Monitoring Procedures .1 Student evaluation of modules including course units

Any student may request the Head of School to change hisher personal tutor. On behalf of the Quality Assurance Committee, the Director of Quality Assurance shall convene an annual meeting of all Personal Tutors, inter alia, to consider issues arising from the operation of the system. 5.3.4 The Personal Tutor system is part of the process through which the University provides for the regular monitoring of the progress and well-being of its students. In addition, academic Schools are encouraged to have other procedures and mechanisms in place to monitor student progress outside of the formal assessment process. This may include the use of regular formative assessments, the monitoring of attendance, particularly where such attendance has been deemed to be compulsory in the Course Regulations, and contact with students outside of scheduled meetings, for example by e-mail. 5.4 Monitoring Procedures 5.4.1 Student evaluation of modules including course units Module Evaluation Questionnaires in preparation are used as part of the Universitys quality assurance procedures and are intended to inform decisions on course development and the overall process of monitoring the effectiveness of courses. Their purpose is not to monitor individual performance of members of academic staff nor to be channels for student complaints , for which other procedures exist. All modules offered by a School must be evaluated regularly. The minimum requirement is that: a. every module should be evaluated at least once every three years on a rolling cycle such that at least one third of modules are evaluated each year; b. all modules running for the first or only time, all modules being taught for the first time by a particular member of staff, and all modules for which changes have been approved through the course development procedures, should be evaluated. At undergraduate level, Schools shall use a template University questionnaire in development as approved by Senate but may add questions specific to the School or subject. Questionnaires should be distributed to, and collected from, students in such a way as to permit students sufficient time for a considered response with a view to achieving a rate of return in excess of 60. The anonymity of respondents must be guaranteed. Before being given to the lecturer in charge of the module, completed questionnaires should be referred to a member of staff who does not teach on the module, who will produce a summary statement giving the number of responses received and the percentage response rate, plus a numerical summary of gradings. An evaluative summary of the responses should be incorporated into the annual module report from the member of staff responsible for the module. In all cases both the summary statement and the module report should be reviewed annually by the relevant School committees. A report on the overall outcome of student evaluation of modules in each programme should be made at least annually to the Course Committees responsible for the running of the relevant programmes. The report should contain at least the following information: i. a list of the modules which have been evaluated; ii. the number of students in each module; iii. the number of responses; iv. the response rate as a percentage; v. the main issues raised. Course Committees should report on their consideration of the outcome of module evaluation by students to the Schools Learning and Teaching Committee, with recommendations for action. Reports must be made to the Schools Staff-Student Liaison Committees on the results of student evaluations, and the Schools proposed response. Comments and recommendations made by the Staff-Student Liaison Committees must be reported to the committee responsible for managing the programme, which must report its response back to students, even if the decision is to take no action. It is important that this process should be recorded in full in the minutes of both committees. Completed questionnaires and a record of the Schools response should be kept for at least three years and should, subject to requirements of confidentiality for matters relating to individuals, be made available for internal quality audit and external review.

5.4.2 Module reports