Problem Formulation Problem Limitation Objectives of the Study Benefits of the Study


B. Problem Formulation

In this study, the researcher would like to address two questions related to the clients‟ perception on SPD students‟ skills in teaching English. The research questions are as follows. 1. What are the clients‟ perceptions on the English Course held by PBI Sanata Dharma University Students for the client s‟ needs? 2. What are the clients‟ perceptions on the SPD students‟ teaching skills in teaching English during the process of learning?

C. Problem Limitation

The study was limited to clients‟ perceptions on the SPD students‟ skills in teaching English during the process of learning. Related to the second research questions, there are so many characteristics proposed by the experts and some of them cannot be seen by the clients. The characteristics of a good teacher in this study are limited to the characteristics which are visible to the clients.

D. Objectives of the Study

The study will find out the answers to the problems stated on the problem formulation. The objectives of the study are as follows. 1. To find out the clients‟ perceptions on the SPD students‟ English Course. 2. To find out the clients‟ perception on the SPD students‟ teaching skills in teaching English during the process of learning. 6

E. Benefits of the Study

The researcher expects that this research will be for the students and study program. 1. The Students of the Study Program The students will also gain the benefits. They will get feedback in their own teaching skills. They can also know whether they have already been good teachers or not. They also can be motivated by knowing how successful their performance is and more, they can develop their teaching skills by the time they know their weaknesses. 2. The Researcher The researcher will also receive the advantages by conducting this study. When the researcher succeeds in answering the research problems, the researcher can also find out how good teachers should be and apply the knowledge to their future experiences especially in teaching. The researcher could attempt to reflect a good feature of a teacher. 7

F. Definition of Terms