Bentuk-bentuk pengendalian sosial dalam masyarakat Types of social control in the society Peran lembaga pengendalian social Role of the social control institution Dampak Konflik social The impact of social conflict

strict and hard way which commonly used as the last effort if persuasive technique did not work. Contoh teknik pengendalian koersif: Example of coercive control technique is: a Agar para perampas Handphone HP jera, ketika tertangkap masyarakat langsung mengeroyoknya. Cara main hakim sendiri ini bertentangan dengan hokum, namun tetap dilakukan masyarakat dengan maksud agar para perampas Hp menjadi jera dan takut mengulangi perbuatan serupa. People member of a society beat up a cell phone thief to make him wary. This inappropriate behavior is against the law, however this kind of violent still happened and done by the society to make the thief learn a lesson and will not do the same mistake.

5. Bentuk-bentuk pengendalian sosial dalam masyarakat Types of social control in the society

Dalam masyarakat kita mengenal macam-macam bentuk pengendalian konflik social seperti : In our society we recognize several kinds of social conflict control such as; 1. Gosip atau desas desus Gossip or rumor 2. Teguran Warning Module IPS For SMK Social Conflict Page 21 3. Hukuman Punishment 4. Pendidikan Education 5. Agama Religion 6. Konsiliasi Conciliation 7. Mediasi Mediation 8. Arbitrasi Arbitration

6. Peran lembaga pengendalian social Role of the social control institution

Peran lembaga pengendalian social sangat penting dan dibutuhkan. Dalam masyarakat terdapat macam-macam lembaga pengendalian social antara lain: The role of the social control institution is very important. There is various kind of social control institution in the society, for example: 1. Lembaga kepolisian Police institution 2. Lembaga peradilan Module IPS For SMK Social Conflict Page 22 Judicature institution 3. Lembaga adat Custom institution 4. Lembaga kemasyarakatan, dsb. Social institutions etc

7. Dampak Konflik social The impact of social conflict

Akibat konflik social terhadap masyarakat antara lain : There are some impacts of a social conflict. Among others are: a. Dampak negative : Negative impacts 1 Hancurnya atau retaknya kesatuan kelompok Destroyruin the group unity 2 Adanya perubahan kepribadian seorang individu Changes in individual personality 3 Hancurnya harta benda dan jatuhnya korban manusia. Destroy propertieswealth and cause human victim b. Dampak positif : Positive impacts 1 Bertambah kuatnya rasa solidaritas antara sesama anggota In Group Solidarity Strengthening in group solidarity Module IPS For SMK Social Conflict Page 23 2 Menciptakan integrasi yang harmonis Creating Harmonious integration 3 Memperkuat identitas pihak yang berkonflik Strengthening identity of conflicting parties 4 Menciptakan kelompok baru Creating new groups 5 Membuka wawasan Broadening horizon

1. Rangkuman Summary