Bentuk-bentuk konflik social The types of social conflict Bentuk pengendalian konflik social Social conflict control Pengertian pengendalian social Cakupan pengendalian social The scope of social control

The use of excessive power The government is obliged to protect its citizen, on the other hand for the sake of the people goodness, the government has the right to take some efforts and control in order to create social balance. However the efforts taken are often perceive as inappropriate actions. Coercive action and repressive behavior of the authority often bring bad impression even worse arouse resentment in the society.

3. Bentuk-bentuk konflik social The types of social conflict

a. Konflik antara individu dengan individu Conflict among individuals b. Konflik antara individu dengan kelompok Conflict between individual and group c. Konflik antara kelompok dengan kelompok Conflict among groups d. Konflik antarras Conflict among races e. Konflik antarkelas social Conflict among social classes f. Konflik antarelite politik Conflict among political elite

4. Bentuk pengendalian konflik social Social conflict control

1. Pengertian pengendalian social

Module IPS For SMK Social Conflict Page 15 Definition of social control Pengendalian social adalah proses mengatasi pertentangan social yang terjadi dalam masyarakat. Menurut L. Berger 1978, pengendalian social adalah cara yang digunakan masyarakat untuk menertibkan anggotanya yang membangkang. Sedangkan Roucek 1965 menyebutkan, pengendalian social adalah istilah yang mengacu pada proses mengembalikan perilaku menyimpang pada kebiasaan yang sesuai dengan nilai dan norma social. Social control is a process of overcoming social conflict that happen in the society. According to L. Berger 1978, social control is an effort used by the society to control its opposing member. Meanwhile, according to Rouchek 1965 social control is a term used to refer to the process to restore deviate behaviour to proper behaviour based on social values and norms.

2. Cakupan pengendalian social The scope of social control

Siapa saja yang terlibat dalam pengendalian social? Mereka yang terlibat dalam pengendalian social, bisa secara individu ataupun kelompok. Dilihat berdasarkan yang terlibat, pengendalian social terbagi atas: The parties involved in social control are individual and group. Based on the parties’ involved, social control are divided into: 1. Pengendalian antarindividu Control among individuals Module IPS For SMK Social Conflict Page 16 2. Pengendalian oleh individu kepada kelompok Control by individual to group 3. Pengendalian oleh kelompok kepada individu Control by group to individual 4. Pengendalian social antarkelompok Social control among groups

3. Sifat pengendalian social The nature of social control