Teaching Skills Perceptions on the SPD Students’ Teaching Skills in Teaching English

37 were presented and discussed in two sections. The first is the teaching skills in teaching materials, and the second is the SPD students ’ personalities and attitudes characteristics when they taught clients. The answers of this problem are presented by discussing them according to the teachers’ basic teaching skills by Purnomo et al. 2008 and Brown 1976 and teacher characteristics suggested by some experts.

1. Teaching Skills

Clients’ perceptions on SPD students’ teaching skills are important since they are the only SPD students ’ supervisors during the learning process. SPD students will obtain many important input from clients to help them improve their teaching skills. In order to discover how clients perceive on SPD students ’ teaching skillss, the discussion on teaching skills was conducted deeper by looking at some teaching skill indicators which SPD students should perform. Regarding the data from questionnaires, it was clearly stated the fact that clients had good perceptions on SPD students ’ teaching skillss. The data of closed typed questionnaires indicated that there were 75.76 of the total clients who agreed and 15.15 who strongly agreed with the statement. Most of the clients students perceived that SPD students were qualified to teach English materials needed by the clients. It is known that saying someone is qualified in teaching or not needs many factors to support the argument. Therefore, the following statements are able to support this eighth statement about teachers’ teaching skills ability. It is supported by clients’ answers on open typed questions number 32 where most of clients perceived that SPD students ’ teaching skills and the course processes were satisfying for them. 38 They mentioned that the SPD students could bring themselves as a good figure of a teacher. Clients perceived that SPD students could give them very interesting and exciting learning activities. They also perceived the SPD students were friendly, nice, good looking, and well qualified. Even so, some of clients still found some S PD students’ weaknesses which are discussed in the clients’ suggestions for SPD students. Table 4.2. Clients’ Perceptions on SPD Students’ Set Induction and Closure Skills No. Statement SD D A SA 9. The SPD students could evoke clients ’ attention and interests. 1.51 1 15.15 10 59.09 39 24.24 16 10. The SPD students used many different ways to motivate clients to learn. 12.12 8 57.57 38 30.30 20 11. The SPD students always summarize the materials in the end of the meeting. 1.54 1 12.12 8 72.73 48 13.64 9 12. The SPD students always evaluate the learning process in every meeting. 25.76 17 60.61 40 13.64 9 The first teaching skill is set induction and closure skills. Set induction and closure skills are SPD students ’ skills to open to start and close to end the learning process in every meeting. SPD students should be able to prepare the clients before starting the learning activity so that the clients are prepared to follow the rest of the learning process. Closing the learning process is also an important component for the SPD students to consider. In ending the learning 39 process, SPD students should make sure that clients processed the learning well. SPD students also have to check the learning indicators and student developments and progress so that learning process is successful. The discussion below discussed clients perceptions on SPD students ’ set induction and closure skills in the classroom. ‘The SPD students can evoke clients’ attention and interests’. The statement is about the SPD students ’ ability to evoke clients’ attention and interests on the course materials in the beginning of the course. As stated in the table that there were 59.09 of the total clients who agreed and 24.24 who strongly agreed that the SPD students could always stimulate student attention and interests on the course materials. SPD students ’ set induction skills in the beginning of the course are crucial for clients. The SPD students should be able to grab the clients ’ attention and interests on the learning materials they are about to learn. Beginning the learning process with students’ attention-grabbing is a very effective way to increase both learning and motivation Kauchak Eggen, 2011. By guiding and preparing clients on the learning materials will make clients ready to follow the whole process. ‘The SPD students used many different ways to motivate clients to learn’. Clients’ learning motivation is another important thing to consider in the beginning of the course. SPD students should be able to vary the ways of motivating clients. This statement is related to the previous statement. This point is about the SPD students ’ ability to use many ways in motivating clients to learn. In this point, the researcher examines whether the SPD students used many 40 different ways to motivate clients in learning or not. The previous point has been discussed that attention grabbing in the beginning of the class can also evoke student motivation to learn the materials. In other words, SPD students should really concern on the needs of various effective learning approaches to make their clients always feel interested and motivated. By looking at the data it can be seen that there were 57.57 of