Definitions of Classroom Management Importance of Classroom Management

13 five important aspects are: 1 the definitions of classroom management, 2 the importance of classroom management, 3 the goals of classroom management, 4 the factors influencing a classroom management success, and 5 the specific problems of classroom management.

a. Definitions of Classroom Management

The term classroom management has been defined in many different ways by teachers and researchers. As cited in Risk 1958, the term classroom management is closely related to the actions and strategies applied by the teachers to maintain order Doyle, 1986. In addition, as cited in Yasar 2008, classroom management is defined as a term that describes all teacher efforts to oversee the classroom activities classroom including learning, social interaction, and student behavior Martin, Yin, Baldwin, 1998. They believe that the term classroom management has three dimensions, which are instructional management, people management, and behavior management. The instructional management dimension is based on the daily routines of the classroom and allocation of materials. The people management dimension is centered on how the teacher perceives the students and how they view their relationship with the students. The final dimension, behavior management, is somewhat similar to the concept of classroom discipline but differs in that it focuses on a teacher‟s pre-planned methods of preventing misbehavior, rather than simply on their reaction to it once it occurs p. 2. Furthermore, as it is mentioned in the definition of terms in the Chapter I, Oliver and Reschly 2007 state that the term classroom management refers to the teachers‟ ability to organize classrooms and to manage the behavior of their students. 14

b. Importance of Classroom Management

It is mentioned by Kauchak and Eggen 2011 that classroom management is important to teachers and to general public. For teachers, effective classroom management creates an environment in which they can teach and students can learn. For the public at large, effective classroom management is a clear, visible sign that schools and teachers are in charge and know what they‟re doing . p.2 Therefore, classroom management does not only have an impact for teachers, but also for public at large. In addition, as cited in Oliver and Reschly 2007, the inability of teachers to effectively manage classroom behavior often contributes to the low achievement of at-risk students Donovan Cross, 2002; Harrell, Leavell, van Tassel, McKee, 2004. Therefore, having been able to manage a classroom is important to teachers. Teachers can create a positive learning environment, which means that they can teach and their students can learn well, when they are able to manage their classroom effectively. Moreover, students‟ achievement also becomes one of things a ffected by the teachers‟ ability to manage classroom.

c. Goals of Classroom Management

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