Goals of Classroom Management


b. Importance of Classroom Management

It is mentioned by Kauchak and Eggen 2011 that classroom management is important to teachers and to general public. For teachers, effective classroom management creates an environment in which they can teach and students can learn. For the public at large, effective classroom management is a clear, visible sign that schools and teachers are in charge and know what they‟re doing . p.2 Therefore, classroom management does not only have an impact for teachers, but also for public at large. In addition, as cited in Oliver and Reschly 2007, the inability of teachers to effectively manage classroom behavior often contributes to the low achievement of at-risk students Donovan Cross, 2002; Harrell, Leavell, van Tassel, McKee, 2004. Therefore, having been able to manage a classroom is important to teachers. Teachers can create a positive learning environment, which means that they can teach and their students can learn well, when they are able to manage their classroom effectively. Moreover, students‟ achievement also becomes one of things a ffected by the teachers‟ ability to manage classroom.

c. Goals of Classroom Management

Kauchak and Eggen 2011 state that classroom management is not only about having the students stay quiet in their seat. They mention that classroom management has four goals, which are: 1 creating a positive classroom climate, 2 creating a community of learners, 3 developing learner responsibility, and 4 maximizing opportunities for learning. 15 The description of each goal stated by Kauchak and Eggen 2011 can be seen as follows: 1 Creating a Positive Classroom Climate It is explained in the book that the term positive classroom climate refers to the students‟ feeling in the classroom. When the classroom climate in the classroom is positive, students feel physically and emotionally safe, feel connected to their teachers and peers, and are worthy of love and respect. 2 Creating a Community of Learners Learning community, a place in which the teacher and the students work together helping one another to learn, exists when the classroom climate is positive. There are two characteristics of a learning community. Those characteristics are: 1 inclusiveness and support, and 2 respect for others. The term inclusiveness and support here emphasizes the fact that the learning activities in the classroom are not only the responsibilities of teachers. All students-without exceptions, boys or girls-must participate in all classroom activities. Students need to believe that they belong to the class. Furthermore, teachers also need to treat students equally by facilitating all students in the learning activities and calling all students as equally as possible for instance. Meanwhile, the term respect for others here emphasizes the fact that showing respect in the classroom is immensely important. For example, when a teacher speaks, students must listen to her in order to show respect. The other students must do the same when there is another student speaking. 16 3 Developing Learner Responsibility Students need to be responsible for every action that they do. Teachers need to help students understand that they are responsible for creating a positive learning environment. Teachers need to make students obey the classroom rules because the rules make sense, not because they are afraid of punishments. Students must feel that the rules are made to protect their rights and others‟. 4 Maximizing Opportunities for Learning Extending the school year and the school day becomes one of the ways to maximize time for learning. However, as cited in Kauchak and Eggen 2011, it is not as simple as it appears on the surface, because simply allocating more time to a topic may not result in significant increases learning Weinstein Mignano, 2007. In addition, there are four dimensions of time in the classroom. They are: 1 allocated time, 2 instructional time, 3 engaged time, and 4 academic learning time. d. Factors Influencing a Classroom Management Success Suryana 2006 mentions that there are two major factors that can support teachers to have a classroom management success. Those two major factors are physical and socio-emotional factors. The description about each factor can be seen as follows: 1 Physical Factor The physical factor that influences the success of classroom management refers to the physical conditions in the classroom, in which the students and teacher have the teaching and learning process. There are four physical conditions 17 in the classroom that are categorized as a physical factor influencing a classroom management success. Those four physical conditions are the classroom itself, the seating arrangement, the ventilating and lighting adjustment, and the stuffs storage arrangement. 2 Socio-emotional Factor In contrary to the physical factor, the socio-emotional factor refers to the non- physical conditions that affect the teaching and learning process, the students‟ motivation, and the effectiveness in reaching the learning goals. In this factor, there are four aspects that are important . Those aspects are the teacher‟s leadership, the teacher‟s behavior, the teacher‟s voice, and the teacher-student relationship in the classroom.

e. Specific Problems in Classroom Management

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