the total clients who agreed and there were 30.30 clients who strongly agreed. Clients found out that during the learning process, they were motivated by the SPD students and the SPD students ’ ability to motivate clients in many different ways could always make clients have new learning motivation in every meeting. ‘The SPD students always summarize the materials in the end of the meeting’. This statement is related to one of teacher’s closure skills. The last part of every teaching and learning activity is closing the activity itself. In closing teaching and learning activity, SPD students have to make sure that the learning indicators and learning objectives are reached. In this study, 72.73 of the clients agreed and 13.64 of the clients strongly agreed with the statement. By looking at the percentage, almost all of the clients perceived that SPD students always gave them the summary of each meeting’s materials. By summarizing the materials of the day, clients will recall what they have learned in the class and it helps them memorize what they have learned longer. Kauchak and Eggen 2011 also stated that summarizing the whole learning materials in the end of the meeting is able to help students to organize what they have learned into a meaningful idea. The closure activity is another important aspect in the learning 41 process because it wraps up all the learning process and activities into a more understandable package. ‘The SPD students always evaluate the learning process in every meeting’. Another teacher closure skill is how the SPD students are able to evaluate the learning process itself. By evaluating every learning process, SPD students not only evaluate clients but also evaluate themselves. Hough and Duncan 1970 stated that being a good teacher, they have to be capable of evaluating their own teaching. This activity is needed by both clients and SPD students because this activity is able to help them know what went well and what went wrong so that they can solve problems together. In this study it seemed that not all of the clients perceived that the SPD students gave evaluation in every meeting. It can be seen from the percentage that there were 25.76 of the clients who disagreed with the statement. Even though a quarter of the clients disagreed with the statement, there were still 60.61 of the clients who agreed and 13.64 of the clients who strongly agreed with the statement. It concluded that the clients still had good perceptions on the SPD students ’ meeting evaluation activities in the class. The discussion above had revealed clients’ perceptions on SPD Students’ set induction and closure skills in every meeting during the course. Both starting and ending every learning process are important, as the result, SPD students should put big attention on how they will start and end the learning process in every meeting. By doing so, clients will obtain a meaningful learning process that has increased their ability. 42 Table 4.3. Clients’ Perceptions on SPD Students’ Delivery Skills and Stimulus Variation Skills No. Statement SD D A SA 13. The SPD students used the simple utterance to deliver the materials. 1.51 1 7.57 5 59.09 39 31.82 21 14. The SPD students taught systematically and clearly. 7.57 5 69.70 46 22.73 15 15. The SPD students asked certain questions and gave comments to clients ’ answer. 4.54 3 69.70 46 25.76 17 The second teaching skill is delivery and stimulus variation skills. SPD students, as the person who is responsible of what clients are obtaining, should be able to deliver the materials in a proper way so that clients will receive complete theories and instructions. This skill is another important skill for the SPD students because they should be able to lead their clients to process learning materials in a right way so that learning objectives and goals are achieved. As seen in the table above, the next discussion is about SPD students ’ delivery and stimulus variation skills. ‘The SPD students used the simple utterance to deliver the materials’. This statement is about the language use during the class, whether the SPD students used the simple utterance to explain and communicate with clients or not. As said that being a teacher heshe must able to use the simple utterance to make students understand on what is being explained by the teacher. It becomes a very important thing to consider since the SPD students taught second language English to 43 clients. SPD students should be able to use the language as simple as possible when they interact with clients and when they teach the materials so that clients are able to follow the learning process without any difficulties and problems. According to the data, there were 59.09 of the clients who agreed and there were 31.82 of the clients who strongly agreed that the SPD students used the simple language or utterance to teach the materials. This fact brought a conclusion that the clients were able to understand the SPD students ’ language use in the class very well. ‘The SPD students taught systematically and clearly’. This statement is about the materials management and how the SPD students taught the materials in the classroom. SPD students should have the ability to deliver explain and present the materials properly; otherwise clients will be bored, and less motivated. Some former studies on teachers