The Meaning of Get and Have as Verbs in Dictionaries Get

Averagely, there were 46 students who answered 50 toward the percentage of the comprehension of make, have, get causatives. Forgetful learners are the most common cause due to the result. There were 58 students admitted that they needed to learn more about make, have, get causatives. 57


A. Conclusion

According to the data, there were 63 students from 83 in total who achieve the score below 60 in the test. This proves that the majority of seventh semester students still have problems in understanding make, have, get causatives. The problems that the students have are various such as differentiating the meaning and function of causatives, understanding the structure of passive causative, and transferring the idea of causative in English into Indonesian. The type of the errors that are mostly found in the test is misformation which has 533 errors in total. This includes the wrong use of make, have, get causatives in the sentences; the false concept of passive structure of causative; and the false transfer in meaning between make and get causatives. Another factor causing misformation errors is because the design of the test that leads the students to result misformation error. Overall, the result of 533 errors in misformation proves that the students still have problems in understanding English grammar. The second biggest number of errors is 67 of omission errors. Most of the errors were found in Part B. Table 4.6 shows that question 9, 10, and 11 in Part B have misformation and omission as the biggest number of errors. This result shows that there is a tendency to result misformation and omission errors in a passive sentence. The errors are commonly omitting the causee and verb and changing the sentence into regular passive voice. Addition and misordering are the types of the errors which have slight difference in total: 21 and 28. Addition errors found in Part B are influence by the pattern of regular passive voice structure which is the addition of be or to be before the verb. Meanwhile, misordering can be found in Part A and Part B. Misordering errors are mostly about the misplacement of verbs in passive voice. This is caused by the interruption of informal pattern of get and modal structure of have. In gene ral, the students’ answers towards causative show that they have misunderstanding in English grammar. The students also seemed to have lack knowledge of causative structure in English and the differences among make, have, get. However, there are also som e questions presenting students’ success in applying the correct rules of causatives. There are 42 students have acknowledged when to use make as causative in question 4 Part A and there are more than half students have transferred make causative from English into Indonesian in question 1 and 3 in Part C. Many of students’ answers also show that they have applied the rule of active causative form correctly. It can be proved by the number of correct answers in question 3 which is 34 and question 5 which is 69. The factors causing the errors in students’ answers are interlingual and intralingual errors. Some answers show that most students overgeneralize the meaning of make and get in Indonesian that causes false concept in English. The