Observation Method Interview Method

39 based on objects behavior during interviews, setting and environment around the object. 2. Recorder The writer uses recorder as a tool to get data in the process of observing and collecting data. The recorder that is used is the voice recorder. 3. Note taking The writer also takes some notes during observation and collecting information to complete the data.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection

3.4.1 Observation Method

Observation is a method of data collection in which the interesting situation, action, natural phenomena and the work process are recorded as an object of research. Sutrisno Hadi 1980 said that the observation is a complex process, a process which is composed of a variety of biological and psychological processes. Based on the implementation process of data collection, observation can be divided into: participant observation and non-participant observation. In participant observation, the researcher is involved in the daily activities of the observed object. In non-participant observation, the researcher is just as independent observers. In this study, the writer tends to choose observation of non- participant in the process data collection. The writer just sits in the classroom and records all utterances of the teacher in order to know the www.eprints.undip.ac.id © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 40 language that the teacher often switches when she teaches her students. The step of observation method is an effort of researchers to give data that are directly related to the investigated problem. The steps of observtion are: 1. Observing the object. The writer makes observation to the teacher’s behavior in the classroom when the teacher teaches and interacts with the student. 2. Recording all the speech and behavior of the teacher when teaching in the classroom. 3. Formulating a temporary result. 4. Identifying and classifying the data based on various code switching and the theory.

3.4.2 Interview Method

The interview is a way of collecting data that is used to get the information directly from the source and even more profound in the least amount of respondents. Based on the nature question, there are two types of interview, namely structured interview and unstructured interview. Structured interview is a technique of collecting data with questionnaires that have been arranged. Unstructured interview is an interview that is a free interview. The researchers do not use systematic and complete an interview guide to collect the data. The guidelines of interview form are the outlines of the problem. In this study, the writer www.eprints.undip.ac.id © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 41 tends to undertake the unstructured interview as one of the instruments in this research. The writer used the steps of interview as follows: 1. Preparing a research instrument, such as written questions and recording. 2. Writing the result of interviews into the notes. 3. Confirming the results of interviews with informant teacher.

3.5 Data Analysis