organization and clarity revealed the similar and consistent results that teachers with good qualities of organization and clarity in delivering the materials were viewed to be more effective in supporting more learning among students Cruickshank, 1987; Good Grouws, 1977; Land Smith, 1979 According to the data from questionnaire, most of the clients or 69.70 of total clients agreed and 22.23 of the clients strongly agreed if the SPD students taught systematically and clearly during the process of learning. ‘The SPD students asked certain questions and gave comments to clients’ answer. This statement is related to the questions and feedback. In one of learning process checking the learning indicators is important. The SPD students should check whether clients have processed the learning materials or not. The SPD 44 students should make sure that the materials being taught are accepted by clients. Interactive questioning and feedback is considered as the most effective way to promote students’ learning Hattie Timperley, 2007. It is not only the questions which are important, the feedback to clients ’ answer is also important. SPD students should give the proper feedback to clients ’ answers so that they can understand whether they give the correct answer or not. Besides that, proper feedback can also assist clients to know the correct answer to the SPD students ’ questions. Based on the data there were 69.70 of the clients who agreed and 25.76 of the clients who strongly agreed with the statement. From three statements to view SPD students ’ delivery skills and stimulus variation skills, it was discovered that clients perceived SPD students ’ skills positively. Most of them perceived that SPD students used simple language to deliver the materials so that clients were able to understand SPD s tudents’ explanation. Besides having better understanding of SPD Students’ explanation, clients also perceived that SPD students delivered the materials systematically and clearly and the last one is clients perceived SPD students did make sure that all of clients understand the materials and process the learning properly by asking questions and then giving feedback to clients ’ responses. 45 Table 4.4. Clients’ Perceptions on SPD Students’ Questioning Skills and Reinforcement Skills No. Statement SD D A SA 16. The SPD students always give questions related to the current materials. 10.61 7 74.24 49 15.15 10 17. The questions were given in both ways, individual and classical. 18.18 12 65.15 43 16.67 11 18. The SPD students gave comments and feedback to clients ’ achievements. 66.67 44 33.33 22 19. The SPD students always give spirit and motivation to clients. 9.09 6 66.67 44 24.24 16 20. The SPD students always give the positive reinforcement to clients ’ achievements and development. 12.12 8 60.61 40 27.27 18 The next teaching skill is questioning skills and reinforcement skills. To support and assist clients ’ learning and achievements, SPD clients should be able to lead clients into a deeper understanding about the materials. Those goals can be achieved through questioning and reinforcing clients during the process of learning. Questioning clients about their understanding on the materials is able to help the SPD students to find out how clients have received the materials. Then, give clients some questions to answer related with learning materials will give SPD students overviews on clients ’ achievements and abilities. On the other hand, reinforcing clients is also important for their progress and motivation. Because 46 reinforcement could be positive or negative, SPD students should be able to make sure that they give proper positive reinforcements of clients ’ achievements and progress so that clients will be motivated to fix their weaknesses and increase their strengths later on. On the discussion below, the discussion about SPD students ’ questioning skills and reinforcing skills is described. ‘The SPD students always give questions related to the current materials’. This statement discussed SPD students ’ ability to increase clients’ understanding on materials through questioning skill. In delivering the materials, SPD students should be able to help their clients to increase their understanding on the materials. There are many ways to help increase clients ’ understanding; one of the most effective ways is through questioning. Good and Brophy 2008 stated that some studies addressed the similar thoughts guiding students through questioning are more effective that just explaining the materials. Through question-and- answer sections, SPD students encourage clients to participate and pay more attention to what is being learned rather than giving clients direct explanation on the materials. By doing so, SPD students can motivate as well as involving the student in the learning process. It is also shown in this study that SPD students were able to practice the same teaching approach. The data showed that 74.24 of the clients agreed with the statement and 15.15 of them strongly agreed with the statement. The SPD students realized that questioning clients is an effective teaching approach to guide clients ’ understanding on the learning materials. ‘The questions were given in both ways, individual and classical’. Related to the previous statement, the next statement is about the distribution of the 