Alice in the White Congregation Alice and her Children on Sunday School

white people that the main character meets do it. The clash between two cultures is seen here, and it is the characteristic of the Postcolonialism. One of them is showing their superiority to the other, and also dominated the other This is what called as Orientalism. From those evidences, the writer sees how it affects the main character, and the main character‟s reaction in the next part.

C. The Effects of Discrimination towards Alice

From what the writer has discussed in B part, the writer states some discrimination that the main character faced. The discrimination itself is an unfair treatment that Alice got from the white people around her. There is some case that Alice fought back, but there is also some case that Alice did not fight back. The writer sees Alice did the most fight back when it was something related to her children. She did not want her children to feel what she felt. She did not want her children to get hurt. Alice has been through many things that were really hard for her. She has been living under controlled by the whites. She wanted a change. She wanted independence. She wanted to get equality for her tribe. She wanted a freedom. She wanted to go home. She wanted to have a better life, and see her family again.

1. Alice Wanted Freedom

Alice wanted to be free. She wanted leaving the life as a slave there. She was upset being blamed for what she was not. There was an event when she was accused of leaving the door to the boys‟ dormitory open for them to get out. It wasnot Alice at all.She knew who was responsible but he never owned up. Anyway, it made me look like a liar, and when the committee came up and had a meeting I had my say. I told them how upset I was being blamed for something I hadn‟t done… but after that happened I decided to leave there and go and stay with my daughter and son in Mullewa Nannup 1992:203. She wanted to go back home with her children. She said when opportunity knocks, she would definitely go. She got that opportunity when her cousin came. It was when her cousin came and found her. Her cousin told her that Aunty Minnie was sick. “It was the opportunity that is knocking right now, so you come with me” said Alice‟s cousin to her Nannup 1992:205. Alice thought while there was a chance, it was better for her to grab it. She could go away and see her family again because that was what she wanted. There was a time when Alice was trying to escape from where she worked as a slave, but she failed at that time. She thought she could not go back again to her hometown. It perhaps was the place where she belonged to as an uneducated and poor person, but at the end, she was wrong. She was able to go back to her hometown because she took the chance that came to her. She had to be free from the life that made her stuck there 42 years as a slave. The freedom that she had makes her satisfied. She was really proud of herself. She had to stay in that job as a servant for twelve months before she could even think about leaving Nannup 1992:218. It was a difficult time for her at that time, and that was also something that young people did not realize today