Types of Swearing Conclusions

56 though those two men still swear. One of the important things in swearing is that the swearing expression can be employed either constructive or destructive. On the one hand, almost all the swearing words which are directed to other characters in the Antologi Rasa novel are used to show intimacy and solidarity, and to amuse others. These can be regarded as constructive. On the other hand, the swearing expression which are destructive cannot be found in the novel.

B. Recommendations

The researcher of this study acknowledges that this thesis is still incomplete. Therefore, there are some recommendations proposed by the write. First, this research aims to initiate a discussion about swear words among the scholars. Therefore, it is expected that the discussion about swear words does not only stop at judging them as something which should be avoided. The scholars are expected to be more critical to the occurrence of swear words in various circumstances and learn them in different perspectives. Second, students who learn linguistics are expected to understand that the analysis on linguistics does not only analyze about linguistics features, but also about linguistics aspects deeper. Therefore, this study can be one of the references while linguistics students want to investigate deeper on linguistics, especially some references about swearing words. Third, for the other researchers, this research only focuses on analyzing the use of swear words which are used by the main character of the Antologi Rasa novel. There are actually some characters in the novel, but the researcher of this study regarded that it is not necessary to investigate the use of swear words which 57 are used in the novel considering there are no significance differences of the use swear words among the characters. Therefore, it is really suggested that the further researchers conduct the same research in other literary works or movies, but not only which is used by the main character.