47 questions; whether the questions were given in both ways individually and classically or not. The questions related to the materials should be given in those two ways individually and classically so that all of clients can participate. The equitable distribution of the questions is important since SPD students have to make sure and aware that every single student they teach deserves the same portion to participate. Kerman 1979 stated that by distributing the questions to students equitably, teachers deliver an important message to students that every single person in the class is counted, all of them should contribute something to the learning and teachers trust students that they are capable. The data recorded the result that 65.15 of the clients agreed and 16.67 of the clients strongly agreed with the statement where clients could see that the SPD students had given the questions not only to certain individuals but also to the whole clients in class. ‘The SPD students gave comments and feedback to clients’ achievements’. In all process of learning, achievement is one of the important phases. Student achievements in the class are crucial things for SPD students to consider and pay attention on. SPD students comments and feedback to the student achievements are also needed by clients not only to motivate them but also to help them understand their weaknesses. Obtaining SPD students ’ comments and feedback can increase the quality of student achievements in the future. That is why, the SPD students should be able to give any comment and feedback to clients. Based on the data, there is no client who disagreed and Strongly Disagree with the statement. On the other hand, there were 66.67 of the clients who agreed and 33.33 of the clients who strongly agreed with the statement. 48 ‘The SPD students always give spirit and motivation to clients’. Motivation and spirit are the other aspects in teaching and learning process. Every single student in the class should have motivation to learn; otherwise they will not be able to gain understanding of the materials. Because clients need motivation and spirit to learn something new in every meeting, SPD students should be able to give clients motivation to learn. Once clients get motivated and have enough spirit to learn, it will be easier for the SPD students to explain the materials as well as for clients to understand the materials. According to some experts, motivated students have more positive attitudes on learning, managed to deal with their learning difficulties, and able to learn information in-depth Eisenman, 2007; Ryan, Arbuthnot, Samuels, 2007. It is said that motivation could come from inside and outside intrinsic extrinsic motivation while in this study, the researcher found out how the SPD student teachers could motivate their clients in the class. Based on the research findings there were 66.67 of the clients who agreed and 24.24 who strongly agreed with the statement. It means that those clients perceived the SPD students could always motivate them to learn every material in every meeting. ‘The SPD students always give the positive reinforcement to clients’ achievements and deve lopment’. This statement discussed positive reinforcement given by SPD students to their clients ’ achievements and progresses. The ability to give positive reinforcements is another teaching skill for SPD students to have. Some studies have revealed that giving praise and corrective feedback to students deliver positive influence to students’ achievements and attitudes on learning 49 Flanders Simon, 1969; Rosenshine, 1987. Giving positive reinforcements to clients is able to trigger their motivation and spirit in learning as well as boosting their self-confidence. This point is supported by the statement of Brown 1975 saying that positive reinforcements encourages students to contribute something to the discussion as well as encouraging them to struggle to achieve. Positive reinforcements could be a helping hand for clients who failed to reach the learning objectives because it is able to motivate them to learn harder so that clients can achieve something better because every student is always taken care of by the SPD students. While for clients who succeed in reaching certain accomplishments, giving positive reinforcements is able to increase their confidence and also learning motivation because every single achievement is counted. Based on the data, there are 60.61 of the clients agreed and 27.27 of the clients strongly agreed with the statement. The percentage of the data result showed more than 80 of the clients perceived the SPD students were always giving clients positive reinforcements in every client ’s achievements and progresses. By looking at clients ’ perceptions on one of the basic teaching skills on questioning and reinforcement skills, the researcher could find out that most of the SPD students were paying detailed attention to clients ’ achievements and progress. Table 4.5. Clients’ Perceptions on SPD Students’ Ability of Conducting Integrated Teaching Skills No. Statement SD D A SA 50 21. The SPD students used many kinds of simple and electronic media during the learning process. 6.06 4 34.85 23 51.51 34 7.57 5 22. The SPD students served varies and dynamic learning activities. 