Teknik pengendalian social The technique of social control Persuasif Persuasive Koersif Coercive

Teacher punishes the students who violate the school regulations

4. Teknik pengendalian social The technique of social control

Ada dua teknik pengendalian social yaitu persuasif dan koersif. There are two techniques of social control that are persuasive and coercive.

1. Persuasif Persuasive

Teknik pengendalian social persuasive adalah teknik pengendalian dengan cara mengajak atau membimbing warga masyarakat agar bertindak sesuai dengan peraturan atau norma-norma yang berlaku. Cara ini terkesan halus dan sifatnya menghimbau. Persuasive social control technique is a control technique by persuading and guiding member of the society to behave based on the appropriate social norms and values. This type of technique give the impression of politeness and persuasive. Contoh : For example: Module IPS For SMK Social Conflict Page 19 a Tokoh masyarakat membina warganya dengan member nasihat agar warga yang bertikai menghentikan perbuatannya. Kedua pihak dinasihati agar selulu hidup rukun, menghargai sesama mentaati peraturan, menjaga etika pergaulan dan sebagainya. A society leader advises the member of community who had a quarrel. Both parties are advised to respect each other and obey the the rules and also maintain the society ethics etc. b Seorang ayah menasihati anaknya yang ketahuan merokok. Dengan penuh kesabaran orang tua menanamkan pengertian bahwa merokok merusak kesehatan. A father advises his son who caught smoking. Patiently the father gives his son explanation that cigarettes are dangerous for his health.

2. Koersif Coercive

Teknik pengendalian sosial koersif adalah teknik pengendalian social yang lebih menekankan pada tindakan yang menggunakan kekerasan fisik. Tujuanya adalah agar si pelaku menjadi jera dan tidak berani lagi mengulangi perbuatannya. Cara ini terkesan tegas dan keras, yang umumnya merupakan upaya terakhir setelah cara persuasive tidak berhasil. Coercive social control technique is a technique that emphasizes on the use of physical force. The purpose of this technique is to make the violator learn a lesson from his mistake. This type of technique sometime perceive as a Module IPS For SMK Social Conflict Page 20 strict and hard way which commonly used as the last effort if persuasive technique did not work. Contoh teknik pengendalian koersif: Example of coercive control technique is: a Agar para perampas Handphone HP jera, ketika tertangkap masyarakat langsung mengeroyoknya. Cara main hakim sendiri ini bertentangan dengan hokum, namun tetap dilakukan masyarakat dengan maksud agar para perampas Hp menjadi jera dan takut mengulangi perbuatan serupa. People member of a society beat up a cell phone thief to make him wary. This inappropriate behavior is against the law, however this kind of violent still happened and done by the society to make the thief learn a lesson and will not do the same mistake.

5. Bentuk-bentuk pengendalian sosial dalam masyarakat Types of social control in the society