What was the biggest classroom management problem that you

89 Appendix E: Interview Results 1. Before having the School Practice Program, have you ever taught in a real high school classroom? Participant 1 Not yet. Participant 2 No. I have never taught in a real classroom previously. Participant 3 No. Participant 4 Not yet. Participant 5 Not yet. I have just taught in a real classroom when I had my PPL. Participant 6 No.

2. What was the biggest classroom management problem that you

experienced during the School Practice Program? How did you cope with that problem? Participant 1 I had problem in dealing with noisy students. They usually did not want to listen to my explanation when I taught. But then at that time I tried to encourage my students to follow my teaching by giving the 90 rewards such as extra points that can be used to increase their quiz score. Participant 2 The biggest problem was that there were some students who liked to sleep in my class, especially in the jam pelajaran ke 7 dan 8 . To solve that problem, I usually include games in my teaching so that my students were not bored and sleepy. Participant 3 It was maybe about late students. Sometimes there was a group of students who just came in after 15 or 20 minutes teaching so that it troubled the other students. I usually just reminded those late students not to come late again. Participant 4 I did not have big problems in managing my students, in my opinion. That is because they were nice. Maybe the problem was about the classroom. The size of the classroom was not big enough for more or less 40 students in each class, in my opinion. So, it was quite uncomfortable. Classroom facilities were not complete too. I think it was problem that came from school, so as praktikan I did not do much to solve that problem. Participant 5 It was maybe about students‟ motivation to learn English. It looked like they did not understand the importance of learning English yet. What I did was usually just providing interesting activities so that my students were willing to enjoy my teaching. I also always emphasized the importance of learning English. 91 Participant 6 Dealing with disrespectful students was my biggest problem, I think. Maybe they thought that I was not their real teacher, so it was okay not to follow my instructions and not to listen to my explanation. I had problems in handling those students. I usually consulted my problem immediately to my guru pamong to gain suggestion from him.

3. In your opinion, what are the possible solutions to solve these problems

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