Psychological Independence The Kinds of Children’s Independence

that the mess Amelia created results in the broken or damaged curtains and the carpet. Thus, he helps the toys to sew and stitch everything that gets broken because of Amelia Jane Blyton, 1999: 19. He helps the toys sincerely without the toys ask them to help. Although Amelia Jane is very naughty to other toys, she also has a different side that can surprise them. She volunteers herself to rescue the brownies which are in danger. She rescues them by riding a toy aeroplane. She shouts bravely to the brownies to get into her aeroplane Blyton, 1999: 26. This is her idea to decide to save the brownies. It shows that a naughty character is not naughty forever or along the story. The character could be dynamic and makes changes in her own behavior or attitude.

c. Psychological Independence

Child characters who are psychologically independent are able to deal with their emotion. They still have unstable emotion so they could show the attitude of being happy and angry almost at the same time. Although controlling the emotion is not always successful for them to deal with, this is normal because they are still learning in playing with their emotion. The emotional feeling might appear in wide ranges of feeling. From the three novels used in this research, the psychological independence actions emerge in three classifications: to define self-happiness, to be courageous, and to control the emotion. 1 Defining self-happiness Defining self-happiness means child characters are able to define or decide things that can make them happy. So, there are no other characters who dictate them to be happy in a particular condition. Being happy is a condition which comes naturally from every individual. It is really related to mental or psychological condition. This is important for children to have independence in defining happiness because they can get more spirit in exploring the situation surrounding them. In The Six Bad Boys, child characters can show the ability to define their happiness. One of them is its main character, Bob. Bob had been feeling much happier since he had been with the Mackenzies. There was no bad feeling, no spit, no nagging. They all made him very welcome, and Pat was so lively and talkative that her mother was astonished. Blyton, 2012: 190. The datum above shows that a condition that can make a child happy is when a child has a peaceful family. Bob has a messed family since his father passed away. His mother is not as lovely as she was when his father was still alive. He wants to protect her by asking to be at home only for him. It makes her think that he is too bossy for his age. Bob’s dream family is reflected in his neighbor, the Mackenzies. He can feel so much love with his neighbor therefore he is always blissful everytime he spends time with them. To the contrary, his mother thinks that he is a trouble maker thus she does not want to be with him anymore. This condition makes him feel lonely and depressed. Luckily, his neighbor loves and takes care of him. Having a peaceful family is a dream of every child in the world. Enid Blyton reflects this fact really well through one of her novels, The Six Bad Boys. A child should have an opportunity of the presence of a soothing family. Family is the place where every child will feel safe and comfortable. This is the place where every child will come back no matter how grown-up a child has been. Elizabeth in The Naughtiest Girl Again also shows her independence in psychological matter. Elizabeth is a high-spirited but bad-tempered character. Even though she can get angry easily if she finds something unfair happened, she will enjoy something very much when she feels happy. It is performed in the datum below. Elizabeth enjoyed the games in the winter term very much indeed . She didn’t know which she liked best, hockey or lacrosse “I almost think I like lacrosse best,” she said to Joan. “The catching is such fun” Blyton, 1993: 45 She loves sport very much that she will easily get addicted to this activity. When she plays hockey and lacrosse, she can enjoy the winter term very much. She feels hard to decide which she loves the most between hockey and lacrosse because she loves these sports very much. Later, she is able to decide by herself which sport she wants to focus the most. It is shown by her decision to apply as a lacrosse player for a school match. There are no other characters asking her to do sport and even to love a particular kind of sport. In Naughty Amelia Jane, Enid Blyton shows psychological independence in child characters represented by dolls or toys. The independent actions in this novel are well presented through Amelia Jane’s tricks upon her friends. When she makes mischief and mess, she feels very satisfied and amused. She also really loves the moment when all the toys feel scared on what she is doing Blyton, 1989: 15. When she conducts naughty tricks upon her friends, she uses her own ideas and will. If Amelia Jane loves and enjoys very much when she could play tricks on her friends, her toy friends feel the opposite. They really love when they can play in peace without getting interfered by Amelia Jane Blyton, 1989: 92. They are afraid if Amelia Jane is around, they will not be safe. This is because she is full of ideas to trick the toys. 2 Being courageous Courage is also a quality that every child needs to possess. Some