15’ 15’ Kelas XI Bahasa Inggris BG


A. 15’

Kegiatan Pembuka Opening • Guru membuka pelajaran dengan menyapa siswa, menanyakan kabar, dan lain-lain. • Guru menyampaikan bahwa fokus pembahasan pertemuan kali ini berupa percakapan tentang makna lagu. • Guru membuka pelajaran dengan meminta siswa bernyanyi, membaca puisi, atau melakukan permainan terkait dengan lagu. Misalnya guru menyanyikan sebagian lirik lagu dan siswa diminta menebak judul lagu tersebut. • Teacher greets the students and asks them to pray before starting. Good morning, class. How are you doing today? Let’s pray before we start our activities. • Teacher explains that the focus of this meeting is active conversations about songs. • Teacher can start the class by asking the students to sing a song, recite a poem or play a game of which song it is. Teacher will sing some lyrics and the students have to guess the tittle of the songs. Let’s play a song game. I will sing some lyrics from a song and you tell me what song it is. Excellent Good job Let’s try one more. 128 Buku Guru Kelas XI SMAMASMKMAK Chapter 07

B. 15’

50’ Kegiatan Inti Main Activity Building Blocks • Guru menjelaskan cara memahami makna sebuah lagu. Active Conversation • Siswa diminta untuk bekerja secara berkelompok. tiap-tiap kelompok menyusun percakapan tentang lagupuisi kesukaan masing-masing, penyanyipenyair puisi kesukaan, dan beberapa pertanyaan seperti yang diberikan di buku teks. • Setiap kelompok mempresentasikan hasil diskusinya di depan kelas. • Teacher should focus on explaining how to ind out the meaning of a song. Please open your books and go to the Building Blocks section of Chapter 7. In this section, there are certain steps by which we can understand the meaning of a song. Are the steps clear? Yes. Good • Teacher asks the students to discuss each other’s favourite songs, poems, singers, and poets. Let’s move on to the Active Conversation section. I think you are going to love this activity. In groups of 5, you have to discuss each other’s favourite songs, poems singers and poets. You can use the questions given in the book. What do you think of this activity? Wonderful, isn’t it? Let’s start .... 129 BAHASA INGGRIS Chapter 07

C. 10’