Target of Population Research Instrument

37 qualitative research, the researcher listens to what people say, observes what they do, asks them questions when appropriate, and participates in their activities whenever possible. Since the purpose of qualitative research was to explore the depth and complexity inherent in the phenomenon, the purpose of this research was to examine code switching that occurred in the classroom during teaching and learning process. This approach does not use statistic procedure, but a descriptive procedure. The writer has the data in the form of words, phrases, clauses and sentences and the data are not presented quantitatively. The writer used observation and interview methods to get data collection.

3.2 Target of Population

Rahardi 2001:8 differentiates the data source into two categories, i.e. primary data and secondary data. Primary data are the data gained directly from the source, meanwhile secondary data are the one gained indirectly. In this thesis, the writer has the primary data. She gets the data directly from the teacher in conveying lesson materials to the students in the chemistry classroom in SMA Negeri 14 Semarang. According to Arikunto 1999 population is the all elements which are the object of the research. The population of this research is all statements or utterances by the teacher that contain code switching and code mixing in teaching and learning process in the chemistry classroom. Meanwhile, the sample is a half of the population. According to Singarimbun and Effendi © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 38 1989:155 there are two techniques to get the sample namely: purposive random sampling and purposive sampling. In conducting the research, the writer uses the purposive sampling to get the sample. According to Danim 2004: 98 the purposive sampling is done on the strength of the consideration of the writer. In this research, the writer takes sentence or utterance samples of the teacher in teaching and learning process in a chemistry classroom, which show the different types and functions of code switching clearly. The writer choose chemistry classroom, because in chemistry subject there are many terms of chemical that cannot translate in Indonesian, so during teaching and learning process there are code switching activity.

3.3 Research Instrument

The first steps in the process of doing research are to collect information either directly or indirectly. The mechanism of collecting research information is conducted in many varieties of ways, i.e. interview, survey, observation, and questionnaire. The purposes of research instrument are: as a tool for recording the information from respondents, as a tool for organizing the interview process, to check the job performance of a researcher. In the collecting data, the writer uses instruments of research as follows: 1. Observation Guidance The writer uses observation guidance when making observations in line with the purpose of research. The observation guidance are arranged and © Master Program in Linguistics, Diponegoro University 39 based on objects behavior during interviews, setting and environment around the object. 2. Recorder The writer uses recorder as a tool to get data in the process of observing and collecting data. The recorder that is used is the voice recorder. 3. Note taking The writer also takes some notes during observation and collecting information to complete the data.

3.4 Technique of Data Collection