such as putting the major constituent in the appropriate order, making grammatical sentences, differentiating get and have as causative verbs, and understanding English tenses. Kristi also found out the causes of the problems in understanding causatives which were: 1 the source of the material, 2 the choice of the material itself and the style of presentation, and 3 forgetful learners. The next related study was from Gilquin 2003 who conducted a research on the relation and differences between get and have causatives. In practice, Gilquin examined that these two verbs shared similarities such as: 1 they could govern an infinitive, past participle, or present participle; 2 both of them did not have the passivization system of the main-clause; and 3 they could be followed by a non- finite clause but expressed a different non-causative meaning, notably an experiential one. In spite of these similarities, get and have causatives have differences in the construction and semantics. In short, Gilquin investigated the elements in causative such as the causer, causee, patient, and effect. These elements of get and have causatives then were compared to each other. The results were: 1 the frequency of get causatives was higher than have; 2 get and have causatives had different in purpose; and 3 get and have causatives had different form of sentence. The research result by Kristi will be used as the basic hypotheses for this research. The researcher would like to find out whether the difficulties in causatives proved in Kristi’s research are also felt by seventh semester students of English Letters Department. In the other hand, the research done by Gilquin will be used as the basic theories for causatives.

B. Review of Related Theories 1.

Grammar Grammar is a set of rules which specify all the possible structures of the language. Therefore, all of the production of words and sentences of a language are set systematically by the rules. The structure of language includes the structure of word and sentence. In English, understanding a language is started from understanding the word construction and the word function, for example: the word sing has a function of verb, which it shows an action or the activity done by the doer. In this case, it is important to acknowledge part of speech which is divided into ten types, for instance noun, adjective, verb, preposition, and so on Quirk and Greenbaum, 1985: 18. Then, it is continued with the learning of producing a phrase, a clause, and a sentence. In addition, it is also needed to learn the tenses in English such as present progressive tense, past tense, future tense, etc. It is indeed that combining the words to make a sentence needs an acceptable pattern which is based on the systematic rules. The knowledge of grammar rules is required in order to build up a good connection throughout language so people can talk and understand what the speaker is saying and what meanings that the speaker is trying to imply.