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A. Object of the Study

The objects of this research were the seventh semester students of 2016 academic year, in English Letters Department of Universitas Sanata Dharma. The reason was the background knowledge that the seventh semester students had toward the material. The writer expected that the seventh semester students had mastered the material because they had learned Structure I until Structure V. Since causative is related to sentence form, the mastery of causative would be measured based on the correct form of sentences the seventh semester students produced in causative. This would include the mastery on the differentiation of causative function and comprehension of active and passive causative. Therefore, the linguistic element that would be analyzed was the syntactic form of sentence.

B. Approach of the Study

The first approach of the study applied in this research was the syntactic approach. Syntax concerns with the way how words can be combined together to form phrase s and sentences Radford, 2002: 1. Crystal explains that syntax is ‘the study of the interrelationships between elements of sentence struct ure’ 2008: 471. Furthermore, the syntactic approach would be applied to analyze the structure of active and passive causative in the test given to seventh semester students. The approach was also used to arrange the question in the test. Since this research dealt with the second language acquisition, the second approach used to analyze it was translation method. Hatim and Munday explains translation method as follows, Translation is an incredibly broad notion which can be understood in many different ways. For example, one may talk of translation as a process or a product, and identify such sub-types as literary translation, technical translation, subtitling and machine translation; moreover, while more typically it just refers to the transfer of written texts, the term sometimes also includes interpreting 2004: 3. This translation method would be used to analyze how the students could understand the difference between make, have, get English causatives in Indonesian form. That is why the approach uses a closed translation as a part of the methodology.

C. Method of the Study

1. Data Collection

To help analyzing data, the writer decided to use quantitative method. Quantitative research lets the investigator identify a research problem based on the observation or on the need to explain why something occurs Creswell, 2015: 13. Sugiyono illustrates quantitative method as a research method which is used for analyzing certain population or sample in statistical way 2014: 35. In order to support the methodology, the researcher used sample for the obejct for the research taken from the students’ population. Population is the group or persons, things, or events that share at least one common trait Sprinthall, Schmutte, and Sirois, 1990: 27. In this research, the population were the seventh semester students who studied in English Letters