Humorous Mother’s Personality Traits

Moreover, Posey also manages herself to protect others and makes others feel safe to be around her. The first story comes from Chick’s experience in his childhood. At that time Chick is still five years old. He and his mother are walking to a market. His mother is being called by the neighbor so they catch up for a while but Chick is still walking around. Suddenly a German shepherd comes next to Chick and barks with loud sound. Chick is very frightened, screaming and running into his mother. His mother asks about the problem then she goes to the dog and makes the best barking sound to make the dog scared. As a result the big dog runs away. She marches me around the house. There is a dog. It howls again. Awowwowowow I jump back. But my mother yanks me forward. And she barks. She barks. She makes the best barking sound I have ever heard a human being make. The dog salls into a whimpering crouch. My mother turns. “You have to show them who’s the boss, Charley,” she says Albom 35. There is also a story told by Chick about his mother protection on him. This happens when Chick goes to the library and he wants to borrow 20,000 Leagues under the Sea by Jules Verne. The librarian tells that this book is too difficult for him. Posey comes and asks the librarian to give the book. She stands up to defend her child. She does everything to show that nobody can underestimate her son. Then she makes the old librarian give the book to Chick Albom 51.

4.1.9 Economical

She can be considered as an economical person because she is able to function anything around her to be more beneficial. It might come from her habit when she was child because she was used to be in a poor family. Furthermore, she does not want to use money without a consideration of needs. As read from the novel, there is a story in a Halloween party. When Halloween comes and this is the first parade for Chick, Posey intends to make a costume by herself. Therefore, rather than buying a costume like the suggestion from the husband, she makes a costume from white rags and old towels with toilet paper and tape for Chick Albom 39. Posey can see that there is something in the house that still can be useful with little work. She has two intentions here, the first rather than buying the costume that can be around five and a dime like the suggestion from her husband; she makes the costume by herself meant to save some expenses. The second, she makes it because it is special for Chick on his first parade.

4.1.10 Helpful

Posey Benetto is so helpful to others. She will try hard if others ask her help. She can do it in a simple way or hard way. She thinks that help for others do not need to be big enough but can be anything simple like accompanying her children to study and listen to others when they want to tell their problem. In addition, when she helps others she will do it until the problem is solved. That night, I ask my mother. What causes an echo? She gets the dictionary and we sit in the den. “Let him do it himself”, my father snaps. “Len,” she says, “I’m allowed to help him.” For an hour, she works with me. I memorize the lines. I practice by standing in front of her Albom 44. Another example shows that Posey’s being helpful is not only for the family but also for the others. She can talk a lot but when she should listen to others, she can do it as good as the way she talks. In other word, I can say that Posey has a balance ability of both talking and listening. This ability makes other people feel warmth and want to stay close to her. “Posey Benetto was a good talker, everybody said so. But unlike a lot of good talkers, she was also good listener.” She has the balance ability of talking and listening. She listened to the patience down at the hospital. She listened to neighbors in beach chairs on hot summer days. She loved jokes. She would push a hand into the shoulder of anyone who made her laugh. She was charming. That’s how people thought of her: Charming Posey Albom 73-74. I think those are all of the personality description that I depict from the novel about Posey Benetto. Now we can enter to another problem to be discussed about Chick Benetto’s personality.

4.2 Chick Benetto’s Personality

While Posey Benetto is a major and flat character, Chick Benetto is a major and round character. He is a major character because he is one of the center characters in the story. Then he is also round character because his characteristics tend to be changed from the beginning until the end of the story. The author portrays Charles Benetto as: