Baba’s Treatment to Amir and Hassan

Kabul. The dream that Hassan ever wants to come true is actually a reality which has been hidden away i.e not only to become Amir’s best friend, but more appropriately to be Amir’s brother, in fact. In the beginning it only tells that Hassan is just a son of Ali, who is later on acknowledged included to those who hide Hassan real blood line history from his recognition. Hassan is truly a Hazara-Pashtun boy as we can conclude from the story. Socially, he has made a possibility of Afghan’s new historical tribal problem where a half Pashtun boy has ever been born. Through this half blood born, Hassan deserves his honor as one of the Pashtuns fairly. He deserves honor as one of Baba’s sons, as well. Truly, Hassan actually has his power of position needs to be considered by people around him. In a conclusion, the truth of Hassan’s position in Amir’s family is that he is a son of Baba. Then it makes clear if Hassan is someone who deserves to be very precious for Baba because Hassan is his son, too. Naturally, Baba must love Hassan much as he should to Amir in spite of Amir’s lack of personality as a boy. It is shown from the fact that Baba never forgets about Hassan’s birthday. He buys Hassan various presents from year to year. Once, Baba surprises Hassan by giving him a Japanese toy truck, an electric locomotive and train track set Hosseini 41. On the day when Ali and Hassan have taken a big hard decision to leave Baba’s house because of a rejection from Amir, Baba cries a lot and unwittingly shows how great he cares about Hassan and Ali. Baba’s Treatment to Amir and Hassan

For Amir, Baba is meaningful. As a parent, Baba is very tough, strict and strong that Amir really honors him. Amir is very proud of what Baba has become i.e. a wealthy reputable person in Kabul. It is Baba’s love and care that Amir always longs for. Nevertheless, the situation is completely different from what Amir expects. Amir’s unfortunate condition is that he realizes that Baba does not really like him because in Amir’s opinion Baba thinks that Amir is the only one to be blamed of Baba’s wife’s death Hosseini 18. Furthermore, Amir explains that he cannot be just like what Baba wants him to be and i.e. a man with his bravery, pride, prejudice and honor. Amir is quite depressed by Baba’s behavior that treats Hassan gentler and kinder than how he treats him as his own son. Petti states that depression is associated with family disruption 416. Baba seems to be very impressed of how perfect Hassan is compared to Amir who has an imperfect personality as a boy. This is the reason why Amir is not treated quite well. Baba is the one who begins his own family disruption. He treats Amir with less attention without realizing that Amir already starts to feel sad and is jealous to Hassan. It is obvious that Baba is disappointed of his destiny having a son like Amir. However, Amir is not completely wrong. It is just Baba’s desire of having a very strong gutsy kid. Amir is too weak for Baba. Baba thinks that he is unique in the negative way. For Baba, his son should have fight back when a stranger or bad people hit him. Baba thinks that it is a shame to see a boy who cannot defend himself and struggle to win in a battle with others. Baba seems quiet given up of hiding his disappointment on his son. He shares his feeling about Amir to Rahim Khan, his colleague and friend. This proves that Baba’s dream of having a very tough son does not come true. Baba then turns his head to Hassan, his not- admitted son, a boy having all that Baba wants from a son psychologically Hosseini 21-22. Baba treats Amir without much of his attention many times. The first moment is when Amir wants to join Baba and friends in Baba’s study room. Baba rejects his existence there and asks him to stay away Hosseini 5. Baba does not really know that actually Amir still sits just outside the door to listen to Baba’s and his friends’ chat curiously. On the other chance, concerning Hassan, Amir sees that Baba is very happy for what Hassan can do. Once three of them are at Ghargha Lake, Amir sees that Baba does not only pat Hassan on the back when Hassan has successfully made eight times of stone skip, but he also puts his arm around Hassan shoulder Hosseini 13. These are the instances that Baba sometimes is really overreacted to Hassan’s skillful ability. This is how Baba unconsciously makes Amir hurt and jealous. Hassan, as depicted in The Kite Runner, is a Hazara boy having his own father named Ali and they have been living in Amir and Baba’s house for years since Hassan is born. It is indeed a sort of weirdness about why Baba still wants the two Hazaras, Hassan and Ali, stay in his house. Baba even cries and sobs when Ali has taken a decision to leave the house. Amir is surprised to see the rare phenomenon i.e. Baba is crying for two Hazaras socially having no value or good appreciation from the Pashtuns. In The Kite Runner, Baba has a best friend and colleague named Rahim Khan. It seems that Rahim Khan knows everything about Baba because they have been friends for so long. Rahim Khan is the one who reveals the truth that he and Baba have hidden for so long until Amir grows mature Hosseini 205-206. The truth is that Amir has a same biological similarity with Hassan because they possess the same blood heritage as Baba’s sons. Hassan is Baba’s son with his marriage with a Hazara woman and hence Hassan’s real status is buried in the purpose of saving Baba’s name in the social context. Now, this is the reason why Baba, for several times, treats Hassan better than his son who is nerd and seems incapable of defending himself alone. Beck, in his theory of motivations states that motivation is broadly concerned with the temporary determinants of choice direction, persistence, and vigor of goal- directed behavior 24. Baba’s motivations by acting very generous to Hassan concern with the fact that first, Hassan is also his son. Beside, as what is explained by Paul Hockings Ed, a Pashtun man tends to be indulgent toward their children culturally 232. In this case, the exception is if the child can grow up normally as a boy likely in the Pashtun father’s opinion. Secondly, Baba sees the true potential brave man in Hassan’s personality. After all, Hassan is truly Amir and Baba’s son according to their biological blood. Dr. Murray Bowen argues that a family is an emotional unit and uses systems thinking to describe the complex interactions in the unit Bowen Theory, web. He asserts that it is the nature of the family that its members are intensely connected emotionally. Family members so profoundly affect each other’s thoughts, feelings, and actions just like what happens between Baba and Amir. In a family, people solicit each other’s attention, approval and support and react to each other’s needs, expectations, and distress. In The Kite Runner, Amir is badly seeking for Baba’s attention which is something desperately difficult to get Hosseini 5. According to Bowen, if a person takes too much responsibility for the distress of others in relationship to their unrealistic expectations of him, he will feel anxiety. This anxiety can cause family members vulnerable to problems such as depression and else. These are such similar depression and anxiety that Amir feels. Thus he wants Hassan out from his house. To sum up, here we can see where the logic of family problem of The Kite Runner lies is. Amir is in need of Baba’s love. Baba is in need of his personal desire as a father having a brave child who can only be realized through Hassan, his son, but Hassan is also in desperate needs of Amir as his friend. The needs of those three characters are tied up together in one self satisfaction circle in which the three struggle for the best to gain it while in fact there is actually no way to reach the satisfaction until Baba is willing to take aside his worry about his social status when he tells everyone that Hassan is not fully a Hazara, but a half Pashtun through him. The conclusion goes to the finding of the circle of needs among the three characters. So, it can be stated here that Amir’s disloyalty is partly triggered by his family problem. He has been hidden away from the fact that he and Hassan are brothers. Amir’s disloyalty will not happen if only he has been told about this fact by the people close to him.

4.2.2 Social Factors