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Kegiatan Pembuka Opening • Guru membuka pelajaran dengan menyapa siswa, lalu melakukan ice-breaking untuk mencairkan suasana dengan permainan singkat Chinese Whisper atau Charades. Kegiatan Inti Main Activity Writing Connection • Di bagian ini siswa akan menulis. Guru harus menumbuhkan keinginan siswa untuk menulis karena ini adalah tugas yang menakutkan bagi siswa. • Siswa diminta menulis sebuah teks eksposisi analitis berdasarkan isu yang sedang hangat di masyarakat. • Selama siswa bekerja, guru mengawasi seluruh kelas dan • In this section students will write. Teacher has to encourage students to write because writing is considered as the most daunting task by students. Class What is the most talked about issue these days? Yes, it is Good. What else? Teacher should try to elicit as many responses as possible. Have a small discussion on these issues so that the students are conident in writing them. • Teacher can start the class with a quick game of Chinese Whispers or Charades. Good morning, all How are you today? How about a quick game of Chinese Whispers? Everyone sits in a circle and we will begin. Yeah That was a lot of fun 78 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 04

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memberi feedback dan arahan kepada siswa yang membutuhkan. • Siswa melakukan edit dan revisi berdasarkan feedback guru. • Ask the students to choose the most popular issue in the media and write about it. Choose an issue you think is the most popular in the media. Do a research about this issue. Once the research is done, write an exposition text on it. You can refer to the Building Blocks section for the text pattern and format. • Teacher observes around the class during the writing process and gives feedback needed. The students edit and revise based on the feedback. Have you inished? Please submit your work. • Teacher can end the class by asking the students about the writing process. How did the writing go? Did you enjoy writing? We will stop here. I will see you next week.Have a nice day See you Kegiatan Penutup Closing • Guru mengulas kembali apa yang sudah dikerjakan selama awal hingga akhir kegiatan menulis. Guru membuka diskusi untuk melakukan releksi terhadap semua kegiatan yang telah dilakukan. 79 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 04 KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER I Pertemuan ke-1718 4 × 45 menit PROSEDUR INSTRUKSICATATAN WAKTU

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