10’ 5’ 70’ Kelas XI Bahasa Inggris BG

96 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 05

C. 10’

membuat perencanaan kegiatan proyek yang telah dipilih. Mengatur pembagian tugas dan membuat daftar bahan- bahan yang diperlukan. Read the activities given. Are you done? Did you understand what to do? You can work on one of the activities with a partner. Please choose your partner, done. Good. Please choose the activity and then create a plan. You will execute your plan next week. Prepare everything you need based on your plan. Kegiatan Penutup Closing • Guru mengulas kembali apa yang sudah dikerjakan selama awal pembelajaran hingga akhir pembelajaran dan menutup pelajaran dengan doa. • Teacher reviews the lesson by asking some questions about what the students have done so far and then closes the lesson by praying. Class, how was the letter writing? I will give a feedback on your work. Please come and see me tomorrow and take your work. See you Take care Bye 97 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 05 KEGIATAN PEMBELAJARAN SEMESTER II Pertemuan ke-4 2 × 45 menit PROSEDUR INSTRUKSICATATAN WAKTU

A. 5’

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Kegiatan Pembuka Opening • Guru membuka pelajaran dengan menyapa siswa dan meminta salah satu dari mereka untuk memimpin doa. Kemudian guru menerangkan tentang kegiatan yang akan dilakukan. Kegiatan Inti Main Activity Let’s CreateContribute • Guru mengecek perencanaan yang telah siswa buat untuk membuat proyek yang telah direncanakan pada pertemuan sebelumnya. • Siswa diminta melaksanakan rencana yang sudah mereka buat. • Guru berkeliling kelas dan memberikan feedback terhadap kerja siswa. • Teacher greets the students and asks one of them to lead the prayer. After that, the teacher will explain what they will do . Good morning everyone How is everyone doing today? Today, we will start our work on projects. Are you ready? Let’s start. • Teacher has to check the students’plan and give feedback. • After receiving the feedback, students can start working on the project they have chosen. • Teacher should go around the class and give feedback to students. I will take a look at your plan, while you prepare the material you need for the project. Good job, Excellent plan Everybody start on your project, the best one will be put on the display. 98 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 05

C. 15’