computer technician, programmer, and network administrator here at the prison for many years. With this job come many responsibili- ties, not all of which are technical. My job provides me with many opportunities and benefits that I would not want to have taken away from me. This being the case, I have to keep myself out of trouble and keep a low profile.

When the fall issue came out in November, I was taken by surprise. Instead of getting the issue, I got a contraband slip! The issue was then sent to the reading committee. I don’t have to tell you how pissed I was. As usual, I kept my mouth shut and put my mind in gear. I took the wait-and-see approach to see what would happen. A few weeks went by and I got my answer. No way! Now I got to thinking. I could start filing grievances and start a lawsuit, at the same time putting myself on Front Street with a big sign saying, “I’m a Hacker,” “I’m a Cyber Criminal,” “I’m a Terrorist.” Or I can keep quiet and not put my job and what little freedom I have left in jeopardy. I want to fight this ig- norance and injustice. But the thing is I can yell at the top of my lungs and demand my right to read whatever I want, but I can also be easily dismissed and locked up and lose the one thing that has made my life in here bearable. Because I’m a prisoner, I’m no longer an American deserving of the rights most Americans take for granted.

I know that the DOC is supposed to inform the publisher of its deci- sion to censor your magazine. I’m betting they haven’t and this is the first you’ve heard of it?

I would really be fascinated in hearing your position is on this matter. Zucchini

It’s a bit of a “Catch 22” for us because the more we talk about this, the more pris- ons reject our publication. But as it’s clearly an issue for a number of people, the facts deserve to be spread.

We did receive a rejection notice from your institution along with a number of oth- ers. The official reason given was “entire publication depicts illegal activities con- trary to security interests of the facility.” (Substitute the word “country” for “facility” and you may be looking at the future.)


Some of the more specific descriptions include the following: “Contains threats or plans of criminal activity; Violates or concerns plans for activities in violation of the Code of Penal Discipline; Is in code and/or not understood by the reader; Contains information that constitutes a potential danger to a human being or threat to the secu- rity and order of the facility. This includes gang related activity, gang signs, or gang related activity; Contains material that could create racial tension within the facility.”

We’ve been accused of lots of things over the years but some of these are new even for us. It’s not surprising that they think we’re talking in code; some of our concepts of free thought would certainly appear alien to prison guards.

In the end, there isn’t much we can do other than publicize their actions. American prisons are horrible places to be stuck in and the authorities there are able to get away with a huge amount of rights abuses. We wish you luck even though you most likely won’t be allowed to read these words.

Dear 2600: This letter is in response to SystemX’s letter in 21:3. I am also incarcer-

ated, albeit in a federal prison, so I may have some useful information for SystemX and others in the same unfortunate predicament.

I was in the Warsaw (“Northern Neck”) County jail in Virginia. You are allowed to make three calls to a number and then a prepaid ac- count must be established. Well, I was in transit and only in Warsaw for seven days. I made my three calls, which are free by the way, to my loved one. Then we thought that maybe I could call the second line of my loved one’s house for free also. It worked! Six calls times fifteen minutes was a whole hour and a half! This worked even though I had to enter my Warsaw jail-issued inmate number. I guess that they will let you call any number three times in the hope that you might have to set up a prepaid account with each number (mother, girlfriend, lawyer, friends, etc.).