Students are not well-motivated to follow the lesson at the last hours

97 Participant 5 It is a bit difficult in my opinion to invite all the students to actively participate. Well, based on my experience, I just kept doing my activities because usually there were two or three of 35 students who did not want to participate actively. By doing that, the inactive students would gradually join the other students who were active. Participant 6 Well, it is quite hard in my opinion. But if a mahasiswa PPL can understand the characteristics of the class in which he or she teaches, maybe he or she can adjust learning activities that are appropriate to be applied in each class.

e. Students are not well-motivated to follow the lesson at the last hours

jam pelajaran ke 7-8 Participant 1 A practice teacher should not use activities that take much energy. Students usually do not want to do activities that take much energy since the size of the class is not big enough. He may use interesting teaching media that are not regularly used by their real teacher in school. It may motivate the students to follow the lesson. Participant 2 A practice teacher may, once again, use games or any other ice breaking activities to motivate his students. I myself played a video of English songs along with the movement. So, I asked my students to follow the movement in the video and sing the song together to bring their motivation back. 98 Participant 3 Providing some games that are related to the teaching materials taught in the classroom can be helpful to motivate those less- motivated students. The point is that learning through games can give students extra motivation to follow the lesson. Participant 4 A practice teacher may come up with an idea to ask his students having a discussion about the teaching materials outside the class. So, after several minutes of lecturing, a practice teacher may ask his students to make a group and ask them to have a discussion, outside the class, about certain problems related to the materials. The practice teacher may ask his students to find their own places which are comfortable for them. They may work in the library, on the hall, under the tree, or any other places. But the teacher should still monitor the students. Participant 5 I do not think I have a best possible solution of this problem now. What I did was that conduct the class as usual. I sometimes found my students looking tired and sleepy in the class. Then usually I came to them and tried to motivate them joining the activities. Participant 6 At jam ke 7 dan ke 8 , I usually did not provide complex activities that were hard and that included physics. I did not want my students to have difficulties in getting my lesson when their situation was not good, or less-motivated. So, I only provided simple but interesting activities. 99

f. Sometimes the practice teacher gives an unclear explanation or

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