Admiring One Another Maintaining Their Friendship

51 theory of motivation as cited by Kasschau 143-144 about safety needs. It is understood that they need safety.

a. Admiring One Another

One way of friendship between Mariam and Laila is that they admire one another. Based on Maslows’ theory of motivation Kasschau 143-144, there are self esteem needs and esteem needs from others. It includes status and feeling of importance. Although Mariam is always envious to Laila, Mariam is proud of Laila. Mariam does aware that Laila is a strong girl. Laila takes care her baby nicely. She does the work well. She never looks tired, although she does many things. Mariam found it exhausting to watch the girl’s lolloping enthusiasm and had to admit, if only privately, to a degree of admiration. She marveled at how the girl’s eyes shone with worship, even in the morning when her face drooped and her complexion was waxy from a night’s worth of walking the baby.252 By doing aware that Laila is a kind person, Mariam starts pitying the girl. Rasheed changes his personality. He becomes more abusive when he gets a daughter from Laila, not a son as what he wants. Laila is not a benz or a flower any longer. Laila is an active woman. She does everything well and fast. It makes Mariam does appreciate to her and starts admire her action and personality. Rasheed does not care much to Aziza, Laila’s daughter. As the rival, it is strange because Mariam is not happy on it. Mariam finds that she does pitying Laila. The strange thing was, the girl’s fall from grace ought to have pleased Mariam, brought her a sense of vindication. But it didn’t. It didn’t. To her own surprise, Mariam found herself pitying the girl. 52 It was also over dinner that the girl let loose a steady stream of worries 253 Laila is much younger than Mariam. She finds the figure of mother in Mariam. She adimires Mariam as a strong woman in that hard situation. Laila likes Mariam’s way in caring her. Laila feels comfortable. “Mariam’s soft maternal voice went on, brought a degree of comfort to her.” 379 Laila is saved by Mariam. Mariam saves her life by killing Rasheed and as the result, she is punished. Laila can live happily with Tariq, Aziza, Zalmai, and their next baby. As the tribute to Mariam, Laila will name her baby with her hero’s name, Mariam Hosseini 443. b. Getting Closer Unconsciously, Mariam and Laila become friend and they have a new routinity which is drinking chai every evening Hosseini 265. Then they realize that they are not rivals any longer. They become a good team. They shares what they thought and felt. By being closer, they know that they are not enemies any longer. Based on Maslows’ theory of motivation as cited by Kasschau 143-144, there are belongingness and love needs. Mariam and Laila gain their belonging and love needs through their togetherness. They feel a sense of belonging. As a kind of friendship which is based on goodnesses, the friendship between Mariam and Laila is getting closer and closer. Their relationship becomes better and better. They are a friend who need one another since they have no other one to share. They sat on folding chairs outside and ate halwa with their fingers from a common bowl. They had a second cup, and when Laila asked her if she 53 wanted a third Mariam said she did. As gunfire cracked in the hills, they watched the clouds slide over the moon and the last of the season’s fireflies charting bright yellow arcs in the dark. And when Aziza woke up crying and Rasheed yelled for Laila to come up and shut her up, a look passed between Laila and Mariam. An unguarded, knowing look. And in this fleeting, wordless exchange with Mariam, Laila knew that they were not enemies any longer.Hosseini 265-266 From that night on, Mariam and Laila do their chores together Hosseini 267. They do everything together. They help one another. Naturally, they build friendship. They does not care about their wives’ competition. They do not want to attract their husband any longer since they do aware that they are wrong to decide marrying to Rasheed, a rough man.

c. Caring One Another