children already have the bravery but some others do not. In The Six Bad Boys, the courageous action is performed through William telling the truth. “Yes. I am sure he did,” said the magistrate. “You William, and you Lesli— you’re brothers, aren’t you? What have you to say about it?” Les began to cry bitterly. Will looked at the magistrate miserably. “Yes, sir— I guess we knew it was wrong,” he said. Blyton, 2012: 196 Will or William is the leader of the gang of the six naughty boys. When all of the members are arrested by the police and sent to the court, all of them are asked about their thought on the case. They are arrested after the report of stolen money from an old man is given to the police. William has enough guts to tell the truth at the court that stealing money is unjustifiable. Although he is nervous in the court, he is brave to realize that stealing is not a good behavior. In The Naughtiest Girl Again, besides having self-ability to define self- happiness, Elizabeth also has courage to warn her friend, Kathleen, who tells lies to her friends. Elizabeth really dislikes unfair and untrue things. She warns Kathleen to stop telling lies about Jenny, her classmate. If Kathleen does not stop doing so, Elizabeth will undoubtedly report her at the Next Meeting Blyton, 1993: 55. The Next Meeting is a regular meeting for all students after having dinner. This is the time when all students collect their money for saving and some of them will get extra money for doing any projects. In the last section of the Meeting, the boards will permit every student to deliver any grumble or problems. This is also the chance for every student to report negative cases, such as bullying, spreading lies, and stealing. The problems will be solved right away. For example, if there are two students hate each other, they need to apologize each other in the Meeting. Although Amelia Jane is visibly naughty because she loves playing tricks, she also has invisible side. This is the side when she is not mischievous at all and is ready to sacrifice herself for rescuing another character. In Naughty Amelia Jane, she has the nerve to go up the chimney and save Tiddles the cat Blyton, 1989: 113. The action is an example of having courage or bravery in the novel. Amelia Jane does it based on her idea. She forces herself to bear the difficult condition by rescuing the cat. 3 Controlling the emotion The last thing found from the data is the ability to control the emotion. Emotion is deeply connected to mental or psychological condition. Children might have unstable emotion control so they can change their mood easily. However, it does not mean that children do not have the ability to manage it so their emotion is still under control. It is presented by Bob in The Six Bad Boys. Bob actually feels regret, angry, and sad with his mother. He dislikes his mother decision to work and pack the lunch brought for school. When he is judged in the court for his mistake, he is asked about his feeling and problem in the family. However, he decides not to speak negative things about his mother in front of the judge Blyton, 2012: 201. It shows that Bob already has awareness not to tell something against his mother no matter how disappointed he is. Next, the character of Elizabeth in The Naughtiest Girl Again is a bad- tempered girl. Despite her character, she also learns how to deal with it. She had an appalling relationship with Robert at the beginning. As the story goes by, she has to pay her mistake in misunderstanding Robert by giving her position in the lacrosse match to him. In fact, he really wants this position so much. Elizabeth tried her very hardest to be glad that it was such a fine day it was lucky for Robert; but she couldn’t help feeling disappointed that she wasn’t playing. She had missed playing the Saturday before because it rained —and now that it was so fine, she couldn’t play Blyton, 1993: 133 The datum above shows that Elizabeth actually feels sad and disappointed after losing her dream position as the player of lacrosse match. She gives her position to Robert as the way to forgive herself after misjudging him. Even though she feels uneasy, she tries to show the contrary feeling. She tries so hard to hide what she really feels after losing her position. She wants to look happy for her friend’s happiness. This is a big proof of controlling emotion in a child character. The last is in Naughty Amelia Jane. Its main character, Amelia Jane, loves to do mischief in every chance she has. She plays tricks on other child characters, the dolls. She likes to enjoy everything all by herself but she will get mad if other dolls play without her. Besides, she also gets angry if other dolls play trick on her as the result of her mischief. This is shown in the data below. Amelia Jane took her shoes off. She saw how the clown had polished them underneath, and she went very red. She knew quite well she could not grumble if people were unkind —because she too had been unkind. Blyton, 1989: 40 It is shown that actually Amelia Jane is angry because the clown has played a trick on her. She knows that the one who has polished her shoes is the clown. It makes her slip when she walks or runs. However, she controls her emotional feeling upon the clown. She tries to realize that she gets tricked because she did first. Thus, she feels that she deserves the result or the impact of her mischief.

2. Adults’ Roles