Alice in the White

I wanted to know why too, so I went around and saw the minister. His answer to me was he didn‟t want any responsibility for looking after our children, so our kids couldn‟t go Nannup 1992:184. The minister did not want to take care of Alice‟s children. The minister thought for what taking care a slave‟s children. It would not give him a benefit also. Alice was poor; she just gave a little money in the church every Sunday. If the minister was taking care of her children, Alice still could not give anything like money or a gift to the minister as her gratitude feeling towards the minister.

14. Alice in the St John of God Hospital

When Alice went to St John of God Hospital, the lady in the bed next to Alice said to the sister why she screened me off. The sister said that she thought the lady next to Alice did not want to be bedded next to a native. But the lady said „she‟s a friend, take that screen away‟. The sister removed it, but the other ladies did not like it. They wanted the curtain pulled around Alice. So they removed it, but I could hear all the other ladies talking. They didn‟t like it that I was in full view. They said, „No, that‟s not right,‟ and they wanted the curtain pulled around me Nannup 1992:188. The other ladies did not like to see the Aborigine there because Alice was a slave. She did not have the same position with the whites. The whites felt angry because they thought a slave should be kept separate from the whites. Even by being curtained, it was enough not to see her face around their sight. The evidences above are the events when the whites do the unfair treatments towards the aborigine. The main character is being colonized by the whites who are the colonizer. It is not only done by one person, but almost all the white people that the main character meets do it. The clash between two cultures is seen here, and it is the characteristic of the Postcolonialism. One of them is showing their superiority to the other, and also dominated the other This is what called as Orientalism. From those evidences, the writer sees how it affects the main character, and the main character‟s reaction in the next part.

C. The Effects of Discrimination towards Alice

From what the writer has discussed in B part, the writer states some discrimination that the main character faced. The discrimination itself is an unfair treatment that Alice got from the white people around her. There is some case that Alice fought back, but there is also some case that Alice did not fight back. The writer sees Alice did the most fight back when it was something related to her children. She did not want her children to feel what she felt. She did not want her children to get hurt. Alice has been through many things that were really hard for her. She has been living under controlled by the whites. She wanted a change. She wanted independence. She wanted to get equality for her tribe. She wanted a freedom. She wanted to go home. She wanted to have a better life, and see her family again.

1. Alice Wanted Freedom

Alice wanted to be free. She wanted leaving the life as a slave there. She was upset being blamed for what she was not. There was an event when she was