Human Instrument Research Instruments Data Gathering Techniques

34 novel was used to take some swear words existing in the novel. Meanwhile, the researcher also used other documents to answer the research questions. Those documents were some books borrowed from the library. Besides, in order to ease the data gathering, the researcher then formulated the categories which were relevant to the investigation by coding. Fraenkel and Wallen 2006, p. 436 state that coding is a technique that is used in content analysis method. Coding is the analytic process through which data are fractured, conceptualized, and integrated to form theory. The table of the coding table can be seen in Table 3.1, which presents two objectives that became the main focus of the study, the types and of swearing and the motives for swearing. The format of the coding table shows how the researcher answered the first and the second research problems of the study.

E. Data Analysis

In order to analyze the data, the researcher followed several steps. Firstly, read all the content of the Antologi Rasa novel, and then, underlined the swear words which were used in the novel. The next step was to transcribe all the swear words that had been got from the novel. Then, the researcher classified the utterances which were used by the main character in the conversation with her friends or with herself monologue. In order to answer the two research questions, the researcher found some theories which were related to the topics discussed and then matched each classification of the utterances of swear words to those theories. After that, the 35 researcher analyzed the data and made a conclusion to answer the research questions.

F. Research Procedure

To answer the research questions, the writer had to undergone the systemic research procedure. This section described the several steps of finalizing this research. The first step of accomplishing this research was choosing the novels that contain many swear word phenomena written in English. The novel chosen was Antologi Rasa. Next, the researcher needed to determine the objectives of this research, define some terms which were used in the research, specify the unit of analysis, locate relevant data such as synchronize the data and the theories used in this research, develop rationale, develop a sampling plan, formulate coding categories, check the reliability and validity by consulting to the thesis advisor, and the last one was to analyze the data that had been got from the novel to be matched with some theories in order to answer the two research questions. After that, the researcher reported the result of the analysis and made conclusion from the data that had been analyzed.