Theory of Character and Characterization

8. Thoughts: Describing a character by giving the reader direct knowledge of what a person thinks. 9. Mannerism: Describing a person‟s mannerism and habits 1972:161-173

2. Theory of Racism

The second theory that the writer uses is the theory of racism. Racism in Western Australia in 19 th century creates a separation between the blacks and the whites. In a book entitled Racism in America written by Harvey Sales, it is stated that racism can operate on two levels; individual andor group and institutional. Individual racism is easy to eradicate, while institutional is very difficult to eradicate. Racism happens because the superiority of the upper class towards the lower class. The whites feel that they are superior, while the aborigines are inferior. The whites have money to pay for the slave, while the aborigines do not have. It is one from some factors that caused the discrimination to happen. The main character in this novel is the representation of the aborigines discriminated. She is the one who experience the discriminations done by the whites. The discriminations include being forced to work, to follow the white‟s religion, to speak white‟s language, and to learn their history also. Robert Blaunner stated in his book, racism is caused by the differentiation of colors. The division based upon colour is the single must important split between the society, the body politic, and the national psyche. Second, that values proceses and practices of exclusion and subordination based upon colour are built into the major public institution, with the effect of maintaining special privileges, power, and values for the benefit of the white majority 1970:124-125. In 19 th century, the unequal treatment that the blacks face already happened when European comes to Australian. The violence against the aborigines challenges the whole structure of Aboriginal society. By the middle of the 19 th century, violence against the aborigines, the introduction of European disease and spiritual demoralized challenged the whole structure of Aboriginal society In The New Encyclopedia Britannica, it is said that the term racial discrimination denotes all form of differential behavior based on race. The most notable form of racial discrimination is, of course, physical segregation by race, but there are many others, such as rules of etiquette defining forms of address between racial “superiors” and “inferiors” 1983:360. In the novel, it is found the different rules between the whites and the aborigines. The whites can do whatever they want meanwhile the aborigines must be careful with whatever they do. If the whites do not like it, then the aborigines can not do it.

3. Theory of Postcolonialism

The third theory that the writer uses in this study is theory of Postcolonial. Postcolonial theory is not the theory after colonialism. The writer is also not the writer after colonialism, and so is the literature. The literature is not the literature after colonialism. Postcolonial study is an approach to literary analysis that concerns itself particularly with literature written in English in formerly colonized countries Bressler, 2006:265. There are some countries that are being colonized by the colonizer which bring some effects to the people in that land. It happens because there is a clash between two different cultures where one of them is under control by the superior one. Bressler stated that Postcolonial literature and theory investigate what happens when two cultures clash and when one of them with its accompanying ideology empowers and deems itself superior to the other 2006:265. Postcolonial deals with the effects of colonization on culture and also societies. Any kind of actions regarding colonial processes from the beginning until the independence is the characteristic of Postcolonial study. Postcolonial study also talks about the superiority. Edward Said‟s Orientalism discusses the superiority. It deploys a variety of strategies whose common factor is they guarantee position of superiority for the Westerners over the orient Baskara 2010:10. Postcolonial study is highlighting the struggle that occurs when one culture is dominated by other culture. The struggle includes the difference, nationalism, postmodernism, representation and resistance, ethnicity, feminism, language, education, history, place, and production. Postcolonialist critics state that “European colonialism did occur that the British Empire was at the center of this colonialism ”. The conquerors not only dominated the physical land but also the ideology of the colonized people, and that the effects of the colonization are many and are still being felt today. According to Edward Said, nineteenth-century Europeans tried to justify their territorial conquests by propagating a manufactured belief called Orientalism. Orientalism represents the first phase of Postcolonial theory. Edward