20’ Kelas XI Bahasa Inggris BG

105 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 06

B. 20’

All responses should be written on board. Today, we are going to start a new chapter. This chapter is about cause and effect relationship. Please open your books and go to Chapter 6. Kegiatan Inti Main Activity Reading Activities • Guru memulai pelajaran dengan meminta siswa membaca sebuah percakapan yang ada di buku teks Bab 6. • Setelah selesai membaca, guru mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan seputar isi percakapan. Selanjutnya, guru mengarahkan diskusi untuk membahas cause dan effect. • Teacher can start the lesson by asking the students to read the short conversation given in Chapter 6. Class, pair up and read the conversation between Ray and Jane. Have you done? Good • Teacher can have a short discussion with students about smoking and its effects. Teacher can use the questions provided in the book. Who can tell me what the conversation is about? Yes, that is right. It is about smoking. What is your opinion? Do you agree? Does this conversation show us the effects of smoking? In order the effects to take place, there are causes. Right Yes 106 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 06 30’ No Good. Let’s go to the Building Blocks and take a closer look at cause and effect. Who can tell me what is cause and effect? Teacher should write all the repsonses on the board . It is important as it provides opportunity for students to look at their answers and answers of their friends. Building Blocks • Berdasarkan teks percakapan yang telah dibaca, guru menjelaskan deinisi, kata-kata penanda, struktur kalimat dan contoh-contoh ekspresi untuk mengungkapkan cause dan effect. • Teacher can build on from the conversation and move on to the Building Blocks section to explain the deinition, signal words, sentence structures and examples of cause and and ‘effect’ expressions. When we want to know what happened, it is called effect. When we want to know the reason why it happened, it is called ‘cause’. Whatever happens, there is always a cause and effect. Who can tell me what happens when someone smokes? Teacher writes down all the responses on the board and then divides them into causes and effects. Let’s take a look at the sentence structure. Easy, isn’t it? 107 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 06 25’