Helping One Another Maintaining Their Friendship

54 marry one woman only. Rasheed can not fullfil that requirement. He mistreat his wives. One reason is that Mariam and Laila can not give him a son. One day Mariam and Laila try to escape from Rasheed. Rasheed becomes more abusive and rude. They feel sad to be with him. They want to go out. In that situation Mariam and Laila become closer. They raise up one another. As good moslems, they believe in Allah God. They believe in Allah’s purpose. “I’ll throw up,” Laila laughed. “I’m too excited.” “Me too.” “Thank you, Mariam.” “For what?” “For this. For coming with us,” Laila said. “I don’t think I could do this alone.” “You won’t have to.” “We’re going to be allright, aren’t we, Mariam, where we’re going?” Mariam’s hand slid across the bench and closed over hers. “The Koran says Allah is the East and the West, therefore wherever you turn there is Allah’s purpose.” 279 Based on the analysis above, it can be found that Mariam and Laila do maintain their friensdhip by caring one another. They show their affection to one another. It begins from a simple thing continously. Mariam does aware that Laila is her only one friend in the world. So does Laila. Based on Maslows’ theory of motivation in Kasschau 143-144, there are belongingness and love needs. Mariam and Laila gain their belonging and love needs. They love one another. They feel a sense of belonging. They also need to have self esteem and also self esteem from others.

d. Helping One Another

Another way of Mariam and Laila in maintaining their friendship is helping one another. It is related to the belongingness and love needs. Mariam and Laila 55 gain their belonging and love needs through their togetherness. They feel a sense of belonging. They also need for being secured Kasschau 143-144 . That is why they help one another. There are some proofs that can be found thorugh Mariam and Laila actions. Mariam and Laila help one another in keeping their house. They also help one another in treating Aziza and Zalmai. One day, Mariam and Lalia tries to escape from Rasheed. They want to go somewhere far. Unfortunately, when Mariam and Laila try to escape, Rasheed knows where they are. It makes him very angry. Mariam and Laila try to save one another. Mariam says that she asks Laila to escape and Laila also says that she does it. It is the proof of their friendship. They want to save one another. “YOU,” he said to Mariam. “You wait here.” Mariam quietly took a seat on the couch. “You two, upstairs” Rasheed grabbed Laila by the elbow and pushed her up the steps. He was still wearing the shoes he wore to work, hadn’t yet changed to his flip- flops, taken off his watch, hadn’t even shed his coat yet. Laila pictured him as he must have been an hour, or maybe minutes, earlier, rushing from one room to another, slamming doors, furious and incredulous, cursing under his breath. At the top of the stairs, Laila turned to him. “She didn’t want to do it,” she said. “I made her do it. She didn’t want to go____”285-286 Mariam cares to Laila’s children, Aziza and Zalmai. Mariam helps Laila to keep her children 268. Laila helps Mariam to keep their house. They do everything together. It is unique. Usually, two wives are rivals. But not for Mariam and Laila. They forget the competition. They do not want to attract Rasheed because they know that Rasheed is “a special husband”. What they do for Rasheed is only mistakes. Then, as the final help from Mariam to Laila, she kills 56 Rasheed by using shovel in order to save Laila. She lets Laila to have a new better life. It is totally awesome because one person has sacrificed her life for her friend. Mariam does it without qualification. Mariam proofs the kind of friendship which is based on goodnesses. By doing aware that Mariam has sacrificed, Laila feels so guilty. She does not stop to think about Mariam. She visits Mariam’s hometown and she remember Mariam forever. Their friendship is eternal. 57


There are two parts in this chapter, namely conclusions and suggestions. The first part presents the conclusion of the analysis and the answer of the problem formulated. The second part presents recommendation for future researchers who want to conduct researches on Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns and recommendations for teaching and learning activities.

A. Conclusions

Friendship is important in life. People always need friends in order to support their life because nobody can live alone in this world. Friendship are built through good communication and connection. By having good communication and connection, people will have a good understanding to each other. Friendship develops human personality and thought. Based on the analysis in chapter 4, there are some conclusions which answer the problem formulated. In Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns, there are two characters that indicate the friendship. They are Mariam and Laila. Mariam and Laila are round characters or dynamic characters because their characters are complex in temperament and motivation. Mariam and Laila are described like human beings in real life who can act unpredictably. Mariam and Laila are also the major characters of Khaled Hosseini’s A Thousand Splendid Suns. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded that the friendship between Mariam and Laila is a