Research Setting Data Analysis Technique


B. Research Participants

SPD students in the academic year of 2008 had the opportunity to have cooperation with other non-English faculties in Sanata Dharma Universty. The research participants of this study were the clients of the seventh semester SPD students groups in year of 2012. There were five groups or teams in SPD class, each group had at least more than ten clients. This study gathered data from all clients of five different learning groups. Each learning group consisted of 10 to 20 clients, providing the researcher with 66 clients in the study. The clients were Sanata Dharma university students who came from different faculties and study programs. The clients had a similar range of age from 22 to 35 years old because they came from relatively the same year. The purpose of collecting data from all SPD groups was to have the thorough result of the clients’ perceptions.

C. Research Setting

The study was conducted in the second last meeting of each group. The time of collecting the data depended on the schedule in each group because every group had a different teaching schedule. The following, table. 3.1., shows the dates and places of collecting data from each group. 27 Table.3.1. Research Setting Group Date Place Clients 1 February 7, 2012 YOUTH, Kota Baru 10 2 March 12, 2012 P.FIS faculty laboratory Paingan 16 3 March 20, 2012 P.FIS faculty laboratory Paingan 17 4 March 22, 2012 P.MAT faculty Paingan 12 5 March 28, 2012 IPPAK faculty 11

D. Research Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

The study used two kinds of instruments, namely, the questionnaire and interview.

1. Questionnaire

Questionnaire was the main instrument in the study because it gathered clients’ perceptions on the SPD students’ teaching skills. Ary, Jacobs, Azghar, 1979, p. 178 stated that questionnaire has two forms; the first one is open form or unstructured and closed form or structured. The research used two types of questionnaire, those were closed form questionnaires consists of 30 simple closed- ended statements where the students just need to give check marks in the provided spaces. In each statement, the researcher provided four columns to be filled. First column indicated strongly disagree SD, the second column indicated disagree D the third column indicated agree A and the fourth column indicated strongly agree SA. The closed-type questionnaires were also divided into six categories. The first one contained seven statements related to the English course, the second one contained four statements related to the teachers’ set induction and closure 28 skills, the third one contained three statements related to teachers’ delivery and stimulus variation skills, the fourth one contained five statements related to teachers’ questioning skills and reinforcement skill, the fifth one contained seven statements related to the teachers’ ability of conducting integrated teaching skills in the class, and the last one contained three statements related to teachers’ characteristics. The complete description of the questionnaire is available in following table 3.2 of questionnaire blueprint. The second type was the open form questionnaires which consisted of five open-ended questions related to the SPD student teachers’ teaching skills. The clients had to answer the questions in the provided space with their own words. This type of questionnaire gave the complete and clear overview of how the clients perceived on the SPD student teachers’ teaching skills. Table 3.2. Sample of the Questionnaires Name: Age : No. Statements SD D A SA 1. English language mastery is a very important thing nowadays. 29 Table 3.3. Questionnaire Blueprint Statement Question Indicator No. 1-7 Clients’ perceptions on the English course. No. 9-12 Clients’ perceptions on teachers’ set induction and closure skills. No. 13-15 Clients’ perceptions on teachers’ delivery skills and stimulus variation skills. No. 16-20 Clients’ perceptions on teachers’ questioning skills and Reinforcement skills. No. 21-27 Clients’ perceptions on teachers’ ability of conducting integrated teaching skills. No. 27-30 Clients’ perceptions on teachers’ characteristics. No. 31-35 The open-ended questions

2. Interview

The last instrument for gathering data from students was interview. The interview was needed to clarify the statements from questionnaires given to the clients. Because of the clients’ limited time, the researcher took one person from each learning group to be interviewed. The interview questions were five questions related to the questionnaire statements. The questions were open-ended questions. The clients had to answer all the questions based on their questionnaire. During the interview, the researcher used a hand phone which has a recording program to record the interview with the clients. 30 Table.3.4. A List of Interview Questions No. Questions 1. How did you feel after following English training course with the teachers? 2. How does your English skills after attending the training course? 3. In your opinion, how were teacher teaching skills? 4. Do you think theyve taught you well? 5. What are the deficiencies of the students that you think need to be improved? And is there any strength possessed by teachers which need to be maintained? 6. Are you satisfied with the service of English course? After asking permission to conduct research in each learning group, the first technique was distributing the questionnaires. The research was conducted inside the classroom and outside the classroom. First, the researcher distributed the questionnaires to the clients. The researcher gave the clients around 15 minutes to fill the questionnaires. The questionnaire distribution was conducted in the second last meeting to each learning group. After researcher distributed the questionnaires, then the researcher used the second technique; interview. The re searcher conducted five interviews to one participant in each learning groupclient. The researcher obtained the data that she needed through those two instruments and after the raw data had been collected, the researcher then analyzed the raw data. 31

E. Data Analysis Technique

After gaining the data from 66 questionnaires and interviews, the researcher analyzed the data to answer problems. The data from closed type would be shown in the form of percentage. Firstly, the researcher presented the percentage result of clients’ perceptions by dividing it into six different tables. The researcher categorized the perceptions into one table of the clients’ perceptions on the English course, five tables of basic teaching skills and one table of teachers’ characteristics. By dividing the data percentages in six different tables according to its category, it made the researcher feel easier to discuss the research findings. After the data had been presented, the researcher then directly discussed the research results without making the new sub title. In the discussions of answering the problem formulations, the researcher not only used data from questionnaire percentage but also used data from open- type questionnaire and interviews results. Even though the researcher used the questionnaires percentage as the main source of answering the research questions, the researcher also added some supporting information from clients’ answers in the open-typed items and the interviews so that the research results will be more convincing for the readers. In this study, the researcher only used the result of data percentage only. Using data percentage to analyze the result, the researcher perceived that it is clear enough to see and conclude the clients’ perceptions on SPD student teachers’ teaching skills. 32 Table.3.5. Table of Closed Type Questionnaire Analysis No. Statements Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree Strongly Agree

F. Research Procedure