3.03 2 15.15 10 54.54 36 27.27 18 23. The SPD students gave enough time to clients to learn, practice and discuss the materials with friends. 1.51 1 6.06 4 65.15 43 27.27 18 24. The SPD students gave enough time to clients to actively participating in the classroom discussion. 4.54 3 60.61 40 34.85 23 25. The SPD students monitored the class thoroughly. 1.54 1 9.09 6 66.67 44 22.73 15 26. The SPD students always have certain ways to make clients keep concentrating on the materials. 18.18 12 63.64 42 18.18 12 27. The SPD students gave some rules in the class. 4.54 3 28.79 19 54.54 36 12.12 8 ‘The SPD students used many kinds of simple and electronic media during the learning process’. This statement is about the media use and implementations to help clients understand the materials better. Media use in the learning process could bring the materials closer to clients and what they perceive to be an abstract understanding will become clearer. By the help of media use in assisting student understanding, SPD students are able to illustrate what clients need to know and learn without extra work. Brown 1975 also support the use of illustration will make students gain information easier and make the materials even more interesting, simple and relevant. According to Kemp Smellie, 1989 51 the use of instructional media have several purposes in the classroom; the use of media is able to motivate clients ’ interests and learning, present the information as well as to provide instruction. Based on the data there were 51.51 of the clients who agreed that the SPD students maximized the use of all kinds of supporting media to teach the materials. On the other hand, there were still 34.85 of the clients perceived that the SPD students had not used enough media to support the learning process. This should be the consideration for the SPD students since clients perceived that learning process and materials would be more interesting and attractive for clients if SPD students use sufficient learning media. This statement is also supported by data from open typed questionnaires and the results of the interview where 90 of the clients perceived that the implementation of learning media is important. Clients perceived that learning process will be effective and interesting for clients if SPD students use any kind of learning media during the learning process. ‘The SPD students served various and dynamic learning activities’. It is about the learning activities and the classroom management. Half of the total clients, 54.54 agreed and 27.27 of the clients strongly agreed with the statement where the SPD students served varies and dynamic learning during the learning process. Learning activities and classroom management is another aspect which is able to support clients ’ learning in the class. It was obvious from clients’ perceptions in the open typed questionnaires number 31 where most of the clients perceived that serving interesting and dynamic learning activities is an important thing for a teacher to conduct. Most of the clients perceived as a good teacher, 52 heshe should be able to serve interesting learning package to clients. Borich 1996, p.12 stated, the research found out that students achievements are increasing due to the use of variety in instructional materials and techniques. It shows that the use of variety learning techniques and materials will help clients to outperform the learning objectives. In this study, the researcher concluded the SPD students were having enough ability to use many different types of learning activity. More than half of the clients had good perceptions on SPD students ’ learning activities and techniques. ‘The SPD students gave enough time to clients to learn, practice and discuss the materials with friends’. This statement is about the sufficient independent learning time that the SPD students gave to the student to learn, practice and discuss the materials with their friends. According to the data in the table above, there were 65.15 of the clients who agreed with the statement. There were 27.27 of the clients who strongly agreed that the SPD students had given enough time for clients to learn, practice and discuss the materials independently with their friends. After clients received new materials from the SPD students, they should have enough time to practice their skill in order to obtain SPD students ’ comments and feedback. The effective SPD students are also able to provide the practice and feedback from a different source, for clients themselves. These students are able to practice, learn and give feedback to their friends as well as to reflect on their own achievements Kauchak Eggen, 2011. ‘The SPD students gave enough time to clients to actively participate in the classroom discussion’. Another point to be discussed is about the SPD 53 students ’ and clients’ role in the classroom. The study aimed to discover whether SPD students already gave clients enough time to actively participate in the classroom discussion or not. Nowadays, the role between teachers and students in the classroom has changed. It used to be teachers who should talk and discuss more than students themselves while students only listen to the materials and do the assignments given by the teachers. That classroom activity is called teacher- centered classroom activity. Unlike the teacher-centered classroom activity, students centered classroom