Thirty most common diagnoses managed in public clinics in 2014

CHAPTER nine Medications 80 National Medical Care Statistics 2014


During primary care encounters, patients were prescribed medications for their conditions as deemed necessary by the respective healthcare providers. The providers were instructed to record the medications prescribed in generic or brand names, the dosage form, route of administration, dose, frequency and duration of therapy. Note that NMCS 2014 captured only the medications prescribed and not the medications dispensed. Hence, the data presented here do not reflect the actual consumption of medications in the primary care setting. 9.1 w x y BER OF MEDICATIONS PRESCRIBED PER ENCO x NTER Number o z encounters with medical prescription Table 9.1.1 presents the number of encounters with and without medical prescription in primary care clinics in 2014. • A total of 292,906 89.9 encounters were prescribed with at least one medication. • The percentage of encounters during which medications were prescribed was higher in private clinics compared to public clinics 92.1 versus 86.6, respectively. Table 9.1.1: Number { z encounters with and without medical prescription in primary care clinics in 2014 Number | } encounters ~ nweighted count Weighted count Percent | } encounters  €  CI Overall With medication 24,523 292,906 89.9 88.9–90.9 Without medication 3,064 32,912 10.1 9.1–11.1 Public With medication 13,387 114,048 86.7 84.8–88.5 Without medication 2,083 17,576 13.4 11.5–15.2 Private With medication 11,136 178,857 92.1 91.0–93.2 Without medication 981 15,337 7.9 6.8–9.0 Number o z medications prescribed Table 9.1.2 shows the total number of medications prescribed and the prescription rates by encounters and by diagnoses in primary care clinics in 2014. • A total of 864,552 medications were prescribed, of which 37.8 were prescribed in the public sector while the remaining 62.2 were prescribed in the private sector. • The medication prescribing rate in the public sector was 248.5 medications per 100 encounters, which was lower compared to the private sector, which recorded a rate of 276.8 medications per 100 encounters. • The public-private difference was even greater when the prescription rate per diagnosis was examined. For every 100 diagnoses, approximately 70 more medications were prescribed in the private sector than in the public sector 230.8 medications versus 160.4 medications, respectively. • • • • ≥