Minuting of Schools Boards of Examiners

reports of internal quality audits or external reviews. Course Committees must present an annual report to the Schools Learning and Teaching Committee. The report must summarise the results of the annual course review, report any action in response to the reviews conclusions which have been taken at course level, and recommend any action necessary.

5.4.4 Triennial course review

Every three years the annual course review must be extended to include consideration of whether the course needs substantial revision. In addition to the matters regularly considered in annual review, the triennial view must consider: i. the reports of the previous two annual reviews, to monitor any trends which can be identified; ii. programme specifications and module aims and learning outcomes, to ensure that they are appropriate, still applicable, and coherent and consistent with one another; iii. where appropriate the requirements of, and participation by, validating and accrediting bodies; iv. whether student achievement in the courses continues to meet the requirements of the Framework for Higher Education Qualifications for the level at which it is set. Course Committees must present a report to the Schools Learning and Teaching Committee on the triennial course review. The report must summarise the results of the review, report any action in response to the reviews conclusions which have been taken at course level, and recommend any action necessary, including substantial revision of the course. If the recommendation is for substantial revision, the Course Committee must seek, and take into account, the views of all stakeholders, including, as appropriate, students, potential employers and external bodies.

5.5 Minuting of Schools Boards of Examiners

Details of the terms of reference constitution and duties of Boards of Examiners are to be found in Regulation 9 Formal records of the proceedings of all meetings of all Boards of Examiners must be kept in the form of minutes, including those Boards convened solely or partly for the purpose of agreeing examination papers andor projectthesisdissertation titlestopics. The minutes should be confirmed provisionally by the Chair of the Board, to allow for actions to be taken, then confirmed by the next formal meeting of the Board. A copy of the minutes must be kept in the Schools records; it is the responsibility of the Head of School to ensure that this is done. The full surname and initials of all members of the Board of Examiners should appear in the minutes, together with the following information: the capacity in which each is a member of the Board of Examiners i.e. internal or external examiner; for internal examiners, the School to which they belong; for external examiners, the institution to which they are affiliated; in the case of absent members, the reasons for their absence. Where decisions of principle whether on individual cases or on the process as a whole have been taken which might be deemed to set precedents, the decision and the grounds on which it was taken should be recorded clearly; where such a decision concerns an individual student, the students name should be recorded in the minutes. Where decisions on or relating to the assessment of individual students or groups of students have been agreed with the external examiners by correspondence before the meeting of the Board of Examiners, such decisions should be confirmed by the Board and the correspondence will then become part of the minutes of the meeting. Where any member of the Board makes a declaration of interest it should be recorded in the minutes, together with any action resulting from the declaration. Any comments of substance made by external examiners, either verbally at the meeting or in writing before the meeting, should be recorded in the minutes.

5.6 External Examiners