activity is dominated by students’ activity in the classroom. It means that the role of students in the class is bigger than the teachers’ role. Students should actively involve in the process of learning. If the SPD students give enough time to clients to create their own learning by actively participate in the classroom discussion, the SPD students succeed in creating students centered classroom activity. Eggen and Kauchak 2010 also supported students centered classroom activity which is able to increase students’ engagement in the learning process rather than ordinary lecture, where students stay passive in following the lesson. Lutz, Guthrie and Davis 2006 also stated that involving stud ents in every learning process will increase students’ interests and learning. If clients are actively involved in the learning process they will obtain meaningful and interesting experiences of having a discussion with their friends, solving problems together and many other interesting activities. Those learning activities will never put clients into a boredom situation. In this inquiry, the researcher found that 60.61 of the clients agreed with the statement and 34.85 of the clients strongly agreed with the statement. Without omitting the 4 54 of the clients who disagreed to the statement, it is clear that almost all of the clients perceived that they given enough time in the classroom to actively participate in every material discussion. ‘The SPD students monitored the class thoroughly’. The next statement is statement where the researcher intended to know whether the SPD students were monitoring the class thoroughly or not. The monitoring is important in the process of learning because it will help the SPD students knowing the class situation and also clients ’ progress as well. SPD students’ monitoring needs in the learning process is supported by the statement from Kauchak and Eggen 2011 saying that in learning process, teachers are required to be very busy in monitoring their students to prevent and help them minimizing errors, frustration and confusion. In other words, the SPD students should mobile as much as possible, pay attention on each student’s behaviors and responds. According to the data there were 66.67 of the clients who agreed and 22.73 of the clients who strongly agreed. Clients could see that the SPD students gave enough thorough attention and supervision in the classroom. ‘The SPD students always have certain ways to make clients keep concentrating on the materials’. This statement is related to the student concentration spam. The student ’s abilities to concentrate on the materials during the learning process are varied. There are so many factors that can distract their attention and concentration from the materials. That is why the SPD students should have the best teaching approach for clients so that they can keep their attention on the learning materials. Based on the data in the table there were 55 63.64 of the clients who agreed with the statement that the SPD students always have certain ways to keep clients concentrating on the materials during the learning process. ‘The SPD students gave some rules in the class’. Rules-to-conduct in the class is the next point in this discussion. Giving some rules to clients in the classroom is important for the SPD students to help them manage clients and also important for clients to keep them in the right manner to reach the learning objectives. Emmer, Evertson and Worsham 2009 agreed that giving some rules in the class has an important role to create a productive learning. In this study, the researcher could find out that there were still various perceptions on this point. Not all of clients perceive that the SPD students already gave them some rules in the classroom. It is seen in the table that there were 54.54 of the clients who agreed with the statement and there were only 12.12 of the clients who strongly agreed with the statement. Unfortunately, there are still 28.79 of the clients disagreed with the statement. Eventhough the clients perceived not all of the SPD students implemented rules in the class, the researcher could conclude that most of the SPD students had tried to implement the rules in the class and managed to create more productive classroom environment as well as productive learning. The conclusion of the discussion above is most all of the clients had good perceptions on the SPD students ’ teaching skillss in the class. Based on the clients ’ perceptions on every point in the questionnaire’s statements, the SPD students had done a great job. They had shown they have mastered the basic teaching skills required in the teaching and learning world. It is also supported by 56 clients ’ statements in the open typed questionnaires question number 32 where nearly all of clients perceived that the SPD students ’ teaching skills and services were satisfying. They perceived the SPD students are ready to be the real teachers in the future because they already have good ability and skill, they reflect good characteristics, and they have good attitudes and manners, and many others. Those teaching skills will assist clients to reach every single learning objective and goal. It is also can be stated that the clients students had succeeded in the learning process and improved their English skills.

2. Teachers’ Characteristics