Individual Behaviour 2. Protection of Bank Assets

karya mandiri berkelanjutan 240 1. Cara penyampaian laporan Pelapor dapat menyampaikan pengaduan melalui: a. Email ke b. Surat ke PO BOX 14000 JKTM 12700 c. SMS ke nomor 0811-900-7777 d. Website , dengan cara ketik lettertoceo pada browser intranet. Pelapor akan mendapatkan Random Unique Number RUN atas laporan fraudindikasi fraud. 2. Perlindungan Bagi Pelapor Sebagai bentuk perlindungan bagi pelapor, laporan dapat disampaikan tanpa menyertakan informasi pribadi anonymous atau partial anonymous. 3. Penanganan Pengaduan Laporan indikasi fraud yang diterima akan diteruskan ke Group Internal Audit, untuk selanjutnya akan dilakukan proses investigasi dan ditindaklanjuti. Pelapor dapat mengetahui hasil dari penanganan pengaduan tersebut menggunakan Random Unique Number RUN yang telah diterima, untuk kemudian dapat melakukan pengecekan status pelaporannya melalui website lettertoceo hanya dapat digunakan untuk pegawai internal. 4. Pihak yang Mengelola Pengaduan Pihak yang melakukan tindak lanjut atas laporan yang masuk adalah Unit Audit Internal. 5. Hasil dari Penanganan Pengaduan Laporan akan ditindaklanjuti oleh Audit Internal dan harus sesuai dengan Service Level Agreement yang telah ditetapkan. SOSIALISASI PROGRAM LETTER TO CEO LTC Program LTC disosialisasikan melalui tiga tahapan yaitu: 1. Pre-Launch, merupakan tahapan edukasi kepada seluruh pegawai perihal fraud. 2. Launch, merupakan tahapan mengajak serta mendorong pegawai untuk bersama-sama menjaga Perusahaan bebas fraud. 3. Sustain, merupakan tahapan mengingatkan kembali kepada setiap pegawai perihal tindakan fraud dan bersama-sama menjaga Perusahaan bebas fraud. 1. Method in submiting a report The Reporter to submit a complaint via: a. Email to b. Mail to PO BOX 14000 JKTM 12700 c. SMS to number 0811-900-7777 d. Website, by typing lettertoceo on the browser intranet. The Reporter will receive a Random Unique Number RUN on the fraud reportfraud indicator. 2. Protection for the Reporter As a form of protection for the complainant, the report can be submitted without including any personal information anonymous or partially anonymous. 3. The Handling of Complaints Received fraud indicator reports will be forwarded to the Internal Audit Group, who would then carry out the investigation and follow up. Reporting can know the outcome of the complaint handling using the Random Unique Number RUN that was received, to then be able to check the status of reporting via the lettertoceo website only used for internal employees. 4. Parties Managing Complaints The party that conducts follow up on received reports is the Internal Audit Unit. 5. Results of Complaints report will be followed up by Internal Audit and shall be in accordance with the Service Level Agreement that has been set. SOCIALIZATION OF LETTER TO CEO LTC Program LTC program disseminated through three stages: 1. Pre-Launch, the stage of educating all employees about fraud. 2. Launch, the stage that invites and encourages employees to jointly maintain a free of fraud Company. 3. Sustain, the stage that reminds each employee of acts of fraud and jointly safeguards the free of fraud Company.