10’ 150’ Kelas XI Bahasa Inggris BG


A. 10’

B. 150’

Kegiatan Pembuka Opening • Guru membuka pelajaran dengan menyapa siswa dan melakukan ice-breaking untuk mencairkan suasana dengan permainan tongue twister. Kegiatan Inti Main Activity Let’s CreateContribute • Pada kegiatan ini siswa harus membuat sebuah proyek yang kemudian akan mereka presentasikan di kelas. Mereka akan bekerja secara kelompok. • Siswa memilih salah satu dari kegiatan berikut: 1. Menulis pidato eksposisi analitis untuk mendukung upaya pelestarian hewan langka di Indonesia, dalam bentuk sebuah poster. • Teacher greets the students and opens the class by a quick game name a tongue twister game. Hello, Class How are you today? Let’s try some tongue twisters. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? Red Roller Yellow Roller. It was fun • In this activity, The students have to create a project which they will share with the class. They will do the project in groups. • The students can choose one of the activities provided in “Let’s Create Contribute” section. Teacher can use the students’ work to create a mini exhibition in the school during a report day. It is time to create. You can choose one the activities provided in the Let’s Create and Contribute section. Please open your 80 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 04 2. Membuat ilm atau pamlet untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang bahaya rokok dan narkoba • Guru memberi waktu satu minggu untuk menyelesaikan proyek tersebut. • Pada pertemuan berikutnya siswa diminta memajang dan mempresentasikan hasil karyanya. Setiap kelompok diberi waktu 10 menit. book and go to Create Contribute section. 1. You have to write an analytical exposition speech to support the conservation of wild life in Indonesia. To support your text, you have to draw posters to depict the plight of animals that are killed or captured by poachers. 2. You have to create a movie or pamphlet to educate people on drug abuse and cigarette smoking. Pamphlet is like a brochure with information and pictures. You have to put lots of pictures with the text. • Teacher gives one week to inish the project. The students will display and present their project to others in the next meeting. Every group has 10 minutes to present. You have 1 week to inish the project. Once you have inished it, we can have presentations and showcases to other classes as well. 81 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 04

C. 20’