Social Motives Linguistic Motives

28 researcher aims to investigate two important points of the objectives. The types of swear words and why the character in the Antologi Rasa novel. In answering the first research question, the researcher used Andersson and Trudgill in Lindahl, 2008, p. 4 theory that categorizes swear words into four types, which are: 1. Expletive swearing is swearing that is not directed to others, usually used to express personal feeling or emotion, e.g. shit 2. Abusive swearing is swearing that is directed towards others and offensive, including bad name calling and cursing, e.g. You asshole 3. Humorous swearing is swearing that is directed towards others but is delivered in a playful way, not serious tone and offensive, e.g. Get your ass in gear 4. Auxiliary swearing is swearing that is complementary, not addressed towards others, and usually used as a way of speaking, e.g. It is fucking awesome In describing why the main character of the Antologi Rasa novel swears, the researcher used Andersson‟s theory that categorizes reasons of swearing into three parts. Those reasons are psychological motives, social motives and linguistic motives. 1. Psychological motives: in swearing, usually psychological motives deal with the expression of the speaker‟s emotion, like anger, surprise, joy, sorrow, etc. For the example, someone may swear like shit when hisher knee accidentally kicks the table. 29 2. Social motives: social motives in swearing deal with the intents of the speaker to maintain or destruct his her relationship with others, including an effort to show social identity, to amuse someone, to insult someone, etc. For instance, black people may say hey, nigga to their black friend to indicate the strong relationship between them. 3. Linguistic motives: linguistic motives in swearing have something to do with giving emphasize on something being talked about by employing swearwords. For instance, what a fuckin good show it is.