20’ 60’ Kelas XI Bahasa Inggris BG


A. 20’

Kegiatan Pembuka Opening • Guru membuka pelajaran dengan menyapa siswa. • Guru melakukan ice-breaking untuk mencairkan suasana, dengan sebuah permainan yang disebut fast fact game. • Siswa diminta membentuk kelompok. • Guru menyampaikan sebuah pernyataan, lalu siswa diminta menentukan apakah itu fakta yang berkaitan dengan undangan resmi atau bukan guru sudah menyiapkan pernyataan- pernyataannya sebelum permainan. • Teacher greets the students. Hello, class How are you doing today? Teacher should respond to the student answers. • Teacher can play a game to start the class on a happy and energetic tone. Teacher can play the game given below or an other game. This game requires the teacher to create facts and non facts about formal invitations. Today, we are going to play a game called fast facts. Please arrange yourself into groups. I am going to say a statement and you have to conirm whether it is a fact or not about formal inivitations. Are we ready? The irst one to raise a hand from any group wins. Are we ready? Let’s set and go Good job Let’s give a round of applause to the winners. 57 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 03

B. 60’

Kegiatan Inti Main Activity Writing Connection • Kegiatan menulis akan mengasah keterampilan berbahasa siswa. Kali ini, siswa akan menulis sebuah undangan resmi berdasarkan pengetahuan yang telah dipelajarinya. • Siswa diminta menulis sebuah undangan pernikahan kakak laki- lakinya. • Guru memberi kesempatan bertanya jika ada siswa yang mengalami kesulitan. • The writing section is to help polish the students’ skills. In this section the students will write a formal invitation using the knowledge they have acquired from the Building Blocks Section. Teacher will ask the students to write a wedding invitation. Now you are an amateur expert on writing a formal invitation. It is time to put that expertise into action. Assume your brother is getting married and you are assigned to write the invitation. Please open your book, go to the Writing Connection section of Chapter 3. Are you there? Good Let’s read the question together and then start writing. Is the question clear? All of you know what you have to do? Good Let’s start then. • Teacher asks the students to consult her him if they have any dificulties. Please write the invitation and if you have questions, come and consult me. 58 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 03

C. 10’