Theory of Personality Development

Family can also influence individual’s personality development in term of deviant family patterns. For example, in a culture where being different is widely regarded as being inferior, it is not surprising that people feel ashamed and embarrassed if their family patterns differ from those of the people with whom they associate Hurlock 376. Here are some of deviants that influence personality development. The first is solo families. Solo families are shown by the absence of one parent because of death, divorce, desertion, separation or some other causes. The solo home can be a source of embarrassment to all of the family members or can be a source of pride. For example, if the figure of father is absence because of divorce, it can be a source of embarrassment. However, if the absence due to some tasks as an army or employee to another country, it can be a source of pride. Rather than becoming the source of embarrassment or the source of pride, solo families have some important factors to influence the personality development. The most important thing is the presence of fatherhood masculine or motherhood feminine figure in the family. Children are so demanding of the figures because their personality pattern is largely molded during the early years of life. Furthermore, the personality effect of solo families is not limited to children. It is also felt by parents as well as other family members Hurlock 377. The second is divorced families. Divorced families normally eliminate some of the friction so damaging to the home climate. In a society where divorced is not common, this pattern become a big stigma for the member of the families. There are so many problems caused by divorce like the care of children, income, love and figure of masculinity and or femininity and of course the personality development of the divorcee and the member of families. The third is widowhood. The status of widow or widower is not only deviant but also ambiguous in which the person is neither single nor a spouse. Widowhood almost always leads to poor self-evaluation. A widow or widower is lonely and faced many adjustments problems, personal, social and economic. The fourth is disgraced family. Disgraced family is a family living in a society which is considered different from other families in the society. Strong disapproval of some kinds of deviant family patterns make the family members feel disgraced. Furthermore, the family members will feel more inferior to other families in the society because the society feels that they are not common.

2.2. Theoretical Framework

I use some of the theories stated above in order to understand more about the characters’ personality and to help finding the answer of issues presence in problem formulated. Furthermore, I would like to present the reasons why those theories are needed and how I use those theories to understand and analyze the novel. The first is theory of character and characterizations. These theories are used to reveal the characters in the novel. Furthermore, these theories are really applicable to describe and to explore characters through their actions, outlooks, deeds, impressions, thoughts, mannerisms and dialogues.