Data Organising Data Classification Testing the Assumptions or Problems of the Data Writing the Result of the Research

41 tends to undertake the unstructured interview as one of the instruments in this research. The writer used the steps of interview as follows: 1. Preparing a research instrument, such as written questions and recording. 2. Writing the result of interviews into the notes. 3. Confirming the results of interviews with informant teacher.

3.5 Data Analysis

After data collections are completed, the next step is to conduct an analysis of all data that have been collected. Data analysis is a very important part in the research, because from the analysis the writer will find both substantive and formal discovery. Levine 1996 states the definition of data analysis as follows: Data analysis is a body of methods that help to describe facts, detect patterns, develop explanations, and test hypotheses. It is used in all the sciences. It is used in business, in administration, and in policy. The analysis that will be conducted in this study is to show the types and the functions code switching used by the teacher in the classroom in SMA Negeri 14 Semarang. In analyzing the qualitative research there are several steps that need to be done. Here are the steps.

3.5.1 Data Organising

The writer obtains the data directly from the object of research. The data are recorded with a voice recorder. Then the writer makes a © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 42 transcript of the data by changing the data from record form to written form.

3.5.2 Data Classification

In this step the writer has to pay more attention to the data. Based on the theoretical framework and guidelines of interview, the researcher arranges an initial framework as guidance of analysis. With this guidance, the writer selects the data relevant to the subject. The relevant data were coded and explained briefly, then the writer groups and categorizes the data based on the analytical framework that has been made.

3.5.3 Testing the Assumptions or Problems of the Data

In this step, the writer makes a review of the group of data that have been obtained, through analysis based on the theoretical review. So the writer knows whether there is similarity between theoretical foundation and the aachieved results or not.

3.5.4 Writing the Result of the Research

In this step, the writer presents the data obtained from the research by observation, interview and record in the field of study. The process can be described as follows: first, the writer obtains the data from the object by observation, interview and record in the field. Then the writer reads © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 43 the data and understands the problem of the study. After that, the writer makes analysis the data to find out the types and functions of code switching used by the teacher in teaching and learning activity in SMA Negeri 14 Semarang. Finally, the writer conducts the interpretation of the result of the research. © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 44 CHAPTER IV FINDING AND DISCUSSION In this chapter, the writer will present the data that obtained from the observation and the transcription of the utterance of chemistry teacher when teaching to grade ten of SMA Negeri 14 Semarang. The data analysis of this chapter is conducted to serve the research focus in chapter I then the data are analyzed and sorted based on the theories in chapter II.

4.1. Data Finding