The General Traits of The Pashtuns and The Hazaras

which can be found in Hosseini’s The Kite Runner on both of the tribes. Second, we also need to understand one of the central points of the differences that lie among the Pashtuns and the Hazaras particularly among those who live in Afghanistan i.e. Sunni and Shia. The General Traits of The Pashtuns and The Hazaras

The Pashtuns, also called Pathans, are an Eastern Iranian ethno-linguistic group with population primarily in Afghanistan and in the North-West Frontier Province, Federally Administered Tribal Areas and Balochistan provinces of Pakistan. The Pashtun are typically characterized by their usage of the Pashto language and practice of Pashtunwali, which is an ancient traditional code of conduct and honor. The Afghans pride themselves on their nomadic proclivities, which they complacently regard as military virtues, but which others may stigmatize, with good reason, as brutality. Furthermore, Tate explains that individuality has a greater field for its expression among the true Afghans than among other races 16. The Pashtuns’ character seems to be thoroughly tough. It is a pride for them to take a success by their own hand. Amir, for instance, is glad to have Hassan out from his house. His brutality is shown in a form of a betrayal that he has done to Hassan by putting some money and watch under Hassan’s pillow no matter how Hassan has been kind to him each day Hosseini 96-97. Malleson says in his book that all Pathans are very fond of talking about Pathan honour, but they are not the less amenable to golden influences, and there is no doubt they would sell or prostitute any thing, or kill anyone, for gold 48. By these explanations, the Pashtuns are somehow more like an extreme tribe in their action of what they believe. They have a tendency to seek for authority on others. In the novel of The Kite Runner, applicable Pahstuns’ cultural information can also be observed from other character and i.e. Amir’s father. Baba, as a Pashtun, is recognized and honored by many people in Kabul because he has made his own success Hosseini 15. Amir also explains that he could not easily gain his father’s attention because Baba thinks that Amir could not individually stand for himself Hosseini 13. As we can see from Baba’s personal perspective, it seems that the Pasthuns expect their male family should be not less tough than the previous generation. Honor and pride are two things could only be awarded to those who can show their gut. It makes them deserve to be considered culturally as a real man, although sometimes, the gut they mean to be is not far different from more than a brutality like what can be imagined in The Kite Runner from a rumor about Baba fighting a black bear. Another explanation about a Pashtun can be clearly seen from Assef figure Hosseini 35 – 36. For over 250 years, Pashtun people have reigned as the dominant ethnic group in Peshawar, Quetta, Kabul and Kunduz. They own a large population there. They make up an estimated 13.3 million people through all over Afghanistan Miller Ed. 3. The chief among the peoples of Afghanistan must be chosen from the Pathans or true Afghans, rulers of the country, and principal element in its diverse population Tytler 48. Even the kings of Afghanistan have not ever been chosen from other tribes beside the Pashtuns, including Daoud Khan, who is crowned a king of Afghanistan at the time when The Kite Runner is set Hosseini 37. On the other side, the Hazaras are a Persian-speaking people who reside mainly in the Hazarajat region. They seem to have partial Mongolian origins with some admixture from surrounding indigenous groups. They speak a dialect of Persian which is known as Hazaragi. It is commonly believed by many Afghans that the Hazara are descendants of Genghis Khan’s army, which marched into the area during the 12 th century. Many Mongol solders and their family members settled in the area and remaned there after the Mongol empire dissolved in the 13 th century, converting to Islam and adopting local customs Miller Ed. 24. The proof which exists in the story of The Kite Runner regarding this historical fact is that Hassan is a boy with a face like a Chinese doll, flat broad nose, slanting narrow eyes, and eye color which is gold and green Hosseini 3. Surely, these are characteristics which can be found in Mongolians. Colonel G. B. Malleson says that the Hazaras are Tartars by decent, simple-hearted, and differ much from the Afghan tribes The Pashtuns 44. They are hospital. Tytler says they are also honest, courageous, good natured, and simple 57. It seems that the Hazaras are such welcoming people. It is proved by Amir telling that Hassan is an innocent sensitive boy that actually does not have any willing to hurt even a street dog Hassan 39. Melleson adds that the Hazaras are from which the Afghan artillery is principally recruited 45. This shows that the Hazaras are considered very tough in fighting skill. It proves that they are actually a strong tribe but because their characteristic is balanced with a simple-hearted personality then they become a low-profile tribe in doing things. Whenever they are oppressed, they are ready to fight back. Hassan’s act when he and Amir are intruded by Assef proofs it Hosseini 39. We could see that even though he is a low Hazara servant, Hassan is ready to fight against an honorable Pashtun’s son like Assef in an urgent situation. Reading on what Hassan says to Assef we could see how his words reflects not only an undisputed honor to someone socially higher than him but also at the same time an upholding to loyalty and protection for someone like both his master and dear friend, Amir. This is a very impressive character which such a low tribe boy could show representing the characters of the other people belong in the same tribe with him. Moreover, Tate says that the Hazaras are hardy, strongly built and industrious, and the ranks of servants and laborers throughout the country are recruited from them 15. They are clearly willing to work as maids or low workers in Afghanistan. Moreover, they are people very loyal to their own master. Tytler adds that the Hazaras make excellent servants, first rate soldiers and cheerful laborers 57. Amir once tells that Hassan works as well as he is singing which we can be perceived as his sincerity to do housework as a maid Hosseini 26. It proofs that the Hazaras are very humble people knowing how to be grateful for everything they have become and own in life. Besides, it seems that a young Hazara like Hassan is told to be tough and skillful as he can work so many household works in his young age Hosseini 25. He is also able to fly a kite successfully by knowing some steps needed Hosseini 59. Based on what is explained in Miller’s Ed. about some people censuses which were done several times we could logically think that the Hazara is indeed a small tribe with a slow growing population dwelling in Afghanistan 29-30. To sum up, this general information about both the Pashtuns’ and the Hazaras’ trait has shown us that it is possible for Amir to be disloyal to Hassan. It is given on behalf of Amir and Baba as the Pashtuns and Hassan as a Hazara as how each side can possibly behave one another. The Pashtuns are told to be a tribe sometimes having a brutal, tough and rude personality with a strong individuality. The Hazaras, however, are a simple-hearted tribe who are total and sincere to live even a low sad life condition as a laborer and such. Sunni and Shia in Afghanistan