10’ Kelas XI Bahasa Inggris BG

6 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 01

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penggunaan offer dan suggestion serta ciri-ciri kebahasaan yang ada di ungkapan offer dan suggestion, siswa diminta berlatih menggunakan ungkapan offer dan suggestion dalam dialog yang telah disiapkan di bagian Let’s Practice. • Guru memberi waktu sekitar 30 menit untuk menyelesaikan latihan tersebut. Sisanya bisa diberikan sebagai pekerjaan rumah PR. Kegiatan Penutup Closing • Sebagai penutup kegiatan belajar, guru mengulas kembali tentang offer dan suggestion. Guru meminta beberapa siswa memberikan important part. This section allows the students to build on their skills learnt in Building Block. Now, it’s time to practice what we have learnt. • Teacher asks the students to do the exercises and complete the conversations given in the Let’s Practice section . Do you have a partner? YesNo. Ok That is great. if everyone has a partner Choose your partner quickly, so that we can start. With your partner, work on the activities given in the Let’s Practice section. If something is not clear, come and see me. • Teacher reviews what they have done, and wraps up the class with some self relective questions. Who can tell me what we have learnt today? Very good 7 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 01 contoh offer dan suggestion. • Guru dan siswa melakukan releksi kegiatan belajar hari ini dan menyampaikan apa yang harus dipersiapkan pada pertemuan selanjutnya. Anyone else wants to try? Well done, everyone As a little bit of relection, write down the answer to these questions in your notebook. Did you ind today’s lesson easy? How did you feel while working with your partner? Did you face any problems? Do you think you could resolve those problems and work together again? • Teacher ends the lesson by praying and saying goodbye. Thank you Let’s thank The Almighty God. I will see you next time. 8 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 01 KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER I Pertemuan ke-2 2× 45 menit PROSEDUR INSTRUKSICATATAN WAKTU A. 10’ Kegiatan Pembuka Opening • Guru membuka pelajaran dengan menyapa siswa, menanyakan kabar, dan lain-lain. • Guru melakukan ice breaking dengan melakukan suatu permainan. Guru membagi kelas menjadi 2 tim dan meminta salah satu dari setiap tim untuk maju ke depan. • Guru memberikan sebuah kartu kata. Kartu katafrase itu memuat tawaran atau saran. Lalu siswa tersebut diminta membuat ungkapan tawaran atau saran berdasarkan kata frase tersebut. Siswa diberi waktu 40 detik untuk menjawab, sebelum dilemparkan kepada kelompoknya atau kelompok lain. Permainan dilanjutkan hingga semua kartu diberikan masing- masing kelompok mendapat 10 kartu. • Teacher starts the lesson by greeting the students. Hello, students How are you? Would you like to play a game? Wait for the students to respond. • Teacher plays a game. Teacher divides the class in two teams and asks one student from each team to come forward. Let’s start the game. Have you given your team a name? Good One student from each team will come forward. • Teacher gives a prompt. Each prompt consists of a suggestion or offer. The students have to suggest or offer based on the prompt. The teacher gives 40 second to answer. The best one gets 10 points. The game continues till the prompts inish 10 prompts per team 9 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 01 I will give a prompt, you have 40 seconds to answer. Your time starts now. Teacher can make prompts on her own before the class or ask the teams to make them. Example of a prompt: Watching movie How would you suggest? Help clean the house How would you offer? 10 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 01

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