10’ 55’ Kelas XI Bahasa Inggris BG


A. 10’

Kegiatan Pembuka Opening • Guru menyapa kelas dan membuka kelas dengan sebuah game atau diskusi sesuai dengan kreativitas guru. Guru dapat mengajukan sebuah pertanyaan dan meminta siswa memikirkan dan menuliskan pendapatnya di buku catatan, yang akan digunakan pada saat diskusi. • Guru dapat menggunakan contoh- contoh pertanyaan yang diberikan. • Teacher greets the students and starts the class with a game or discussion. This is totally based on the discretion of the teacher. The teacher can pose a question to the students and ask them to think about it and then have a discussion on it. It is a good entry point for analytical or critical thinking questions. Good morning, Class How is everyone today? That is good I have a question for you. Think about it, write down your thoughts in the notebook so that you can use them later for our discussion. • Teacher can use this question or any other questions. Do you think global warming will bring the next ice age? If it does, how will it affect us? Discuss That was an excellent and thought provoking discussion. Well done, everyone Thank you 72 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 04

B. 55’

Kegiatan Inti Main Activity Building Blocks • Di bagian ini guru akan fokus pada jenis- jenis, format, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks eksposisi analitis dan cara membuat teks tersebut. • Guru mengarahkan pemikiran siswa dengan mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan pemandu. • Kemudian guru menjelaskan lebih jauh tentang struktur organisasi teks eksposisi analitis, ciri- ciri kebahasaan, dan fungsi sosialnya, sesuai informasi yang ada di buku teks. • In this section teacher will focus on the kinds, format, language features of an analytical exposition text. Teacher can explain all the features provided in the text book. Last meeting we read an analytical exposition text. You saw the way it is written. Today, we are going to learn what is analytical exposition text it. How do we write an analytical exposition text? What do you think an analytical exposition text is? Teacher should elicit the students’ responses from the students and write all the responses on the board. Whenever we try to persuade someone to agree with us or we want to change someone’s opinion, we are using an exposition. It focuses on one sided argument. Can you tell me why? Yes, that is right. The reason is that we want other people to see our perspective and agree with us. 73 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 04 25’ Let’s see what your book says about exposition texts.Please open you book, go to the Building Blocks section of Chapter 4. Let’s look at the deinition and format. • Teacher can use the information provided in the Building Blocks section to explain analytical exposition texts. Let’s Practice • Siswa berlatih menentukan suatu teks eksposisi dari beberapa teks yang diberikan dengan cara memberi highlight pada teks tersebut. Kemudian siswa memberi judul yang cocok untuk teks eksposisi tersebut. • Teacher asks the students to practice. Is the analytical exposition text clear? Good Let’s take a look at the example given and after that we will practice writing an analytical expoisiton text. Let’s try our best to write one. Please go to the Let’s Practice section. The topic given is excesssive TV watching. The main statement has been given. All you have to do is write arguments and conclude. Are you ready to try? Very well Let’s start then You can work on them individually. Have you inished writing? Yes No 74 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 04

C. 5’