Stereotype Selectivity Object Frame and Context


2. Factors Affecting Perception

Since perceptions are diverse, some factors affect ing someone’s perception are described in this study. Some experts suggested some factors that could affect someone’s perception. This research addressed six factors that could affect someone’s perception on a certain thing or object in his environment. Those factors are as follows.

a. Stereotype

According to Gibson, Ivanovich and Donnely 1985, stereotype was a way of thinking of particular people or group on something which was generalized. It means that someone or some people will already have a thought on something about a certain object or people, and they will directly judge it even without knowing the truth. This factor might have influenced the process of perceiving SPD student teachers’ teaching skills by the clients. The clients might have pre-judgment of the SPD student tea chers’ teaching ability. It could be positive judgment or even the negative one. Clients’ pre-judgment brought some influence to their perceptions.

b. Selectivity

The next factor is selectivity. Selectivity refers to the stimuli processed in our brain. It is impossible to accept all the stimuli from our environment, only some of them which are enable to be processed in our brain. It is because our interest to those stimuli. Perception is gained based on something that we select or choose. The statement from Gibson at al. 1985 supports the idea that people tend 13 to select the stimuli which are interesting for them. The similar idea was presented by Huffman and Vernoy 1997. They stated that in the process of selection, people’s interests and needs will affect the selection. People choose and select certain objects because they give a positive impact for them. People also tend to ignore the stimuli which make them feel uncomfortable. As people have various interests in life, they may select stimuli which are able to fulfill their needs. This factor makes people perceive something differently.

c. Object Frame and Context

Huffman and Vernoy 1997 mentioned people’s perception was affected by the frame and context of the stimuli. People will perceive differently with their previous perceptions when they are brought into a different context. Huffman and Vernoy illustrated the phenomena by giving a slight description on how a man will have a different perception than he had before after the object is put into a broader context.

d. Self-concept